Military Network Radio



Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio to bring you dynamic interviews each week and fresh information of value to enhance and improve your outlook and actions as a member of the military or veteran community, their families and those who care about them. Everyone serves and together we make a difference.


  • MILITARY TEEN SUICIDE Risk & Prevention

    01/09/2015 Duration: 57min

    Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio: Judy Davis tells of her son, Geoffrey's struggle with addiction, emotional pain, depression and suicide attemps. She and Geoffrey now run Living Thru Crisis and sharing their story nationwide to help other military families. Military teens add another layer to their teenage years. Underneath the expected teen angst and efforts toward independence can lie dangerous signs of non-coping with the pressures of military life. Suppression of teen's needs may be expert; making it very difficult for a parent to discern. Learn warning signs, hope through education and communication and more. Jason McNamara is co-host today.

  • Balance & Dizziness Issues? New Diagnostic & Treatment Tool: BalanceBack

    25/08/2015 Duration: 57min

    Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio: You Don't Need to Live With It! Balance and dizziness issues lowers quality of life and can result from brain injury or vestibular (inner ear) dysfunction - and common in blast injuries and with aging. Too many service members and veterans "live with it" and aren't aware there is a tool to both diagnose -- and then treat the symptoms. Vision, feet/ankles/back, and vision all contribute to stable balance and falls are the greatest risk for all age groups. If you have these symptoms, ask your doctor if they have access to this tool (available at some VA's): Co-host Pam Eggleston.

  • Veteran Suicide is NOT Inevitable - Learn QPR and Save Lives

    18/08/2015 Duration: 58min

    Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio: The stats on veteran suicide and military family members are too high. YET, just as CPR helps others to recognize cardiac events, QPR can be readily learned to help prevent suicide. Guests Paul Quinnett and John Osborn, MD share Question/Persuade/Refer (QPR) as a proven way to recognize at-risk behaviors, open a dialogue, and offer a way for help. Overcome fears, Listen attentively, and Help save lives. Learn QPR at Make a Difference!

  • Acupuncture Gains Momentum & Peter Collier, Choosing Courage

    11/08/2015 Duration: 58min

    Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio: Acupuncture for chronic pain and PTSD is gaining ground and recognized for helping not only veterans, but their families. Kirk Moulton discusses the use of acupuncture and other healing modalities as a complementary therapy for veterans. Peter Collier, author of Choosing Courage, chronicles the extraordinary interviews held with heroes and the "contagion of courage". Sharing these stories keeps the concept of courage growing in our world today - which it sorely needs. "If not you, who? If not now, when?" ~Hillel

  • Street to Service to Hollywood & Women Vet Transition Thru Respect

    04/08/2015 Duration: 57min

    Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio: Jeff Powell (USN, ret) tells a powerful story of how he moved forward after the murder of his father to become a vetrepreneur and best-selling author with Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup series). He will be honored in Hollywood in September for his contribution to Soul of Success. Lawanda Hollison (USA, ret) left service as a COL, knowing she could assist women veterans as well as corporate clients. As a certified International Corporate Etiquette and Protocol expert, she helps others to best communicate and connect to smooth their military-to-civilian transition. Both Jeff and Lawanda exemplify civility and integrity to support their fellow veterans. Meet people where they are and walk in their shoes; give a listen now! Co-host Pamela Eggleston.

  • MiliSOURCE - Benefits ON Your Smartphone - DefenseMobile

    28/07/2015 Duration: 57min

    Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio: Not only is DefenseMobile a terrific mobile network availabe to all military and veteran families, it is host to a unique phone app called MiliSOURCE. This incredible app scans nearly 1,000 benefits databases from Federal, State, and NGO resources and builds a personalized benefits profile for you. Tools and calculators are built in. Do you receive all the benefits you've earned? This app is FREE to all, and gives an assist prior to connecting with a VSO. Currently, VFW & Legion are assisting, with more to come. Benefits in your hand, connectivity and great communication for military and veteran families - you need this!

  • BOOTS TO LOAFERS - Transition & Reality

    21/07/2015 Duration: 57min

    Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio. The reality of transitioning from the military into the civilian community is a journey, and it helps to have direct, no-nonsense guidance. John Phillips talks about his experience in leaving service, his positive employment experience at Coca-Cola, and provides concrete help in smoothing the way for his fellow military families. It's about communication, asking questions, observing/learning and being smart in your approach. Great advice from John and a terrific book for transitionng service members (and college students) in Boots to Loafers, available in paperback and audiobook.

  • REALLY??? A Balanced Life? It's a Journey...

    14/07/2015 Duration: 57min

    Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio. Healthy balance is rarely achieved overnight, as it's a journey to gain knowledge about nutrition, exercise, calm and shifting priorities for a happier, healthier life. Listen to Suzanna Manafort of Mindful Yoga Therapy share the science and experience of breathing and yoga to veterans and their families to complement therapies for PTSD and TBI, plus anxiety and sleep issues. Toni St. Clair is an amazing nutritionist and wellness educator trained to use nutrition to ease the symptoms of many conditions including adrenal depletion (stress anyone?), diabetes, PTS, anxiety, sleep, and endocrine issues. Food choices can make an enormous difference in quality of life. Combine the two dynamic women, and you'll feel inspired! Renew your wellness journey today - it's always a good time to start!

  • Courage & Chutzpah: Mighty Moms of Walter Reed

    30/06/2015 Duration: 57min

    Linda Kreter presents Military Network Radio. Meet Tammy Glenn-Karcher who met the man who tried to kill her son and murdered two others in Iraq. She is one of the 10 mothers featured in the remarkable book: Unbreakable Bonds: The Mighty Moms of Walter Reed. Both authors, Dava Guerin and Kevin Ferris share their commitment to these families and we learn a great deal about courage and chutzpah during the long healing journey of an injured service member and their parent caregiver. Justin Constantine joins Linda today.

  • POSITIVE Post-Traumatic Growth - Stronger Thru the Tough Times

    23/06/2015 Duration: 57min

    Learning to think flexibly, and to view failures as learning, falling down and getting back up, savoring the great moments and putting the negative ones in perspective leads to personal growth. Military families are remarkably resilient, and learn so much more from our guest, Louis Alloro - believe that you have the power to reach your definition of success through connection and seizing opportunities through adapting your perspective! Co-host Pam Eggleston joins Linda today.

  • PTSD - An Enemy of Sleep - Yoga2Sleep & Positive Peers Help

    16/06/2015 Duration: 57min

    Sleep deprivation is an unfortunate symptom of PTSD in veterans and those living with them. To help with this insidious enemy of restorative sleep, Pam Eggleston shares Yoga2Sleep, her program of yoga, body awareness and deep breathing to assist vets and their families with regaining solid sleep habits. Renee Ayres, caregiver to her veteran husband with PTSD and TBI talks of the power of positive communication, openness, and supportive peers and family in restoring quality of life as well as health and wellbeing. Co-host Justin Constantine adds his veteran perspective on the vital importance of positive purpose.


    09/06/2015 Duration: 57min

    While we primarily think of PTSD as a concern of veterans and first responders, it is also a concern among military spouses, teens, and children. Today we shine the light on PTSD in military families, teens and children and how to help parents recognize the warning signs and seek help. Judy Davis and Dr. Ingrid Yee share excellent experiences and recommendations to support open-door, non-judmental communication and resources to help families. Our military youth may internalize stressors and "adapt" to help the family; learn how to help your family and your community to seek and find support. Everyone serves, and together we make a difference! Cohost Jason McNamara joins today's program.

  • Squadleaders, Mentoring the Best Future for Vets

    02/06/2015 Duration: 54min

    Transitioning to the community after military service is strongly assisted by the structured but flexible peer networks and ancillary networks of co-founders, Jason McNamara and Ben Thompson, share their stories about this swiftly growing peer/mentor nationwide transition support network. Jaime Parent (USAF ret) of Rush Medical Center shares EN-Abled Vets, a partner org of Squadleaders, which trains and finds employment for vets in health IT. "Vets helping veterans transition. We've got your back, and your tomorrow..."

  • Strong Body/Strong Mind - Fitness for All

    26/05/2015 Duration: 57min

    Veterans may want to stay fit, but need new options after combat. Getting up and going takes guts -- but it's worth it at any level to feel strong, fit, and healthier again. Kirk Bauer of Disabled Sports, USA (DSUSA) talks of the power of fitness to gain independence and confidence, Danny Farrar of SoldierFit runs a bootcamp for at-risk veterans, and Mark Toorock and Adrienne Toumayan share Parkour, a practice of pushing beyond fear to take exercise to new levels. Fitness for all, and a continuum of choice! Jason McNamara is co-host today.

  • Veterans Success Resource Group

    19/05/2015 Duration: 57min

    Jason McNamara, founder of joins Linda today as co-host to discuss 360Vets with founders Justin Constantine and Scott Davidson. The value of collaborative networking for all aspects of the veteran experience is critical to smoother transition into the community. Craig Vandergoot of the NYU Military Family Clinic, a partner in the 360Vets Events discusses discreet behavioral health for families to assist in relationships and strong cohesion for returning veterans of all eras and their families. June 5th Event upcoming!

  • Who Is the Stranger in Our House? TBI, Oxygen & More

    12/05/2015 Duration: 57min

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has significant effects on a household; from relationship communication to seeking help beyond symptom management. Learn how Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and integrative nutrition and other additional/alternative therapies bring significant progress for TBI with measurable clarity and cognition, and most of all, hope!

  • PTSD is In My Office!

    05/05/2015 Duration: 57min

    Linda Kreter is joined by co-host Justin Constantine for a candid and realistic discussion about PTSD, veteran hiring, and employment success factors. We are joined by guest Harry Croft, MD of San Antonio, TX. Dr. Croft is a Board certified psychiatrist in adult psychiatry and addiction. He has evaluated over 7,000 combat veterans and speaks extensively to both medical communities and corporations about PTSD in the workplace. Hear a powerful show that will enlighten even the most knowledgable person. Together we make a difference!

  • Pressed and Stressed - Ways to De-Stress

    28/04/2015 Duration: 56min

    Linda Kreter is joined by co-host Pamela Stokes Eggleston today. Paul Bollinger, founder of Wounded Warrior Sailing shares Sail-Free Sundays, instruction, and Warrior Regatta sailing in Annapolis using specially-adapted boats for that rare family experience for recovering warriors and their families. ( and Ben King, Founder of Armor Down brings his yoga and mindfulness practices together for the 3rd annual Mindful Memorial Day 2015 at Arlington Cemetery, plus the Armor Down Smart Yoga Mat outreach program for vets. ( and

  • Why We Need More Veterans in Elected Office

    10/03/2015 Duration: 57min

    Linda Kreter and Military Network Radio presents: Why We Need More Veterans in Elected Office, and the importance of involving more vets in the voting process. Bob Carey, USN retired and Military and Veteran Director for the RNC, and Jennifer Korn, former minority and Hispanic advisor for the Bush '43 administration discuss mil/vet access to voting no matter location, and why with more veterans elected or involved in local politics that experienced veterans will shape smarter policy. Jason McNamara joins Linda today

  • EFT or Tapping for Fast Relief from Stress, PTS, Anxiety

    03/03/2015 Duration: 58min

    Military Network Radio and Linda Kreter presents: Tapping for Fast Relief from Stress, PTS, and Anxiety. Jondi Whitis, Master Trainer of EFT, or "tapping", shares how the combination of mindfulness with acupressure puts self-care in your hands. Done discreetly and for adults, teens, and children, management of stress and anxiety may be managed well. PTS affects many, and again, the empowerment of tapping can bring freedom to the individual. Jason McNamara joins Linda today.

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