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Thank you for visiting. Over the coming weeks and months I will be making Podcasts on a variety of general interest subjects. I am currenetly working on a series of shows entitled 'Simple Guide for Good Dog Care'.I have a number of other shows in the pipeline including; selling on ebay, investing in real estate,golf, gardening, home schooling and many other subjects. All of my shows are written and produced by people who are experts in their particular field. Please visit regularly or why not subscribe to get regular updates.


  • Learn the Ropes in Discussion Groups and Forums

    02/08/2007 Duration: 03min

    eBay is a community. When you have a query about selling on eBay that is difficult to find an answer for anywhere else, it a good idea to go to ask about it at one of the many discussion groups or forums.

  • How to Write Winning Ad Copy for Your eBay Items

    02/08/2007 Duration: 02min

    When you are ready to write ad copy for your products you have to look at it from the buyer's point of view. A buyer who is looking for a certain product will type in the appropriate keyword to find it. If your ad copy consists of words like "Wow! Or "Look at this!" it will cause you to miss out on customers.

  • Creating A Bidding Frenzy On eBay

    01/08/2007 Duration: 03min

    There are a number of things that will help to create a bidding frenzy for the item you want to sell on eBay. In this podcast we will look at some of them.

  • Tips on Shipping Your products To Your Ebay Customers

    01/08/2007 Duration: 04min

    You may be selling many items on eBay or you may only be selling one or two. Whatever you are doing, shipping your goods is one of the most important parts of your eBay business. There are several aspects of shipping to consider. This we will do in this Podcast.

  • How to Run Your ebay Business In A Professional Way

    31/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    When you are running a business you must do so in a way that is professional, otherwise you won't last long in the business world. It's the same with an eBay business. in this Podcast we shall look at the issues surrounding running your eBay business in a professional way

  • How to Find Out What eBay Consumers Are Buying

    30/07/2007 Duration: 02min

    When you have decided to start up a business selling on eBay, one of the first things you will need to do is to find out what is a good product to sell. It's no use trying to sell a product that the eBay consumer is just not interested in...

  • Basic Veterinary Care For Your Dog


    How regularly should you take your dog to see the vet? What treatments are considered basic for the health and well-being of your dog? It does not take much to keep your dog healthy and happy. These and other questions are answered in this podcast

  • How To Groom Your Short haired Dog

    13/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    Although short haired dogs need less grooming attention than long haired dogs, regular grooming still helps in keeping their coat healthy. Your short haired dog will need to be groomed once a week. This will keep his coat free from dirt and dead hair and his fur will benefit from his skin’s oils that will be spread through his coat from regular grooming.

  • Tools and Tips for Grooming Long Haired Dogs

    13/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    If you have a long haired dog, looking after his coat will take constant care. You will need a variety of combs and brushes to keep his fur looking healthy. You can tell a dog whose coat is groomed regularly by its color. If the coat has a wooly look about it and the color is dull, the dog needs grooming urgently! Follow these tips to ensure your dog’s coat is shiny and full of intense color...

  • Caring for Your Dog’s Eyes

    13/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    Dogs don’t see quite the same as humans, but their eyes are susceptible to infections and problems and should be cared for diligently. Dogs have binocular vision with a field of about 150° from their nose. Dogs see much better in the dark than humans. Their eyes are protected by tears and three eyelids – upper, lower and the haw.

  • Taking Care Of Your Dog’s Teeth

    13/07/2007 Duration: 04min

    An adult dog has a set of forty-two teeth. These are arrayed with twenty teeth on the upper jaw and twenty-two on the lower jaw. Dogs’ teeth develop plaque and decay just like humans. Keeping their teeth clean and healthy is not an onerous task.

  • How to Take Care of Your Dog’s Nails

    13/07/2007 Duration: 04min

    Caring for your dog’s nails basically means keeping them trim. Not all dogs will need their nails trimmed as some breeds naturally wear down their nails but others will need regular cutting. Giving your dog a pedicure can be done by you or a professional. You will know if your dog’s nails need trimming if you can hear them clipping on the floor or pavement..

  • How to Stop Common Parasites from Bothering Your Dog

    12/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    here are a number of parasites that can affect the health of your dog. Some are easily treated; others, such as heartworm are difficult to treat and can be fatal for your dog. Parasites are internal and external and all have various characteristics.

  • Socializing Your Dog - Why it’s Essential?

    12/07/2007 Duration: 04min

    Dogs need to be able to interact with their environment, humans and other dogs in a non-threatening way. This can be done successfully if you socialize your dog from a very early age. Socializing your puppy can start as early as three weeks old.

  • How To teach Your Dog Basic Obedience

    12/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    We all want our dogs to behave as we’d like, so teaching them some obedience tricks is a good idea. The earlier you start training your dog, the better. If you want to reinforce good behavior and stop bad behavior in your pet there are a number of things you can do to help your dog become an obedient member of your family. For More information on carin for you dog visit our Website at

  • Nutrition and Feeding Tips For Your Dog

    12/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    There are so many variables when it comes to feeding your dog that it can become confusing as to what is best for your pet. Some people advocate only dried food, some say only freshly prepared, some say you have to supplement your dog’s diet with vitamins and minerals, so how do you know if you are feeding your dog correctly? A good indication is the health of your dog; how clear his eyes are, how shiny his coat is and how much energy he has

  • What to Expect From Your First Visit To The Veterinarian

    12/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    Now that you have a new dog, you’ll need to find a veterinarian for the dog’s health care. Choose your veterinarian carefully and schedule an appointment soon after you’ve brought your dog home. You will want good care for your pet so ask around for a good veterinary surgery in your neighborhood.

  • Basic Items You’ll Need to Care for Your Dog

    12/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    So you are going to get a dog. You need to prepare for the day you’ll be bringing your new family member home by buying a few items to make sure your dog is looked after correctly.

  • How Much Care Does a Dog Need?

    12/07/2007 Duration: 03min

    If you want your dog to live a long and happy life, there are certain things you should do to ensure he stays healthy. A dog does not need as much care as a small child or baby would, but it does need attention and regular care to keep it healthy. Some dogs need more care than others, but on the whole dogs are easy-going, loyal creatures that enjoy human company

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