Publish Position Profit With John Tighe



The business and marketing podcast for entrepreneurs with each show featuring an amazing expert or entrepreneur who is crushing it in business. Join me 3 days a week to hear their stories: the obstacles they overcame on their way to success, the lessons they learned on their journey and what motivates them to succeed now.Discover how they are using the incredible publishing opportunities now available to all of us to reach their target audience, build relationships, position themselves as leaders in their field and profit from doing something they love!


  • From Homeless to Making $10,000 a Month Online in 28 Days | Mark Anastasi | Episode 47

    24/12/2014 Duration: 51min

    How do you go from a standing start to making $10,000 a month online in just 28 days?More to the point, how would you do that if you were starting out homeless like my guest today did?How would you then go on to make £30,000 with your very first seminar with no overheads?And how would you step all this up to create a multi-million dollar online business empire?That’s what we’re going to talk about with today’s truly amazing guest Mark Anastasi.Mark Anastasi is a very successful Internet entrepreneur, but it wasn’t always that way. In 2004, he was a broke, unemployed, and homeless former security guard until, following a chance encounter at a seminar, he set up his first Internet business and went from zero to making $10,000 a month in just 28 days. Since then he’s founded the Inspired Marketing Group, which has organised many successful events such as The Traffic Generation Summit, The Millionaire Bootcamp for Women, and The Passive Income Summit, and he has trained over 16,000 entrepreneurs around the world

  • Building a 7 Figure Income Stream | Daryl Urbanski | Episode 46

    19/12/2014 Duration: 53min

    How do you build a 7 figure automated income stream from scratch?That’s what we’re going to talk about today with Daryl Urbanski – an entrepreneur and business coach who’s helped his clients generate millions of dollars in revenue and who has set himself the goal of creating 200 multi-millionaire entrepreneurs who will help change the world for the better.Daryl Urbanski went from broke to $3 million in revenue. And today he helps his clients make similar transformations in their own businesses – creating 7 figure automated income streams from scratch.The founder and president of he is a Canadian turned So Cal, where he’s quickly climbed the entrepreneurial ladder, gaining tremendous respect for his expertise from business owners around the world and in his adopted town of San Diego – and in case you didn’t know, the San Diego area is basically the “Silicon Valley” of Online Marketing so if you can make it there it means you’re the real deal!He is an author, speaker, marketer, coach and an

  • How to Make Thousands through Kindle Publishing | Matt Stone | Episode 45

    16/12/2014 Duration: 56min

    How do you make thousands of dollars a month through Kindle publishing?How do you build an email list of 16,000 prospects in a single day?And how on earth do you set up a promotion that gets 10 books all sitting within the top 22 slots on all of Amazon Kindle – all at the same time?!On today’s show you’ll discover all this and lot’s more from bestselling author and entrepreneur Matt Stone.Matt Stone is a #1 Amazon bestselling author of multiple books on diet and weight loss and the founder of 180DegreeHealth – a controversial website that has challenged the status quo on health with a combination of cutting-edge science, radical common sense, and gratuitous references to the 1980s! He is also the co-founder of Archangel Ink a publishing service for self-published authors and founder of Buck Books – a simple, but very successful website where people can grab discount Kindle books for less than a dollar.

  • How to Unlock the Power of Your Sub-Conscious Mind | Joshua Cartwright | Episode 44

    05/12/2014 Duration: 37min

    How do you unlock the power of your sub-conscious mind?How do you use your sub-conscious to effortlessly come up with creative solutions to any problems you may have – whether business or personal?And how do you gain the health and wellbeing benefits that come with being able to quieten down your conscious mind and properly relax?On this show you’ll discover the power and potential you already possess and the exact steps you need to follow to unlock it as we talk to human potential expert Joshua Cartwright.Joshua Cartwright is the author of 8 books including ‘The Millionaire Silence’ and ‘Free Your Mind’. He’s worked as a writer for a major magazine, as well as writing freelance, and has written over 130 articles on personal development.He has also spent over 20 years studying human potential and is trained in both Neurosemantics and NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming and he now runs his own coaching business.Joshua strongly believes that we are all inherently creative and that with the right training we can

  • Overcome Fear to Succeed in Life and Business | Jesse Elder | Episode 43

    01/12/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    How do you overcome fear so that you can take your life and your business to incredible new levels of success?Or to put it another way, how do achieve self-mastery so that you can, in turn, achieve your goals?And how did being in a real Fight Club – and I mean “hard core” ending up in hospital real – create a life changing epiphany for my guest?On this show you’re going to discover all this and more as we talk to an entrepreneur and coach who is as fascinating as he is successful – Jesse Elder.Jesse Elder is a martial arts, entrepreneurial and self-mastery rock star and I’m really looking forward to hearing what he has to say.His journey has taken him from real life Fight Club to owning a successful chain of martial arts schools, which he rapidly built up to multiple 7 figures, to coaching and mentoring entrepreneurs and helping them build businesses that work for them not the other way around.And what’s just as fascinating is the personal transformation that’s gone along with this that has allowed him to not

  • How to Get 1.8 Million Podcast Downloads a Month | Paul Blais | Episode 42

    24/11/2014 Duration: 55min

    How do you rapidly build a huge platform of potential clients?And how do you do it in a way that builds a real relationship with those prospects?Specifically, how do you build a successful show that gets over a million downloads every month – with each download helping to market and position you personally?On this show you’ll discover all this and more as we talk to elite podcaster Paul Blais.Paul is crushing it with podcasting. He is the host and founder or two shows – “The Potters Cast” and “Doubt the Doubts”.The Potters Cast has quickly established itself as the #1 listened to ceramic themed podcast in the world.Meanwhile, Doubt the Doubts targets an audience of entrepreneurs, wantrepreneurs and small business owners and is getting numbers that would make a lot of radio stations weep and wonder what it is they are doing wrong!I’ll save those numbers for the moment and let Paul tell you about them on the show.Suffice to say that he knows a thing or two about building a successful platform to reach your targ

  • Grow Your Business with Marketing, Mentoring and Mind Power | Ron Holland | Episode 41

    21/11/2014 Duration: 55min

    How do you position yourself so that you’re a leader in your market?How do you generate a constant stream of highly qualified leads?How do you raise money to grow your business – in other words, what makes you and your business attractive to investors?And how do you tap into the power of your own sub-conscious mind to take your business to the next level?On this show you’ll discover all this and more as we talk to someone with 40 years experience as an entrepreneur, business mentor and business investor – Ron Holland!Ron Holland has 40 years experience as a business mentor helping entrepreneurs.Ron is also a highly acclaimed speaker and business author with over 20 books published since 1977 during which time he’s had bestsellers through mail order, traditional bookstores and Kindle.Ron’s 1977 book “Debt Free with Financial Kung-Fu” has never been out of print and his 1981 book “Talk and Grow Rich” was the first book to introduce NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming – to the business world.Ron has raised millio

  • The Benefits of Masterminds and How to Set up Your Own | Dean Patino | Episode 40

    19/11/2014 Duration: 51min

    How do you start a new business or take an existing business to the next level fast?Specifically, how do you do it in just 30 days?And why is being part of the right mastermind group so critical to your business success?And how do you find – or set up – that mastermind group?On this show you’ll discover all this and more as we talk to business startup and mastermind expert Dean Patino!Dean Patino is someone who can help you start and grow an online business fast!He specializes in helping entrepreneurs take their ideas and quickly turn them into viable money making businesses in as little as 30 days.And he does this through his specialist business development company ‘Fire Starters’.Through the Fire Starters Company new entrepreneurs get advice from seasoned business experts so that they can fast track their results.Dean is also an expert at running mastermind groups online – which, BTW, is a great way to leverage your expertise and create a significant income stream – and it was actually through a mastermind

  • How Do You Charge Premium Prices? | Darren Monroe | Episode 39

    17/11/2014 Duration: 55min

    How do you charge premium prices?For example, how do you go from charging say a $100 or a $1,000 for your products or services to charging $10,000 and upwards?How do you eliminate your competition so you never have to compete on price again?In other words, how do you transform your business and charge what you’re truly worth?And how do you do it quickly?On this show you’ll discover all this and more as we talk to the premium pricing “guru” – Darren Monroe! Darren Monroe is an expert marketing consultant who helps business owners and entrepreneurs charge more for what they do... which means he can help you start charging more for what you do: so that you can get paid what you’re truly worth. Darren has worked with billion dollar companies like Universal, DreamWorks and Forbes. His clients include Nissan, Island Records, DefJam, Sony, and even the Barack Obama 2008 Campaign. And he has helped market some of the most famous people in the world including Stevie Wonder, 50 Cent, Eminem, Chris Rock, and Dave Chap

  • Grow Your Business with LinkedIn | Melonie Dodaro | Episode 38

    14/11/2014 Duration: 50min

    How do you use LinkedIn the right way to grow your business and increase profits?And how do you connect with key decision makers and successfully build relationships with them?These are important questions because most people are still getting them wrong.And that means they’re leaving a lot of money on the table.LinkedIn may well have more potential for growing your business than any other social network. Yet even today it remains under-utilized and misunderstood.And that’s great news, because it means it’s still a wide open business opportunity for you if you become one of the few people who know how to take advantage of it properly!And on this show you’ll discover exactly what you need to be doing to leverage LinkedIn as we speak to top LinkedIn expert and author of the #1 bestselling book ‘The LinkedIn Code’ – Melonie Dodaro.

  • Become a Published Business Author in 90 Days | Carl Gould | Episode 37

    12/11/2014 Duration: 50min

    How do you become the published author of a business book that will position you as a leading expert in your field so that you can win more clients, charge more for what you do and dramatically increase your profits?And how do you do it in just 90 days and build brand new additional income streams around it at the same time?And most importantly – how do you do it if you’re not a writer and don’t have the time to write a book?On this show you’ll discover exactly how you can do all of this as we talk to expert business coach Carl Gould.In fact you’ll be getting the exact step-by-step formula that Carl has used to help 17 business owners become published authors and publish 5 books of his own. There are few things that can transform your business as quickly and effectively as being a published author so let’s find out how to do it!

  • Network Your Way to the Top | John Corcoran | Episode 36

    10/11/2014 Duration: 51min

    How do you network your way to the top?How do you make the connections that will take your business to the next level?What’s the best way to increase your profits and get more and better clients through networking?And how do you network in a way that builds long-term relationships with the players in your industry so that you get to hang out with people who are at the top of their game and making big things happen... and become one of those people yourself?Whichever way you cut it, networking is an essential skill for entrepreneurs.On this show networking expert John Corcoran explains how you can do all of these things – and throws in a little free legal advice along the way!

  • Sell More with Great Sales Copy | Casey Demchak | Episode 35

    07/11/2014 Duration: 49min

    Casey Demchak is an author, a speaker and a recognized expert at writing highly effective marketing copy. In other words, he is someone who can help you grow your business and sell more of your product or service through great copywriting.Casey teaches people how to become great copywriters and that’s important. Great copywriting will help you build your brand, generate leads, persuade prospects, power your profits and propel your personal success.I’d like to read you one of Casey’s quotes: “There’s writing to please your English teacher, and then there’s writing to sell products and services – and they’re two completely different things.”And from personal experience, having worked as a proof-reader and having written academic papers on the one hand, both of which follow very precise rules, and having written sales copy on the other this is absolutely my experience!

  • Lessons from 2,500 of the world’s highest achievers | Corey Poirier | Episode 34

    05/11/2014 Duration: 54min

    Corey Poirier is an award winning speaker who has presented at TEDx and who has shared the stage with the likes of Deepak Chopra and General Rick Hillier. He is also the host of the Conversations with Passion radio show and has interviewed over 2,500 of the world’s high achievers including guests such as Jack Canfield, John Grey, Dr John Izzo and Chalene Johnson.He is also the international bestselling author of the book “Share Your Message with the World” and the CEO of a Seminar Company and a Media Company.In this show Corey explains how he is able to share his message with the world and how you can too.

  • Sell more through speaking | Dave Vanhoose | Episode 33

    03/11/2014 Duration: 50min

    Dave Vanhoose is known for his commitment to mental and physical excellence – a commitment that allowed him to play a key role in the 2003 Tampa Bay Storm Arena Bowl XVII World Championship season!Today he brings that same commitment to excellence to his business – sharing his message and teaching through speaking and seminars. He is the founder of and is a master sales trainer, motivator and mentor.His leadership and sales abilities took his first seminar based sales company, Foreclosures Daily, to number 35 on INC Magazine’s list of 500 Fastest Growing Companies. Within 3 years the company had over $30 million in revenue and was producing 50 to 100 seminar events per month!He has focused his business life on motivating world class people to achieve more than they ever thought possible and his accolades include winning “Speaker Trainer of the Year” in 2010, “America’s Trainer” in 2011, and “Platform Closer of the Year”.

  • Drive traffic to your website and grow your business fast with Pinterest | Cynthia Sanchez | Episode 32

    31/10/2014 Duration: 43min

    Pinterest now drives more traffic to websites that Twitter, LinkedIn and Reddit combined! ... and no, I had no idea Pinterest was such a powerful platform either until I interviewed Cynthia Sanchez for today’s show.Cynthia is the author of the “Oh So Pinteresting” blog and host of the “Oh So Pinteresting” podcast.As one of the world’s leading Pinterest experts she regularly gets asked to speak about using Pinterest to drive website traffic and to rapidly grow online business. In fact, Cynthia actually left her career as an oncology nurse to launch a highly successful business built around her passion for Pinterest and she now helps business owners and entrepreneurs to achieve the same kind of success with Pinterest that she’s had.

  • Running across America and into the record books! | Croix Sather | Episode 31

    29/10/2014 Duration: 58min

    Croix Sather has done some truly remarkable things – both in the entrepreneurial space and outside it. He’s run across America and he’s a World Record holder – and no, I’m not going to tell you what that’s for! There’s a whole story leading up to that World Record and I want you to hear it from the man himself... trust me, you’ll be seriously impressed!Croix is also an internationally celebrated author and inspirational speaker in the field of personal and business consulting and the psychology of success. He is a speaker for “Hope for the Warriors” and is a panel expert for Sunwarrior Superfood Nutrition. He has authored four books, hosted a radio show, and has appeared in hundreds of television, radio, and newspaper articles.In this show Croix shares some amazing lessons in both business and life from a true Champion who never quits!

  • Kate Erickson talks blogging, podcasting and a 6 figure a month business | Kate Erickson | Episode 30

    27/10/2014 Duration: 38min

    Kate Erickson is the content creator and community leader for the award winning podcast EntrepreneurOnFire. Kate writes the EntrepreneurOnFire blog and the now famous EntrepreneurOnFire monthly income reports – famous, by the way, because last month alone EntrepreneurOnFire brought in $241,000 and change!Kate also manages the two EntrepreneurOnFire communities – Podcasters’ Paradise and Fire Nation Elite. And since I’m a member of both those groups it’s through that work that I’ve got to know Kate over the last few months.Kate recently became the host of a brand new podcast of her own, which is already highly successful. That podcast is called Kate's Take: The EntrepreneurOnFire Audio Blog.So as you can see, she is eminently qualified to be talking to us about how to publish and how to get our message out to the world and I’m really looking forward to hearing what she has to say!

  • How to get 118,000 Twitter followers | Gary Loper | Episode 29

    24/10/2014 Duration: 48min

    Gary Loper is a Twitter expert with an amazing 118,000 Twitter followers! In this show Gary explains exactly what he’s done to achieve such crazy numbers and how he’s built an entire business around Twitter.Gary takes us step-by-step through his winning “4 x E Formula” that will let you rapidly grow your Twitter following so that you can get your message out and build your own business. He also explains what sort of tweets you should be sending out (there are several different types) and how often you should be sending them for best results.You’ll discover how you can get seen and heard by people who aren’t even following you. Plus, Gary gives you his take on the best tools for automating your tweets to save yourself a lot of time and how you can optimize your results with a combination of real time “interactive” tweets and pre-scheduled automated content tweets.Listen to Gary guide you on how to take your business to the next level with Twitter.

  • How to host and profit from online and offline events | Jessie Schwartzburg | Episode 28

    22/10/2014 Duration: 47min

    Discover how to host and profit from your own events - both online and offline, while positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your market at the same time! In this show I talk to event planning expert Jessie Schwartzburg.Jessie is a speaker and author consultant and founder of Jessie Schwartzburg Events – a full service event design, planning and production company that is an industry leader known for bringing unique ideas, creative concepts and flawless execution… and I’ve been to one of Jessie’s events and I can say that it was outstanding!Jessie has successfully produced every type of event from conferences, galas and product launches to film festivals, screenings and award ceremonies. She’s worked on events with headline names such as Donald Trump, Suze Orman, Magic Johnson, Al Gore and Tony Robbins that have had as many as 74,000 attendees.Of particularly relevance for us as entrepreneurs, Jessie has helped hundreds of amateur and professional speakers build their careers and she’s produced countless

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