Stories That Inspire





  • Is South Africa Living in Success?

    21/01/2022 Duration: 03min

    In this interview, JP Duminy was asked if he thought South Africa was a successful nation. He responded that while there are many things to be proud of in South Africa, it needs to shift its focus away from focusing on differences to celebrating similarities with each other - which will lead us on the path of true relational success. #SouthAfrica #Successful #nation Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on social media: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Understanding the South African Culture in Sports

    14/01/2022 Duration: 04min

    JP Duminy shares his understanding of the South African Culture in sports. He discussed the lessons he has learned through getting a better understanding of who his teammates really are, and how that deeper connection would transcend in the playing field. Sports are a major part of South African culture and the way that the public supports their teams brought about some unique customs. Watch this video to understand the different aspects that make up a sports-fueled society in this country! #SouthAfrica #Culture #Sports Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on social media: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Celebrating excellence: Igniting others to do the same

    07/01/2022 Duration: 05min

    JP Duminy, after his successful career, has spent his life celebrating excellence. He inspired others to do the same by building the JP21 foundation that helps enable children to play the sport cricket and celebrate all types of achievements in order to recognize and inspire people, especially young people who are just beginning their journey. Watch this video for more insights into why we should celebrate all kinds of successes because it helps us become better versions of ourselves. #JPDuminy #Cricket #celebratingexcellence Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on social media: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Pride and humility: How to get the balance back

    30/12/2021 Duration: 04min

    Pride and humility. Two opposite sides of the same coin, one can't exist without the other. And yet, we always feel like we're in need of more than one. But how do you find a balance? JP Duminy shares his personal story of humility and pride and how he was able to find the right balance back. His story about humility and pride will teach you how to remain humble in spite of your adversaries looking down on you when you are battling with yourself for some reason, or even just maintaining a healthy ego. Watch this video where he shares his personal experience with these topics and get tips from him on how to be more humble while remaining true to oneself. #JPDuminy #Pride #Humility Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on social media: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Humility vs Pride: What does it look like?

    23/12/2021 Duration: 04min

    JP Duminy talks about the power of humility in our world. Humility is defined as self-limiting but it can also create a better future for us all by serving others with love and compassion. On the contrary, he also shares what pride meant. Pride is a dangerous emotion because it has the word 'I' in its center. JP warns us to beware, for pride can lead us astray and make things difficult or even impossible sometimes! #JPDuminy #humility #pride #humilityandpride Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on social media: --- Send in a voice message:

  • How Your Inner Circle Can Impact Your Humility

    17/12/2021 Duration: 06min

    JP Duminy is a cricket player, who has had great success in his career but he’s also an example of someone who understands the importance of humility. In this interview, he shares a unique take on what humility is, how one can remain humble, as well as ways one can practice humility. Humility can be difficult to understand or practice but keeping your inner circle close by helps cultivate it.    Watch this interview for some insights on what it means to be humble and how you can practice staying humble with your friends and family around you.   #JPDuminy #humility Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on social media: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Success: The true definition of success and what it is not

    10/12/2021 Duration: 02min

    What is the REAL meaning of success? Is it a hard concept to measure and, if so, why do we care so much about this notion anyways in our lives? What doesn't count as "real" successes when measuring up against others' definitions--or even your own personal set standards for what qualifies? If these questions pop into your mind or come barreling out at any given moment without warning (especially late at night) then that's where today’s video comes into play. Join Bertie and JP Duminy as they discuss what success is and what it’s not. JP Duminy shares his definition of success. He states that it is not material possessions, but rather setting goals and achieving them. Success could be a goal for today or your life's goal as long as you keep succeeding at accomplishing what you set out to do. #success #whatissuccess  #JPDuminy #storiesthatinspire Follow us on social media: --- Send in a voice messag

  • Servanthood: Understanding what it really cost to serve others

    03/12/2021 Duration: 03min

    If you’ve never thought about serving before, we hope this video will give you some food for thought. Join Bertie and JP as they discuss servanthood and the cost that comes with it. Have you ever asked yourself "What does it really cost to serve?" or "What really is the cost of serving others?" Serving goes against our natural tendencies to look out for ourselves and what we can get instead of focusing on what we can do to help somebody else grow in their life or change the world around them. Servanthood is a core value that we must develop because as Christians, we must have a servant heart just as how Jesus taught his disciples. Every great service, no matter the size or scope, costs you something at some point in your life. Practice servanthood in your marriage, in your family, and with friends. The greatest joy and fulfillment comes from seeing how we can impact other people's lives–so don't be afraid of putting yourself out there when it comes to service! The reward is so worth the effort! #servanthood #

  • Listening to one another: How this can bring more acceptance

    30/11/2021 Duration: 04min

    Bertie shares with JP his conversation with a Black South African friend when he asked him how he sees White South Africans. Their insights will make you understand how listening to others can help us better understand one another and why it’s one of the secrets to forming deeper relationships. They both agreed that each culture has its own strengths to offer and that there are no superior cultures than others because all humans deserve respect for what makes them unique in this world. Follow us on social: #listeningtooneanother #acceptance #SouthAfrica #JPDuminy #storiesthatinspire --- Send in a voice message:

  • How to keep your focus on your best efforts and not the results

    26/11/2021 Duration: 02min

    Today JP tells us that he used to be a lazy player before he decided to wake up and give his best efforts. He agreed with Bertie that South Africans are lazy; we look for shortcuts and want to get the most for the least amount of effort. He reckons that if we strive to give our best efforts we will be able to turn around our reputation. Sometimes when we put in our best effort and still do not get the results we wanted, it is disappointing, but it does not mean that we failed. It will always be good enough to give your best, regardless of the outcome or results. In a sporting context, we get so hungry for results, and our identity is shaped on the outcome, that we lose focus of the effort we actually put in. #JPDuminy #SouthAfrica Follow us on social: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Why choose South Africa?

    16/11/2021 Duration: 03min

    Bertie asks JP why he chooses to live in South Africa, and his answers will inspire you. He talks about the heart of South Africa that is broken right now and needs to heal. He was born here and he has the desire to see the country and its people flourish. He feels needed and valued and wants to give his best in making a difference here. 'There is a lot of good and many great people here,' he says, and I'm sure many of those great people share his vision for SA and also want to be part of the healing process. If we look at the country's natural beauty externally, we can see a glimpse of the future that's in store for us as a nation. And then of course there are the local jokes in South Africa that are not understood anywhere else in the world and are only funny where they originated. Subscribe to this channel to get notified of more great interviews by JP and other inspirational South Africans. #safari #love #SouthAfrica #JPDuminy Follow us on social:

  • JP Duminy shares what the word 'Purpose' and 'Passion' mean to him.

    12/11/2021 Duration: 03min

    Bertie speaks to JP Duminy about his understanding of purpose and passion. He explains that his perspective of purpose is knowing God and making Him known. Passion, on the other hand, is the one thing that burns in your soul and gets you up in the morning. The thing that drives you and inspires you to go out and do, is an indication of the passion that is built inside of you. Glorifying God through the things you are passionate about is not defined by your job title, because your purpose and passion are already instilled within you. He explains how much light we shine in the care we put in what we do, that it radiates from us, and glorifies our creator. Giving our best in whatever, we do is his motto. #JPDuminy #purpose #quotes #passion Follow us on social: --- Send in a voice message:

  • The full interview on Success, Humility, and Hope for South Africa

    02/11/2021 Duration: 44min

    Over the last twelve weeks, we introduced different aspects of what we learned from Gary Kirsten in this interview. Today, we bring you the entire interview Mr. Bertie Lourens conducted with him. Gary was appointed as the India national cricket team coach in 2011 when they took the World Cup win. What we took away from this experience is the following characteristics that Gary portrayed: Humility, Integrity, Gratitude, Trustworthy, Successful, Compassionate, Hopeful and Optimistic,  Go-getter, Balanced, Fair, God Fearing, Respectful A heartfelt THANK YOU to Gary Kirsten for offering up his time to inspire our subscribers with his positive and hopeful outlook on life. If you are new here, subscribe to our channel to be notified of every new episode we publish on our next series. We're always on the search to find heroes with stories that inspire. #coach #cricket #hope #garykirsten Follow us on social: --- Send in a voice mess

  • How to have the Time of Your Life in Relationships

    28/10/2021 Duration: 04min

    Gary explains what he has learned in the process of leading the Indian team to the World Cup victory in 2011. His offering to the team was "success, the right way" because there is a right way of achieving success. Building meaningful relationships and getting close to each individual person as well as having fun together build meaningful relationships. He explains how he was thanked for his friendship with the members more than what was mentioned about his coaching skills. Gary would take that friendship compliment more over the winning compliment because he just got along very well with all the players. What he learned from that experience was that no matter where you come from, or what your journey has been, but if you take the time and effort to connect and understand the people, they will be very loyal to you. The South African journey is exactly the same because we need to take the time to understand each other so that we can do so much better! #understanding #leading #winning #garykirsten Follow us on

  • The Definition of Competition and Success

    26/10/2021 Duration: 05min

    Gary explains what his take is on the definition of success, and ironically enough it is not about the scoreboard. It is a big concept and a complicated amount of layers that means something different to every person He believes that if those around you can win and thrive because of him, he feels his day was successful. He challenges viewers to wake up every day and ask themselves if they can make a contribution to other people's lives, and how they can add to their community. Does he/she represent themselves in the way God created them to be - in full purpose? We must not get mesmerized by the ways of the world about what success is and what it is not. In the world of sport, it is very much about the winning and losing results. And if we build our lives on a snapshot of when things went really great, we miss the whole point because losing is also so powerful when one can learn and grow from it. When we underestimate the concept of losing, failure, vulnerability, and weakness, we miss what we could learn abou

  • How to Build Better Relationships by Listening to Stories

    15/10/2021 Duration: 03min

    Gary Kirsten reveals how important it is to listen to each other's stories. He shares how he was confronted with listening to his team manager's story and how it affected him. If we don't stop and listen to everyone's journey, we won't have a good understanding of each other's background and we don't understand each other. We can start with a restoration process and find solutions together and build trust, but if we don't listen to people's stories, we can't build trust. We don't have to be qualified to listen. We want to tell more than what we listen to. We need to ask each other questions and rather ask how you can help instead of deciding what you want to help with. #stories #trust #listen #garykirsten Follow us on social: --- Send in a voice message:

  • The Story about Surrender

    12/10/2021 Duration: 06min

    When you get the opportunity to represent your country in a sporting event and you have success, it comes with the projection on to crossroads. With fame and fortune, one can easily get puffed up, but if you are defined by your scores, you lose who you are. Gary explained his wake-up call when he hit rock bottom in form when he battled to get any runs and was on the verge of getting dropped from the team. When he got picked for the boxing day game in December late 90's he told himself that this was his last game. The night before the last match, he and his wife prayed and surrendered the day and the match to God. He ended up batting for 14 hours and scored 275 runs. God showed up and indicated that there were another 50 test matches left for him to play and that it was not the end of the road for him. From no-confidence and readiness to give up, Gary explains what surrendering meant and how he was lifted from that low place when he acknowledged that it was not about him after all, but rather God's plan for hi

  • How to Facilitate Leadership and Coaching Skills in a Team

    08/10/2021 Duration: 05min

    In this episode, Gary talks about his journey as a coach and how he learned to facilitate an already talented team with his leadership and coaching skills. If all the members of the team are already talented, how did he create a safe space for the players to thrive in?  The keys to good leadership according to him and the experiences and lessons from his own journey start with defining leadership for himself. He asked himself "How are you going to lead?" "How do I help this team to become the best versions of itself?" So he decided that if he has something to offer,  that will differentiate him from any other coach,  it would be that he would work tirelessly with the players and he is not going to tell anyone what to do.  He made 3 points that guided his leadership coaching throughout the three years he was appointed:  1. He wanted to be available to each player individually.  2. He is not going to tell the media what he is doing. He did very few press conferences during his time

  • Is there hope for South Africa in 2021?

    02/08/2021 Duration: 02min

    Gary talks about why he chooses to live in South Africa instead of abroad. He elaborates on our human behavior and how critical we are of ourselves. The successes we have had on the sporting front were remarkable, and as a country transforming itself, our national sport was a major component. Nowadays everything is about winning and being the best, but as he looks at the journey our people are on towards sustainable success, he is very hopeful when he looks at the common and shared goals in the sporting arena.   Subscribe to this channel and hit the notification channel to be notified every time we post a new episode.  #hope #love #cricket --- Send in a voice message:

  • Celebrating the ninety-nine and not just the one

    02/08/2021 Duration: 03min

    Gary elaborates on the concept of celebrating the one and not the ninety-nine, and in this analogy, he motivates us to look at all the other success stories, and not just the top 10 or the top 100. Bertie is wondering what happens in the hearts of the 99 when they worked just as hard to get where they wanted to be.  Gary is of the opinion that we are conditioned by the world to be the nr1 and that you only get noticed when you get to the top.  He tells us about a book he read of a golfer that was ranked at nr 200 and how he struggled to make it into each tournament.  There are so many magnificent success stories locked up in the lives of the other 99. We should learn from them as well,  as they have powerful lessons learned and success stories as well.    #success #golf #pga Subscribe to this channel and hit the notification button to get notified every time we publish a new video.   Follow us on social media: --- Send in a voice message:

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