Barcelona Software Crafters 2018

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 4:56:28
  • More information



Software Crafters Barcelona is a two day event which aims to attract and connect software development professionals, who feel passion for their work and share the values and principles of the Crafters movement. It aspires to be a meeting place that facilitates the magic of learning, teaching and collaboration, where participants create a gratifying and enriching experience. It doesn’t matter who you are, your knowledge level or your favorite programming language. We encourage you to participate if you: - are passionate about software. - want to be involved, or are already involved, in the Software Crafters movement. - want to share your knowledge, experience, or skills. - enjoy learning by helping others and believe that sharing is key to your own progress. In addition to technical contents, it will be fun. There will be beers, and we’ll have stimulating conversations late into the night. Software Crafters Barcelona is an opportunity to meet new friends, face new challenges while learning and further improve your skills.


  • The Science of not estimating - Anemari Fiser y Javier Sánchez

    12/11/2018 Duration: 58min

    si quieres ver el vídeo con slides: Estimates: a specially tricky subject when it comes to Software Development. Estimates are one of the classic project management artifacts and yet they have remained in the backbone of many agile process implementations. In the past years, different voices have questioned the very nature of estimates and the reason why we do them, as the #noestimates movement “explores alternatives to estimates [of time, effort, cost] for making decisions in software development”. To many, this is just another buzzword which replaces things like velocity or story points in Scrum or XP, but we can find its justification in statistical analysis and modelling. The new approach brings us more reliable tools to forecast and predict how much work we can do. This talk will debunk some myths about estimates and will explore in depth the history and implications of #noestimates . We will discover the tools we can use to support this new approach: from a more reliable

  • Reactive microsystems - Ignasi Marimon

    12/11/2018 Duration: 49min

    Si quieres ver el vídeo con slides: A lot has been said about splitting the monolith. This talk focuses on what alternatives we have when refactorring each of the splits we take away from the monolith (and how we can use them in the monolith itself). MICROSERVICES is hype, there's a world between mono and micro.

  • Automatiza y vencerás - David Antón

    07/11/2018 Duration: 49min

    Si quieres ver el vídeo con slides: La automatización es una tarea muy importante en el flujo del desarrollo de software, pero ¿sabemos cuando debemos aplicarla? ¿que beneficios podemos obtener? Estamos acostumbrados a aplicar buenas prácticas en el código y en los tests, pero muchas veces dejamos en un segundo plano la automatización de ciertas tareas y las cuales afectan directamente a nuestra productividad. En esta charla hablaré de diversos aspectos que considero importantes a la hora de automatizar y algunos de los procesos que utilizo en mi día a día, como herramientas de generación automática de código, automatización de despliegues, automatización de tests utilizando contenedores(Docker-in-Docker vs Docker-outside-Docker) y bots para gestión operacional desde herramientas de mensajería(ejemplo práctico utilizando Hubot de github para ChatOps). Puedes ver la charla en video:

  • Culture - engine and stopper of changes - Pau Trepat

    07/11/2018 Duration: 47min

    Si quieres ver el vídeo con slides: I do not call into question all of us care about out code and software quality. Often we think about architectures, patterns, techniques... We are worried to show an intention on our code: ""user or customer entity?"", ""create or register method?"". But how many times we though about what culture are promoting in our environment? What dynamics we are generating in our teams? Are we inclusive? Do we promote creativity? In which way? These questions and other can denote which culture is built, consciously or unconsciously. This talk tries to shed light on something that is always there but often is forgotten due to more ""important"" and ""urgent"" things.

  • Communication antipatterns and where to find them - Emma Baddeley - Barcelona Software Crafters 2018

    24/10/2018 Duration: 47min

    Si quieres ver el vídeo con slides: Communication is often recognized as a key value in software projects. Good communication is one of the foundations of the Agile mindset and one of the core values in Extreme Programming. As programmers, we’re used to identifying anti-patterns in our code, and yet at the same time we fail to recognize communication anti-patterns that exist on the teams that we work on, and how they’re impacting our ability to produce software that generates value. In this talk we'll learn to detect communication anti-patterns that can exist on teams, and how they can impact the ability to translate business requirements into implemented features. We'll also explore some strategies and approaches for mitigating and managing these anti-patterns to improve the software development process.

  • A cowgirl journey - Meritxell Calvo - Barcelona Software Crafters 2018

    24/10/2018 Duration: 44min

    Si quieres ver el vídeo con slides: Hace 10 años que me embarqué en la profesión del desarrollo del software. Mis botas están sucias y mi caballo cansado. Es el momento de hacer un alto en el camino, descansar en la taberna e intercambiar experiencias y aprendizajes con otros vaqueros.