Accordion Noir Radio



"Ruthlessly pursuing the idea that the accordion is just another instrument." Join the front-lines of the Accordion Revolution, broadcasting around the world almost every Wednesday since 2006. From Punk to Piazzolla (a variety of loud rock and roll, and a famous tango composer). The most unexpected variety of squeezebox music you're likely to subscribe to today.


  • Accordion Noir 2024-05-29: Klezcadia Preview


    The focus for this week’s edition of the Accordion Noir radio program is Victoria’s imminent Klezcadia festival, whose free virtual registration closes tonight! Basically, if you think you might be interested, you should go register, then return to listen to our podcast. If your Apple or Android (or plain old RSS) podcast subscriptions (strongly recommended!) haven’t alerted you to the […]

  • Accordion Noir radio playlist 2024-05-15: Breaking Back Into Live Radio, Live Half, for Podcast


    A couple of weeks ago our regular host Bruce tried to seize the bull by the horns and broadcast an episode of our program from our home radio station, CFRO in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, mere blocks from his residence. He’s masterminded hundreds and hundreds of hours of broadcasts from the control board in its studios, […]

  • Accordion Noir radio playlist 2024-05-22: Return 2 Live Noir Take 2!


    Today is Accordion Patent Approval Day, celebrating Cyrill Demian’s successfully getting the paperwork back with a stamp of approval in 1829 enshrining him as the inventor of the accordion! That’s after Patent Filing Day on May 6th, when the clock really started ticking. (And then there is Friedrich Buschmann’s 1822 claim, substantiated by more of […]

  • Accordion Noir radio playlist 2024-05-08: Maybe We’ll Just be Moving On


    Last night’s new, hour-long episode of CFRO Co-Op Community Radio’s weekly Accordion Noir program celebrates the 195th anniversary of Cyrill Demian’s patenting of the first accordion! (Truly we are alive at a great time for accordion enthusiasts, with the instrument’s bicentennial only five years away.) In honour of the occasion, we played squeezy music from […]

  • Accordion Noir radio playlist 2024-05-01: May Day Bandcamp-Out


    Our spree has been a little disrupted by what we might describe as the intrusion of real life and the outside world, but we’re back on our nonsense again: the first Friday of the month is still Bandcamp Friday, and so we still champion the opportunity it represents to get your music entertainment budget into […]

  • Accordion Noir 2024-04-24: Fifty Years Of Co-op Radio & 30 Years of Wisconsin Polka!


    On April 21st, 1994, the Polka was proclaimed the official state dance of Wisconsin. From that departure point, your host Bruce Triggs took an exploration into the wacky world of the most hated popular and fun dance fad that’s been going strong for nearly two centuries, since the 1830s!  [Bruce interjects, “Whoa Rowan, I’d say […]

  • Accordion Noir radio playlist 2024-04-17: Mary Beth Carty award show & Co-op Radio Fund Drive


    After another little glitch, we’re back, with an hour-long episode celebrating the recent win of the Canadian Folk Music Award for Antigonish County’s own Mary Beth Carty, who we’ve been boosting here since the Myspace days (Squeegees!), plus more squeezy music along a similar vein. If your Apple or Android (or plain old RSS) podcast subscriptions (strongly recommended!) haven’t alerted […]

  • Accordion Noir radio playlist 2024-04-03: April And Another Thing


    Nothing is easy for poor Bruce, and the well-oiled operation of his getting these episodes out into the world and online is really starting to run up against rather more friction than we are accustomed to. (Maybe we shouldn’t have skimped on that bellows replacement after the first 500 thousand miles! Really it was just […]

  • Accordion Noir radio playlist 2024-03-27: Back From Beyond (If This Works)


    Bruce’s technological issues we have recently reported on have only grown more acute as he attempts various remedies for his troubles, which have impacted our ability to get the program out to you, our faithful listeners, in a timely fashion. Here’s last week’s episode. If you know recent Apple hardware better than the bright bulbs […]

  • Accordion Noir radio playlist 2024-03-13: 17th Anniversary of the Vancouver Squeezebox Circle


    Something happened last night, and this week’s episode of our Accordion Noir broadcast failed to go out over the air in time to celebrate the occasion your host Bruce had planned for: the observance of the 17th anniversary (!?) of the first congregation of the Vancouver Squeezebox Circle, which has continued meeting up for the […]