VSM Sermons



Sermons by Denny Hartford


  • The Talking Donkey


    This is an exposition of Numbers 22 and a few other Scriptures and it was the first sermon in our "Beasts of the Bible" series over at Faith Bible Church.

  • Philemon


    This is truly a provocative sermon, one in which Denny shows how powerful (and personal) is Paul’s appeal for Christian liberty. The ground covered goes from the sovereignty of God to the radical brotherhood of the Church to American history’s Fugitive Slave Act.

  • The Temptation of Christ


    Matthew 4: 1-11 There are several important elements of this sermon including the crucial difference between tempting and testing, the importance of knowing the devil’s schemes, how knowledge of and obedience to the Word of God brings success, and the marvelous dependability of God.

  • Serve God with a Willing Heart


    I Peter 5 - "Serve God with a Willing Heart." There are two themes emphasized in these passages. One is the importance of living in Christ-like humility with one another. And the second is how humility yields not a passive spirit but one that is bold and courageous in its resistance to evil. A paradox? Not really; check out Denny's sermon to see how it all fits.

  • Sharing the Sufferings of Christ


    I Peter 4:7-19 - "Sharing the Sufferings of Christ." There are specific commands given to believers which underscore the path of happiness and meaning in all of life’s tests. And there’s probably no tougher test than the suffering that comes into our lives. Peter speaks here of how that test can be passed with flying colors - and how passing that test yields the most glorious of eternal results.

  • Summing Up


    I Peter 3:8-17 - "Summing Up." This passage gives several practical exhortations for a victorious and harmonic life in the Christian community. And remember this just isn't advice - it's Holy Scripture! That makes these exhortations a matter of royal command. It's a passage often gone over too quickly but we think you'll really enjoy its relevance to your life.

  • Victorious Over Sin and Death


    I Peter 3:17- 4:6 - "Victorious Over Sin and Death." In this sermon, Denny Hartford tackles some of those passages deemed controversial by some - and tough to obey by many more! The fact is this marvelous text contains incomparable counsel on arming ourselves with Christ’s power - power to effectively enact Christ's purposes.

  • Marriage Management 101


    I Peter 3:1-7 - "Marriage Management 101." Marriage is under attack on many fronts in our age and with an unprecedented furor too. Peter spells out his version of "Marriage Management 101" in this passage - terrific and timeless truths for everyone to embrace.

  • Hey! This Building Is Alive!


    I Peter 2:4-10 - "Hey! This Building Is Alive!" If you’re into a "worm theology" that sees the Christian as only a miserable wretch, "just" a sinner saved by grace, you need to listen very closely to the correctives Peter teaches in this great passage.

  • The Conduct of the Royal Priesthood


    I Peter 2:11-25 - "The Conduct of the Royal Priesthood." Peter has been emphasizing the incredible position believers have been graciously given by God. They are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a chosen race, the people of God, living stones. Wonderful stuff! Then Peter returns to their applications of these positional truths.

  • Fervently Love One Another


    I Peter 1:22-2:3 - "Fervently Love One Another." Obedience to the truth is always a key Bible theme and it is intriguingly emphasized in this passage. And, as Peter constantly does, he ties in a lifestyle of obedience with the believer's secure position in Christ.

  • Futility vs. Faith


    I Peter 1:17-21 - "Futility vs. Faith." What does it mean that God shows no partiality? The broadness of God’s mercy is reflected in the wide-open parameters of His family - a family born of simple faith in what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Also in this sermon is an exploration of the immense costliness of Jesus’ sacrifice.

  • The Adventure of Holiness


    I Peter 1:10-16 - "The Adventure of Holiness." Issues under investigation in this sermon include the fascination of angels towards the developing mystery of salvation, the Old Testament presentation of the suffering Messiah, and a dramatic call to the adventure of following the Christ.

  • A Living Hope Because of a Sure Salvation


    I Peter 1:1-9 - "A Living Hope Because of a Sure Salvation." This sermon provides some important introductory remarks to this fascinating New Testament book as well as coverage of the first nine verses. These verses deal with the believers' "living hope," his imperishable inheritance, and, an often misunderstood concept, the three phases of salvation taught in the New Testament.

  • The Gerasene Demoniac


    Mark 5: 1-20 In this sermon, Denny explores the depths of depravity which men can experience, the damage demons can do, the knowledge demons possess, the authority of the Christ, the drama of conversion, and the responsibilities incumbent on the convert to Christianity.

  • The Stoning of Stephen


    Acts 7:54 - Acts 8:4 (Also Acts 6: 1-15) This covers a long section of Scripture but Denny highlights its relevance to world missions, to servant leadership, to abiding in the power of the Holy Spirit, the impact of martyrdom, the awesome response of Jesus, and more.

  • A King's Appeal


    Psalm 61 Denny gives here several interesting observations about the Psalm’s style as well as its religious content. Particularly noteworthy is the progression of intimacy as shown in four striking metaphors.

  • Companionship of Jesus


    Various passages Everyone is looking for love, for the intimacy of a stimulating, caring and trustworthy friend. This sermons looks at various Scriptures to see how only Jesus Christ can really handle that immense job.

  • Behold Your Mother


    John 19:25-30 This sermon covers just a brief text but the importance of its message is quite expansive: the service of just “being there,” Jesus’ loving obedience to the 5th Commandment, the new family of faith, the honoring of motherhood, and gratitude for our redemption won by Jesus through the cross.

  • The Good Samaritan


    Luke 10: 25-37 This sermon not only illuminates the need to honestly deal with sin and the responsibility to live as the good neighbor, it also gives counsel regarding evangelism techniques, hermeneutics and a dedication to pursue the Christian way of life.

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