VSM Sermons



Sermons by Denny Hartford


  • Nehemiah 4: 1-6


    As they rebuild the walls, Nehemiah and the other are mocked by their enemies. They prayed to ask God to intervene on their behalf.

  • Nehemiah 3 "Repairing the Walls"


    Chapter 3 gives a rich emphasis to the singularity of the task of repairing the walls but one accomplished by a striking diversity of workers.

  • Nehemiah 2: 11-20


    Nehemiah is in Jerusalem. He begins to set into motion God's plan for the rebuilding of the city.

  • Nehemiah 2: 1-10


    Nehemiah's next steps for a new start include prayer and study. And his actions bring about a big risk, a big reward, a big responsibility and a big reaction from Israel's enemies.

  • Nehemiah 1 Introduction


    The book of Nehemiah is a real life, historical account of a new start made under very tough conditions with enemies, a record of failures, threats from outside forces, corruption from within and more.

  • The Uniqueness & Superiority of Jesus as the High Priest


    In Hebrews 4:14 - 5:10, the writer expands on Jesus as a high priest, underscoring Jesus' unique priestly role, His sympathy for human frailties, the fullness of His mercy, and the completeness of Jesus' sacrifice for sin.

  • What's Needed for an Active Christianity?


    From his personal experience as the Director for nearly 30 years of Vital Signs Ministries, Denny shares those key virtues needed for effective Christian service in any and all Christian endeavors.

  • An Enlightening Prayer


    Paul teaches in Ephesians 1: 15-23 how to pray. He shows us that before we can become apostles we have to have a solid understanding of who we are in Jesus Christ.

  • Turning Sheep into Shepherds


    This is a passage that allows us to see more clearly the applications of last week's lesson, especially as it involves the transition of disciples into doers...sheep into shepherds.

  • Counting Sheep


    In this final sermon in the Beasts of the Bible series, we'll be looking at just some of the over 500 references in the Bible to sheep.

  • Psalm 61


    One of the places where King David finds protection and security is "...in the shelter of Thy wings."

  • Olly Olly Oxen Free


    The oxen trample all over the Old Testament. We will look at a few important things about these animals, among them the sanctity of human life, the importance of social obligations, the blessings of God that are bestowed to fit very specific geographical and cultural purposes, and the virtue God requires of us to be kind to animals.

  • Daniel, Darius and the Lions


    In Daniel 6, we see that Daniel doesn't back down from worshiping the One True God. And because of his faithfulness and the political jealousy of others, Daniel meets the lions.

  • Saved By Ravens


    The text today reveals a miracle, a wonderful testimony of God's care for His own, insights into the cost of discipleship and the nature of judgment, the priority of life over law, etc. The animal that shows up is the raven and the text is I Kings 17: 1-6.

  • Let the Dogs In


    The key to fully appreciating Jesus' exit from Israel and His response to the Syrophonecian woman concerns a proper understanding of dogs.

  • Beware of the Wolves


    We're shown through multiple Scriptures how the characteristics of wolves parallel or contrast with the ways of men.

  • Donkeys and Horses


    This is a biblical survey of these two species which will lead to reflections of two specific and very important moments in the life of Christ.

  • The Stampeding Swine


    Jesus had just amazed the disciples in an encounter with a wild sea. They now see His power (and mercy) in an encounter with wild men!

  • The Prodigal Prophet Meets the Great Fish


    Jonah found out that doing it his way instead of depending on God was a bad move.

  • The Blasphemers and the Bears.


    Another in the series of historical narratives set in Scripture where animals play an important role.

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