Beneath The Surface



A podcast created to capture the stories of the people who make up the global mining and related industries. Your host, Sean Lavin is passionate about the people who have (and continue to) shape the world in which we live via their contribution to the mining industry. Once an open-cut heavy machinery operator and site safety and health representative, Sean now dedicates his time to developing and enhancing the potential of those who live and breathe mining. Jump into the cab, buckle your seatbelt and join us on a perspective shifting journey as we dive deep into the interesting, humorous, ridiculous, confronting and at times, tragic stories of the people who make up the global mining industry. There's plenty of gold to uncover as we dig Beneath the Surface.


  • 44 - Accelerating your career with Warren James

    14/10/2020 Duration: 38min

    When Warren James first joined me back on episode 9, his ambition of writing a book was very much in its infancy.   After a mere 18 months in the making, Warren is back on episode 44 of Beneath the Surface to discuss his brand-new book ‘Further Faster: The ultimate guide to accelerating your career’. An engineer by trade, Warren spent many years working FIFO in the oil and gas industry before the harsh reality of burn-out set in.  He then shelved the steel caps to found Rapid Mentoring, which ultimately led him down the path of authorhood.  The rest, as they say, is history... In this episode, Warren kicks things off with his author’s journey, and details the emotional rollercoaster and key challenges that come with writing a book.  We also chat through topics including finding your purpose, aligning your values, the ‘four pillars’, flow states and the value you can offer by doubling down on your strengths. On top of that, we discuss the double-edged sword of asking for genuine feedback, and how being really

  • 43 - Everybody sells with Chris Lyons

    16/09/2020 Duration: 58min

    “The ability to influence is a critical element for life and we’ve all done it, whether conscious or not.”  Wise words from heavy industry sales specialist and all-round top bloke Chris Lyons, who joins me on episode 43 of Beneath the Surface. When his dreams to play professional footy didn’t pan out as hoped, Chris dived head first into the world of sales which saw him spend plenty of time in the construction, oil & gas and mining industries. In this episode, we discuss the seemingly misguided public perception of the Australian mining industry, the power that comes from truly owning your personal style, why picking your battles is absolutely critical and how the process of ‘faking it til’ you make it’ can lead to actually making it. On top of all this, Chris shares his top tips for how to improve our sales and influence skills, from a career of lived lessons.   This one is not just for those who aspire to sell - the tips Chris shares throughout this podcast can be applied to absolutely all of us.

  • 42 - Lighting the way with Lara Kelly

    10/08/2020 Duration: 57min

    “For every negative peanut out there, there’s a thousand supportive people cheering me on.”  On possibly the most quotable episode to date, Larzy the Sparky absolutely lights up episode 42 of Beneath the Surface (yes, pun intended). Lara Kelly is an apprentice electrician and self-proclaimed tool geek who started documenting her career journey just shy of 2 years ago.  With just over 16,000 Instagram followers, it’s obvious that she’s making a huge impact on those who are supporting her journey. In this episode we discuss why Lara decided to document her apprenticeship journey, the highs and lows of having a strong social media presence, why school-based educational programs are key for evolving heavy industries and Lara shares her top tips for those looking to jag an apprenticeship. Lara’s enthusiasm, excitement and positivity makes her a fantastic advocate for trades in the Australian mining industry, and I hope you enjoy listening to our conversation as much as we enjoyed having it.

  • 41 - Rules of the game with Teagan Dowler

    21/07/2020 Duration: 48min

    Teagan Dowler’s passion for diversity and inclusion evolved early in her career.  When a lightbulb moment led to a realisation that her core values were misaligned to a lack of acceptance of difference, she set out to do something about it.  I’m very excited to introduce (or reintroduce) you to Teagan on episode 41 of Beneath the Surface. Teagan is a leadership coach, cultural change specialist and status quo challenger.  She’s the author of Rules of the Game: Women in the Masculine Industries and founder of The BCW, aiming to influence individuals, organisations and society to be more accepting, aware and capable.  In this episode, Teagan speaks to her journey through heavy industry and shares plenty of great stories along the way.  We dive deep into the concept of unconscious bias and Teagan also shares her view that addressing and defusing the fear associated with the psychology of change is a critical step to building a truly diverse and inclusive workforce. Teagan is up there with some of the most passio

  • 40 - Leadership in hazardous industries with Nikki McMurray

    07/07/2020 Duration: 29min

    Although it feels a bit weird sitting on the other side of the podcasting table, I knew I was in very safe hands with Nikki McMurray as a guest on her new podcast, Leadership in Hazardous Industries.  It’s a pleasure to rebroadcast our chat here on episode 40 of Beneath the Surface. Nikki is a leadership facilitator and coach who is passionate about helping leaders in hi-vis workplaces go from surviving to thriving.  I’ve been fortunate to work with Nikki over the past few years, so I was over the moon when I heard she was launching her very own podcast. In this episode, we discuss some key leadership traits that make a great leader as well as the difference between leading teams in both hazardous and non-hazardous environments. We also touch on the DiSC methodology and Nikki even coaxes me into sharing my evening wind-down routine. I have all the time in the world for Nikki and it’s very cool to be a part of her podcasting journey.  Nikki - thanks for having me and I can’t wait to do it all again.

  • 39 - The Col“LAV”oration with Matty Michael

    22/06/2020 Duration: 01h24min

    Two birds with one stone on episode 39 of Beneath the Surface, with the host of Life of Mine Podcast Matty Michael joining me for an epic conversation.  Matty is blazing a solid path through the podcasting realm of the Australian mining industry, sharing fantastic conversations in his iconically relaxed style. Knowing that we both love a good chat, Matty and I figured it was best to just switch on the mics and see what happens.  Plenty of great discussions of course, though we do dive fairly deep into the podcast space, chatting through the highs and lows of launching and maintaining a show in the midst of our bustling lives. Thinking that we’d halved our workload by bringing the podcasts together, the irony is not lost on us as we quickly realised that there’s likely to be a few sequels on the cards. If you haven’t done so already, check out Life of Mine Podcast where Matty takes a look at the stories of various people involved in the Australian mining industry, and beyond. You'll hear tales from an eclectic

  • 38 - Making cents of it all with Andrew O'Brien

    25/05/2020 Duration: 47min

    A lot has changed since Andrew O’Brien and I first chatted back on episode 6 of Beneath the Surface, and it’s a pleasure to welcome him back to help make sense of the financial impacts of COVID-19. Andrew is a geologist turned site senior executive turned financial advisor, and specialises in blending his wealth of knowledge in the financial services industry (excuse the pun) with his background in mining and resources. In this episode we talk primarily about the general financial impact that COVID-19 has had on the Australian economy, and break down the numerous incentives currently available to those who’ve been financially affected.  We also dive deep into the ‘early access to super’ scheme, discuss how to navigate a cancelled holiday and importantly, Andrew shares some great advice to those experiencing financial hardship. A very informative conversation as always, and I can’t thank Andrew enough for joining me for another round.  Enjoy...

  • 37 - Leading through the dust with Adam Bean

    12/05/2020 Duration: 48min

    “Leadership is hard work, and that’s why great leaders seem to be few and far between.”  Adam Bean has a refreshing perspective of site-based leadership, and it’s a pleasure to welcome him to episode 37 of Beneath the Surface. Beanie is a chippie turned boiler maker who has carved himself an eclectic career journey.  Although he lives for a challenging construction project, Beanie is also a marketing professional, SCRUM coach, leadership keynote speaker and has even dabbled in trading options (just in time for the GFC). In this episode, Beanie shares his journey through the construction industry, including his swift rise up the frontline leadership ladder.   We also discuss the SCRUM methodology that he enacts, his career pivot into social media marketing and how a focus on adding value to those around you is a key to success. There’s a lot of gold in his perspective on key leadership traits of great crew supervisors, and it’s clear how passionate he is about achieving great results.  It was a pleasure listen

  • 36 - In the midst of COVID-19 with Peter Finn

    27/04/2020 Duration: 53min

    With so much uncertainty across the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one certainty was counting on my good friend Peter Finn for an open, honest and very real conversation about the current ambiguous state of the global mining industry. Finny is the Managing Director of Face Contracting, host of the wildly popular Full Production podcast and all round fantastic human.  Finny is no stranger to a relaxed and tangential conversation, and this one didn’t disappoint. Our chat focuses primarily on the current state of the mining industry, with the impacts of COVID-19 absolutely affecting each and every one of us.  We also talk mindsets, being kind to ourselves, having the difficult conversations and we even dive into a bit of politics, which is a first for the show.  On top of this, Finny talks openly about his next business venture, continuing his tradition of changing how we work in the mining industry, and beyond. It’s always a pleasure chatting with Finny and as always, plenty of laughs were had.  I have no

  • 35 - Looking after your mates with Vince Borg

    14/04/2020 Duration: 35min

    “Suicide is everyone’s business”, a simple mantra that fuels the great work of Vince Borg - field officer for Mates in Mining, founder of Green Light Academy and my amazing guest on episode 35 of Beneath the Surface.  Vince focuses his energy on empowering those around him to feel comfortable in starting uncomfortable conversations: tackling the alarming suicide statistics of our industry, and beyond. In this episode Vince chats about his journey through the mining industry, how battling his own demons led him down a path of service, everything ‘Mates in Mining’ and how he empowers crews to broach the topic of suicide with their mates. On top of this, we talk of how COVID-19 has seen his phone ring off the hook, why you’re never alone in self isolation and all things Green Light Academy - Vince’s way of taking his mental health services beyond the mining industry. You’ll hear just how passionate Vince is about the services he provides, and it’s obvious that he’s making a positive impact on everyone who crosse

  • 34 - Pre-starts like a boss with Kate and Thomas

    30/03/2020 Duration: 57min

    Pre-starts: part of the daily routine on sites in hazardous industries across the world.  Yet for some, presenting in front of a crew for just a few minutes is the hardest part of the day.  To help shift your perspective when it comes to pre-starts, it’s a pleasure to welcome Kate Norris and Thomas Krafft from Presentation Boss to episode 34 of Beneath the Surface. Kate and Thomas specialise in helping people from all walks of life provide clear, confident messages that cut to the point.  They are passionate about crafting epic presentations, and have a wealth of knowledge to offer anyone involved in pre-starts. In this episode, we discuss why public speaking is feared by many, how our role models set our standards, being intentional about engagement, the power of vulnerability and how a simple shift in mindset will change your pre-starts forever. Kate and Thomas share a wealth of knowledge and we have a lot of laughs from start to finish.  This is a must-listen for anyone who presents in a pre-start setting

  • 33 - Human connection with Matt Boyce

    13/01/2020 Duration: 55min

    “When it comes to mental health, we have an abundance of awareness - but as a society, we’re doing very little with it”.  Matt Boyce: FIFO son, founder of Human Connection Project and all-round great guy joins me on episode 33 of Beneath the Surface. After the tragic death of his best friend in 2015, Matt slumped into a deep state of depression in which suicidal thoughts and social isolation were a daily experience.  Putting up his hand and resurfacing nearly a year later, he set his sights on launching Human Connection Project: a multi-layered social enterprise aimed at highlighting the importance of human connection in conjunction with professional support to improve mental health. In this episode, Matt talks openly about his childhood growing up in a FIFO home, the loss of his best mate and the dark year that ensued as well as all things Human Connection Project.  We also dive deep into the alarming suicide statistics in Australia, the power of morning routines and Matt shares his take on how we can each c

  • 32 - LiveMine Solutions with Bud O’Shannessy

    16/12/2019 Duration: 43min

    Who’d have thought that an ability to sew would be the springboard to an eclectic career in mining?  No shortage of great stories here, as the one and only Bud O’Shannessy joins me on episode 32 of Beneath the Surface. Bud is a life-long miner, ‘mind health’ advocate and co-founder of LiveMine - an innovative software solution that’s changing the game for the underground mining industry. In this episode, Bud details how it all began - heading underground for the first time at just 16 years old, how he was able to progress from a Jumbo operator to project manager in 18 months, and how a burning idea manifested into the creation of an innovative mining technology platform. On top of this, Bud openly shares how some difficult circumstances caused him to notice some significant changes in the way he was thinking and feeling.  Although faced with some challenging realities, it was the people of the mining industry that ultimately reached out and helped him off the floor. Bud is an amazing person with a contagious

  • 31 - Blast crew research with Jop Havinga

    02/12/2019 Duration: 45min

    When Jop Havinga accepted a research project to study blast crews in the Queensland mining industry, little did he expect his perception of effective communication to be challenged.  With a safety focused research lens, it’s a pleasure to welcome Jop to episode 31 of Beneath the Surface. Jop is a field researcher for Griffith University in Brisbane, working closely with a previous guest in Professor Sidney Dekker at the Safety Science and Innovation Lab.  A majority of his research focuses on projects that create safer and more productive work environments. In this episode, Jop talks in depth about his time spent researching blast crews, how his views of what is effective communication were challenged, the theory (and power) of distributed cognition as well as his research-based perspective of whether company employees really are safer than contractors.  Hilariously, Jop also shares his observations of some ingenious means of communication on the drill pattern.  This is a really interesting conversation and

  • 30 - Surviving domestic violence with Ash Turner

    18/11/2019 Duration: 56min

    In 2016, 3.6 million Australians were subjected to physical violence and/or emotional abuse by a current or previous partner.  Ash Turner’s journey is included in this alarming statistic, and it’s a pleasure to welcome her to episode 30 of Beneath the Surface.   Ash is a fellow podcaster, single mum and domestic violence survivor, who openly shares her traumatic and empowering story of her journey through a relationship riddled with domestic violence. In this episode, Ash talks openly about her experience being mentally, emotionally and physically abused by an ex-partner, how she broke free from the chaos as well as the ongoing side effects she now experiences. Ash is awesome and I highly recommend connecting with her and tuning into her podcast ‘Empower with Ash’, which is all about using the adversity in our lives as motivation for triumph. Reach out to Ash on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram 

  • 29 - Proactive personal development with Dan Rogers

    04/11/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Have you ever felt guilty for working away?  Feel like you repeatedly spend your R&R making up for lost time and doing your best to get ahead, only to feel completely drained by the time you head back to work?  Dan Rogers knows this cycle all too well, and it’s a pleasure to welcome him to episode 29 of Beneath the Surface where we dive head first into personal development. Dan not only has a long history working in FIFO industries, he’s also a coach, speaker, skydiving fiend and founder of Proactive Personal Development - helping men and women who work away from home improve their mindset, recover their relationships and live their dreams in their free time. In this episode, we talk through how to get back in touch with what’s most important to you, the value in constantly working on your self-leadership skills, as well as the life-changing power of planning  On top of this, Dan also shares a fantastic questioning tool when it comes to decision making, and takes the crown for being my first guest to quot

  • 28 - My Dad Does FIFO with Blaiz Rahley

    21/10/2019 Duration: 17min

    My Dad Does FIFO is a beautiful children’s book and it’s a pleasure to welcome the author, Blaiz Rahley to episode 28 of Beneath the Surface. Blaiz is a rigger, having spent nearly 8 years working across FIFO industries.  One night in his donga, he put pen to paper to craft what is now a wonderful book for children whose parents work away from home.  In this episode, Blaiz talks through how he first ventured into the rigging industry, the evolution of My Dad Does FIFO and the overwhelming support he’s received since its release.   My Dad Does FIFO is the perfect gift for a FIFO family and I highly recommend picking up a copy.  A huge thanks to Blaiz for taking time out of his weekend to join me for a chat, enjoy… Grab a copy here  Reach out to Blaiz here

  • 27 - Recognising greatness with Sarah McVanel

    07/10/2019 Duration: 57min

    It’s an absolute pleasure to welcome the infectiously positive Sarah McVanel to episode 27 of Beneath the Surface.  As a recognition expert, Sarah has worked closely with mining organisations in Canada and openly shares her wealth of knowledge, along with her FROG methodology (Forever Recognize Others Greatness). Sarah is passionate about guiding each of us to re-discover our own greatness.  She’s a dynamic speaker, coach and author who helps leaders leverage the exponential power of recognition to retain top talent and generate a positive work culture. In this episode, Sarah and I discuss the parallels (and differences) between the Australian and Canadian mining industries, the underestimated value of recognition and how easy it is for companies and individuals to create a culture of recognition each and every day. Sarah absolutely walks the talk, and I can’t thank her enough for our trans-Pacific conversation.  Enjoy… Find Sarah here: Website Lots of juicy free resources Weekly recognition and workplace

  • 26 - Safety differently with Sidney Dekker

    23/09/2019 Duration: 48min

    “Imagine a space in which there are no rules, a space in which people spontaneously negotiate and collaborate in order to create the safest outcomes for everyone…”  A powerful concept from my perspective-shifting guest, Professor Sidney Dekker on episode 26 of Beneath the Surface. Sidney is a best selling author, international speaker, filmmaker, pilot, seasoned academic and safety iconoclast.  On top of all this, he’s the director of the Safety Science Innovation Lab at Griffith University in Brisbane and is on a mission to open the eyes of industry to approach safety differently. This episode is jam-packed as we discuss the trade off of common sense for hi-vis vests, how ‘zero harm’ is fuelling a culture of risk secrecy, an over-utilised focus on ‘un-safety’ as well as the danger in cultivating a workforce that’s littered with psychological resignation.  Sidney’s very cheeky towards us miners, but rounds off all of his digs with very valid, interesting and thought-provoking points.  I can’t thank him enough

  • 25 - Solving the epidemic with Ian Mclean

    09/09/2019 Duration: 50min

    Ian Mclean is solving the FIFO mental health epidemic, one box at a time and joins me on episode 25 of Beneath the Surface.  Ian is the founder of Hitchbox - helping mining and resource companies change the culture and eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health in their workforces. A few years ago, Ian’s battle with mental health nearly caused him to quit his job and walk away from the FIFO industry.  Instead, he chose to put up his hand, voice his struggles and ask for help. As daunting as this seemed for him at the time, he was blown away with the proactive support and understanding that he received, which ultimately led to launching Hitchbox. In this episode, we discuss all things Hitchbox including Ian’s battle with mental health, how easy it really is to ask for help, pink shower loofahs, creating a safe place in people’s personal space and the underestimated power of novelty and suspense when organising a toga party. I’m so proud of the work that Ian is doing and very excited that the launch of this

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