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Thank you for visiting. Over the coming weeks and months I will be making Podcasts on a variety of general interest subjects. I am currenetly working on a series of shows entitled 'Simple Guide for Good Dog Care'.I have a number of other shows in the pipeline including; selling on ebay, investing in real estate,golf, gardening, home schooling and many other subjects. All of my shows are written and produced by people who are experts in their particular field. Please visit regularly or why not subscribe to get regular updates.


  • Should You Home School Delinquent Children?

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    The answer to this question can be considered from the viewpoint of - What is causing the child to exhibit delinquent behavior? In some cases the inappropriate behavior may be actually caused by the child's needs not being met in the public school system...

  • Project Ideas For Your Home Schooled Child

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    Projects will be one of the most important parts of your home-schooled child's education...

  • Physical Education Ideas for Home Schooled Children

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    One of the arguments against home schooling is that the children will not get enough exercise. Of course, if they saw how much extra time and energy these children had, they would have to change their minds. It has been proven that home schooled children can get through their lessons a great deal more quickly than if they were doing them at school. Frequently, their afternoons are free and they can go outside and run around to their hearts content. But what happens if you live in a high-rise or the garden is too small to allow for much running?

  • Music Program Ideas for Home Schooled Children

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    When your children are home schooled, they will have much more time and energy to put into additional important pursuits such as music. Many parents see this as one of the best results of their home schooling efforts...

  • Is Your Child a Good Candidate for Home-schooling?

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    Many parents wonder whether they should home-school and if so, are their child or children are good candidates for home schooling...

  • Is Home Schooling the Right Choice for Your Family?

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    To know if home schooling is the right choice for your family you must consider several pertinent points...

  • How To Re-integrate a Home Schooled Child into the School Environment

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    There may come a time in your home schooling process that you are unable to continue with home schooling. This could be for financial, health or some other reason. So you find it necessary to send your child into the public school system. You want your child to be able to adjust well to the environment, so here are a few hints to help them - and you - make the transition.

  • How to Organize for Home Schooling

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    How you will organize for home schooling depends a great deal on what sort of home schooling you decide to do...

  • How To Include Socializing into Your Home School Routine

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    Many people who disagree with the concept of home schooling believe that children who are home schooled will become socially deprived. In this podcast we discuss ways of preventing this from happening.

  • How To Find Lessons For Home Schooling

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    Now you have made the decision to home school, you will need to find the right kind of lessons for your child. Where do you find these lessons? In this podcast w will look at possible sources for finding them. Need more information? Go to

  • How to Create a Home School Schedule

    09/10/2007 Duration: 02min

    Once you decide to home school your child you will need to make a good schedule and stick to it. Children will benefit by consistency and a little discipline and need to know what is expected of them. It's no use making them work from 9 to 5 one day and then let them get away with no work at all the following day. In todays pocast ewill look at creating a home school schedule.

  • Some Art Program Ideas for Home Schooled Children

    11/09/2007 Duration: 03min

    Many parents believe that teaching there children some form of art is good for them and they are right. Why? Studies have shown that exposure to the arts at an early age enhances brain activity. Children also find it much easier to understand about different cultures, geography, and even math and science through visual art. In his progrm we look at some ideas for developing a art program for home school children

  • Providing Extracurricular Activities for Home Schooled Children

    11/09/2007 Duration: 49s

    Once you have made the decision to home school your children, you may want to look into extra- curricular activities to help round out their life experience and social skills. These activities could be anything from sports like swimming or a team sport, to drama, art, music or even games like chess. Your children will make many friends through joining after school clubs in their preferred choice of activity. Many of these activities are not necessarily school related, that is, your child won't have to be attending school to be able to join in. In this program we wil look at how to provide these activities.

  • Home Schooling - Are You Prepared?

    11/09/2007 Duration: 13s

    This is the first program in a new series called Successful Home Schooling. You might think that the children are the main ones to consider when thinking about home schooling, but that's not strictly true. The main burden and work of home schooling rests squarely on the shoulders of you, the parent. You are the one who will have to implement all the strategies and disciplines involved with the decision to home school and so if you fail, the futures of your children are at stake. To decide if you are prepared to home school your children you must ask yourself some pertinent questions

  • Why You Need a Good Feedback Score on eBay

    03/08/2007 Duration: 03min

    Selling on eBay is the same as selling anywhere else in one respect. That is, your customers want to know they can trust you. Buyer confidence is crucial to successful selling. If a buyer has no confidence in you as a seller, they will not buy. This is the last in our series how To Make Money On Ebay. For More Detailed Information Download our Audio book at:

  • Where to Find Drop Shippers and How to Avoid Scammers

    03/08/2007 Duration: 03min

    When you decide to sell products on eBay, you may need to source products, unless you make your own. One of the best sources of products are called Drop Shippers. These are companies who will sell products to you for the wholesale price, so that you can resell them at a profit. This episode talks about finding reputable dropshippers and avoiding scammers. Check out my new Audio book for even more information on selling on eBay.

  • What Sells Best on eBay?

    02/08/2007 Duration: 41s

    Some people just want to sell that disgusting vase from great-great aunt Emmeline that they have always hated, but if you are looking for a product to sell that will get you a little profit, it is a wise idea to find out what is likely to be the most successful seller on eBay.

  • At What Price Should You Start Your Bidding


    To decide what price you should start your bidding at, you'll need to do some research. Look at other similar items being sold on eBay to get an idea of the going price.

  • Tips For Selling Multiple Items on eBay

    02/08/2007 Duration: 03min

    If you are selling for profit, there may come a time when you have a number of identical items that you would like to offer. It would be most time consuming to have to list each one individually, so what can you do? Multiple listings are the answer.

  • Tips For Outsourcing Your eBay Business

    02/08/2007 Duration: 03min

    Once you have a good eBay business up and running you might find that it is taking up too much of your time, or something has changed and you are unable to continue, but don't wish to pack it up altogether. In this Podcast we give some tips about outsourcing your eBay business.

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