Hope & Wellness 's Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Welcome to The Hope and Wellness Show, an interactive format to engage, educate and inspire with lifestyle info so you can maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit at home and at work. Connect with scientists, healthcare practitioners, chefs, activists, entrepreneurs, and fitness professionals, to name a few, as they provide up to date health and wellness information. and answer your questions on-air. Inspirational guests also join us to share their stories of their personal journey back to health and hopefully inspire you to embrace the small changes needed to live the best you!


  • 56 - Suicide Prevention, Crisis De-escalation and Community Safety

    10/07/2016 Duration: 3494h00s

    Former California Patrol Officer Kevin Briggs has helped save the lives of over 200 people contemplating suicide during his career as a law enforcement officer. How? By listening and showing respect to individuals who had made the decision to "go over the rails " of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. We discuss suicide prevention , community policing and best practices for deescslating crisis situations on today's show .

  • 55 - Summer, Summer, Summertime-Beating the Heat and the Bugs, Safely

    03/07/2016 Duration: 3189h00s

    Sun safety is for everyone! From sunscreen to staying cool in the shade, we discuss how to protect your skin and eyes from the glorious sun. And as the temperature rises, beating the heat and staying cool is important for the young ,elderly, and everyone in between. And if that wasn't enough, ,preventing mosquito bites is critical this summer as the Zika virus spreads globally. Think you know everything about Zika? Listen in to learn how to keep your family safe from this mosquito born virus.

  • 54 - Women's Health and the Role of Acupuncture

    26/06/2016 Duration: 3610h00s

    Elizabeth Fellowes, acupuncturist and owner of Center Point Healing in College Park, Md,, discusses the role of acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine in the management of infertility, fibroids, menopause and dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain). Many of the patients at Center Point Healing seek out acupuncture on the basis of referrals from friends, family and coworkers, instead of waiting for a referral from their allopathic physician. As more and more allopathic physicians learn about the benefits of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture, this complementary medicine will become part of a integrated health care team that draws from the experiences of health care practitioners from across the globe.

  • 53 - Respiratory Therapy To the Rescue! Asthma, COPD and You.

    19/06/2016 Duration: 3283h00s

    Our guest ,Aaron Smith,RRT, MBA, is a registered respiratory therapist and clinical manager in Prince Georges County , Maryland. As a healthcare practitioner, Mr. Smith not only cares for patients with asthma, respiratory failure and cardiac failure, he also leads an education team that helps outpatients and physicians develop and understand their Asthma Action Plans-a management plan developed by physicians to help patients and caregivers manage asthma. We discuss the challenges of caring for a child with asthma , smoking cessation and COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

  • 52 - Mediation, Facilitation and Restorative Justice- Strengthening Communities Peace by Peace

    12/06/2016 Duration: 3795h00s

    In the US, hatred and interpersonal conflict continue to fuel violent confrontations that result in injury and , in too many cases, the loss of life. Mr. Christopher Page, the executive director of the Conflict Resolution Center of Montgomery County (CRCMC) , discusses the use of mediation to foster peace, resolve ongoing conflict and prevent community violence in a variety of settings and situations. Reentry, senior, governmental, parenting plans, and even homeowner mediation services , are just some of the services available to help Montgomery County residents resolve disputes. Restorative justice circles bring victims and offenders together to rehabilitate ,and resolve conflict. Dialogue circles help police officers and community members, communicate, collaborate and build respect. Listen in to learn how to access mediation services in your community.

  • 51 - Celebrating Greatness-Muhammad Ali and Prince Rogers Nelson

    05/06/2016 Duration: 3418h00s

    We discuss the legacy and lives of two great men gone too soon: Prince Rogers Nelson .and Muhammad Ali. Both men , with larger than life personalities, shared their talents, gifts and greatness with the world. Muhammad Ali, three time world heavyweight boxing champion, philanthropist and humanitarian, was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's Disease over 30 years ago at the age of 42 ;he died from septic shock after brief hospital admission for a respiratory illness. Prince , singer, songwriter ,musical genius and ,philanthropist, died from an accidental overdose from the powerful synthetic opioid analgesic, Fentanyl. We discuss the lives of these men and the millions of other people, living with Parkinson's Disease and opioid addiction.

  • 50 - Health and Wellness for Family Pets at The Big Bad Woof

    29/05/2016 Duration: 3651h00s

    Pennye Jones-Napier and Julie Paez are the founders and owners of the Big Bad Woof, the pet store that supplies the essentials for the socially conscious pet and their pet owners. The store offers a variety of pet food choices that address and help prevent the increasing prevalence of obesity and diabetes in dogs and cats. Both owners also provide their customers with a wealth of information on choosing and providing the best care for cats, dogs and small animals. We discuss the latest in pet dog food trends, kangaroo and alligator, and how to pick the right animal for your family and lifestyle. Where can you find healthy animals, not at puppy mills, in need of loving homes? Listen in for the answer to this and many more questions about pets.

  • 49 - Mise En Place With Chef Jerome Grant

    23/05/2016 Duration: 3880h00s

    Chef Jerome Grant is currently the executive chef of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History. During our interview, he was the executive chef of Mitsitam Cafe in the National Museum of the American Indian. Chef Grant's road to the Mitsitam Cafe began in Maryland, with stops in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma and St. Croix, and the influence of Jamaican , Native American and French cuisines. At Mitsitam Cafe, Chef Grant sources ingredients such as wild rice, chocolate, bison and wild elk to feed over 500,000 museum visitors authentic Native American dishes, and, just as importantly, support Native American tribes and small business owners. Whether preparing spiny lobster in St. Croix or bison, the national mammal of the US, in Washington, DC , Chef Grant understands food as the cultural heritage that both distinguishes and connects all of us .

  • 48 - Transforming Sour Lemons Into Sweet Lemonade: How "Bout That For A Crack Baby

    15/05/2016 Duration: 3823h00s

    Guest Shawn Blanchard is an author, mentor, mathematician and the former DIrector of Youth Services for the city of Detroit. His current book," How "Bout That For A Crack Baby: Keys to Mentorship and Success", highlights not only his personal story of overcoming family adversity at a young age, but the benefit of the consistent care and high expectations he received from his high school counselor. His practical approach, experiences and tips on the power of mentoring are lessons that will benefit parents, mentors and educators.Working in inner city schools in Detroit and New York, Mr Blanchard has guided young boys at risk for becoming high school dropouts, towards college application and acceptance with four year university scholarships.

  • 47 - Girl Trek- Transforming Women and Communities, One Step at at TIme

    01/05/2016 Duration: 3747h00s

    Girl Trek is a nonprofit organization that promotes health, healing and community activism- all through walking. Girl Trek ,rooted in the history of the civil rights movement and the steps of freedom fighter Harriet Tubman, is a celebration of the power of walking to transform women ,families and communities. Each week, in cities across the US, Girl Trek members meet and walk together in neighborhoods, parks and on trails. In the month of May, the Girl Trek #Mamathon challenges women to walk 52.4 miles, in honor of mothers who always go above and beyond . Our guest, Ebony Andrews,MPH, is the Director of Sports Initiatives,and Manager of Digital Communications for the President's Council on Fitness,Sports, and Nutrition. A fitness enthusiast and former high school track and field athlete, Ms. Andrews is also the CIty Captain of Girl Trek in the Washington, DC, Virginia and Maryland region. Ms. Andrews discusses the history and health revival of the Girl Trek movement ,and members.

  • 46 - What Does Hunger Look Like in America? America.

    24/04/2016 Duration: 3696h00s

    Food insecurity and hardship remain at all time highs in Washington, DC and Maryland. In DC alone, one in seven families struggle with food insecurity. DC Hunger Solutions, and Maryland Hunger Solutions, advocate, educate and provide assistance to families struggling with hunger , food insecurity and food hardship. . Beginning in 2016 in Maryland,, over 50,000 people will lose their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program( food assistance) benefits due to a rule enacted with the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. We speak with Dr. Beverly Wheeler, director of DC Hunger Solutions, Ms. Lauren Badger , Anti-Hunger Program Associate DC Hunger Solutions, and Mr. Michael Wilson , director of Maryland Hunger Solutions, about the policies, practices and services needed to feed far too many Americans.

  • 45 - HIV and AIDS- Risk Factors, Prevention and Continuum of Care

    17/04/2016 Duration: 3506h00s

    The staff and experts from Heart to Hand, Inc, join us to discuss HIV/ AIDS prevention and care. As the only nonprofit dedicated to HIV/AIDS awareness and care in Prince Georges County,Md., Heart to Hand, Inc., helps their clients address all aspects of HIV/ AIDS treatment with a variety of services- from screening to ensuring client compliance with medical care. Dr.Theo Hodges, a infectious disease specialist, and Rev, Dustin Baker-Holley, a nonmedical case manager currently on PrEP medication, share their clinical experiences with the little blue pill, Truvada, that prevents HIV conversion in up to 92% of patients at risk for contracting HIV. Ms. Sharon Coker, community health outreach manager , and Mr. Leslie Demus, community health worker for Heart to Hands, Inc., also discuss the risk factors for HIV, and the increasing number of older patients newly diagnosed with HIV.

  • 44 - Earthseed Yoga- Rooting Yoga in Boston Communities

    10/04/2016 Duration: 3667h00s

    Kendra Graves is the founder of Earthseed Yoga, a mobile yoga collective that offers yoga classes in a variety of community spaces. In libraries and community housing rooms across Boston, Ma, Earthseed Yoga introduces the physical, mental and spiritual discipline of yoga to an diverse audience and watches as participants build community, self confidence, self-awareness and address, in some instances, past trauma. Men , women and children from a variety of backgrounds are now embracing yoga while building muscle and burning calories at the same time.

  • 43 - Navigating Your Way Back to Health -One Patient's Perspective

    03/04/2016 Duration: 3198h00s

    Our guest, Karen Roberts, shares her experiences of navigating the healthcare maze during a recent hospitalization. Should a physician inform a patient of all of their diagnoses? And what is the role of healthcare professionals in developing empowered patients that effectively advocate for themselves? We discuss the concept of "shared responsibility" - patient and healthcare professionals working together for the optimal management, and better health outcomes for such preventable chronic health conditions as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.

  • 42 - All Politics is Local- Politics in Maryland, Annapolis and Prince Georges County

    27/03/2016 Duration: 3511h00s

    Maryland Delegate James "Jimmy" Tarlau has been a student activist, community organizer and now , represents District 47A of Prince Georges County in the Maryland House of Delegates. After working for the Communications Workers of America , and on the Mount Rainier, Md. city council , Mr. Tarlau joined the Maryland House of Delegates to address economic and social disparities in Maryland. Today ,we discuss domestic violence, criminal justice reform , student loan debt and the 2016 presidential election cycle.

  • 41 - Life Pieces to Masterpieces-Transforming Boys to Men Through Artistic Expression

    20/03/2016 Duration: 3607h00s

    Our guest today, Mr. Selvon Waldron , executive director of Life Pieces to Masterpieces,is the recipient of the Pioneer Award created by Amtrak and the Washington Wizards, to honor the outstanding contributions of Washington, DC leaders. Housed in the Dr. Charles E Drew elementary school in Ward 7 , LIfe Pieces to Masterpieces' signature and holistic programming incorporates art and creativity to help children and young adults develop socially, emotionally and academically. Recruiting students from Wards 7 and 8 primarily, Life Pieces to Masterpieces transforms students,from 3-25 years of age into global citizens that embrace, and understand the concept of shared humanity. Mr. Waldron shares the history, profound impact ,unique curriculum and vision of this local organization with a global reach that extends to such faraway places as Northern Ireland, and Afghanistan.

  • 40 - Overnight Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Tics, Strep Infections and Children

    13/03/2016 Duration: 3631h00s

    Dr. Susan Swedo, Chief Pediatrics & Developmental Neuroscience Branch at the National Institute of Mental Health, discusses a pediatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections( think strep throat) that causes abrupt changes in behaviour , sleep patterns ,and even causes bedwetting in older children. The disorder, Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus (P.A.N.D.A.S) was first identified in the 1980's ,however awareness of the disorder among some pediatricians, parents , teachers and school administrators continues to lag; some children were seen by more than ten different pediatricians before the correct diagnosis and therapy were provided. Listen in as we discuss the diagnosis, risk factors, and treatment of P.A.N.D.A.S., and other childhood infections with neurological complications

  • 39 - Connecting the Droplets of Water and Health: The Flint Water Crisis

    06/03/2016 Duration: 3552h00s

    Until now, many of us have taken for granted the chemistry behind supplying potable water to public and private properties.The relentless voices of concerned citizens like Lee Ann Walters of Flint,Michigan, pediatrician Dr Mona Hanna-Attisha, and regulation manager Miguel del Toral of the EPA, placed the Flint water crisis under the national spotlight and microscope. Chemist Dr Julius Green discusses the chemistry, chemicals and complexities of maintaining water safe for human consumption and health.

  • 38 - What Recipe? Creativity in the Kitchen with Fresh and Local Vegetables and Herbs.

    28/02/2016 Duration: 3426h00s

    Chef Phillip Thompson, born and raised in England, is an executive chef in Washington,DC that is fluent in global cuisines. Enjoying the taste of vegetables and herbs fresh from his father's and grandfather's garden, Chef Phillip , like many other English children, lived the "farm to table" and "slow food" life before they became modern cliches.Traveling the globe and now all all regions of the US , Chef Phillip Thompson studied and learned culinary practices and traditions that center on locally sourced and fresh herbs, produce, seafood and more. We discuss marinades and stocks and the challenging business and economic realities of the culinary profession.

  • 37 - Emergency Room Care Without the Hospital

    22/02/2016 Duration: 3938h00s

    Dr.Foyekemi Ikyaator is an experienced and board- certified emergency medicine physician and now the owner of a freestanding emergency room in Houston Texas. Dr. Ikyaator opened LIfesavers Emergency Room in a community in Northwest Houston to provide state of the art emergency care with shorter wait times and less crowding for her patients. We discuss the role and increasing numbers of freestanding emergency rooms in today's healthcare environment .

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