Lean For Life



Women often ask us, how to stay motivated, stop self-sabotage, get fit, shape-up, and shed the extra kilos once and for all. This podcast is designed to help you journey through life lighter and leaner in both body and mind, giving you our tips and tricks for permanent success.


  • The End of Season 1!

    06/10/2019 Duration: 22min

    Do you find yourself over-indulging and letting all your good intentions to stay in shape go while on holiday? Or do you find yourself trying to keep to a restrictive regimented diet and s exercise regime while you are away and feel a sense of frustration that you can't enjoy a break? Either extreme is unnecessary to getting and staying in shape. In this episode Kirsten and Miranda expand on a few of their tips and strategies for enjoying a healthy and balanced break.This concludes the last of the Lean for Life podcast series. Stay tuned as we get set to launch an exciting new podcast telling the inspiring and vulnerable stories of people who have transformed their lives despite the challenges life has thrown them. If you would like to be the first to hear about the next series please message us and we will let you know when it's coming your way!Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.

  • Your Focus is Critical to Achieving Your Health Goals!

    22/09/2019 Duration: 13min

    What you focus on is what you get! A focus on our weight, our ill health, our problematic eating, our laziness, our lack of motivation to train, how stuck we are, that there is something wrong with us, that change is impossible for us… often leads to getting more of that. And feelings of defeat, depletion, exhaustion, apathy and loss of motivation ensue, and we find ourselves heading away from healthy choices and results we really want.On the other hand, if we focus on the women we want to become, the health we want to have, the healthy behaviours that we want to nourish ourselves with, how change is possible for us when we have the right tools, then we will create more health in our lives. In this episode, Kirsten and Miranda look into the importance of what you are focussing on and how this is what changes your energy, emotions, behaviours and results!Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlife

  • Tiny Decisions Add Up and Can Change Your Life!

    15/09/2019 Duration: 16min

    Apart from the genetic hand we are dealt, accident, and the influence of our environment, a number of the health outcomes we experience come back up the consequence of multiple micro moment decisions. Decisions that cause better or worse health outcomes, decisions that either lead us way off track and heading towards where we want to be. Life often comes down to the decisions we make and if we change our decisions in the moment, we begin to change everything.Join us in this episode where we uncover the way you can begin to take your first steps in the journey of 1,000 miles back to better health, energy, vitality and confidence. Learn how you can take some practical and transformative small steps to harness the power of the present moment and your choices.Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about K

  • The Powerful Health Benefits of Strength Training

    08/09/2019 Duration: 21min

    In recent years there has been a huge shift in the way women see strength training. Once associated with getting bulky we are better educated now to appreciate the benefits of strength training to shed fat, feel great, improve our mental health and well-being, reduce our risk of chronic conditions and disease and live a longer stronger life! In this episode Miranda and Kirsten discuss the many wonderful benefits of having a 2 day a week resistance training program as the cornerstone of your self-care regime.Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • Invest In Rest!

    01/09/2019 Duration: 21min

    Busy busy busy! Go go go! Not enough hours in the day. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Anxious. Depressed. Not to mention that a lack of rest and constant stress is one of the most underrated contributions to weight gain!In this episode Miranda and Kirsten discuss the powerful benefits of physical and emotional rest in combination with adequate nutrition and training to shed fat, raise energy levels and get the most out of life with a happier, healthier body and mind.Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • Are You Ready to Change?

    25/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    Many of us can battle with the same problem’s month after month and year after year, without seeing much change in our lives. That’s how it was for Kirsten and Miranda for over 20 years! You may be experiencing repeating problems with your body, your thinking, your emotions, your eating, your exercise habits, your relationships or another area of your life that you’d like to improve, but you simply don’t know why you can’t seem to get out of the situation you continue to find yourself in.In order to jump off the hamster wheel of our reoccurring issues we need to come to a point where enough is enough. Out of desperation or inspiration, we need to make a decision to invest all of the required energy, time and resources into finding real and lasting solutions to our problems, instead of trying to pursue ‘quick fixes’ that end up taking us on a long detour straight back into our struggle again. Join us in this episode as we explore the ingredients that are vital for real change and transformation if you are read

  • Food Confusion and Fear

    18/08/2019 Duration: 19min

    With all the quick fix diets that restrict food to our bodies, people commenting on portion size control (and yet we still feel hungry) or feeling that a sense of loss of control around some foods, or association with weight gain, it’s understandable that so many people fear eating and fear food! In this episode we discuss these common fears with food and explore how we can flip fear to empowerment when we know how to make food work for us, how to be in control most of the time, and create exactly the outcomes we desire in our health, mindset and physique.Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • The Power of Your Emotions!

    11/08/2019 Duration: 18min

    More and more research is illustrating how the emotions and stress that we hold onto can have a direct impact on the body’s production and retention of fat cells. Our emotions don’t just influence our behaviours, like emotional eating and our exercise routines, but they are also one of the key influencers to gaining or losing weight that we so often don’t think about. Join Kirsten and Miranda as they explore the power of your emotions, how to have a healthy relationship with our emotions and a healthy mind and body as a result!Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • You Can Have Your Best Body Over 40 / After Kids!

    04/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    You’re throwing every strategy you’ve ever known at your body to try to get it to change, but despite your efforts it seems to be stubbornly resisting and getting worse! We’re often told that it’s all downhill for our bodies after we have children or once we’re over a certain age, so maybe you just think your time of struggle has come. In this episode we talk about when your body seems to turn against you and what you can do to turn that around and enjoy the best shape of your life, both physically and mentally.Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • Don't Believe You Can?

    28/07/2019 Duration: 21min

    Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right - Henry Ford. Our self-belief or lack thereof has a significant impact on our emotions, our actions and our results or non-results. If we don't think we can lose weight, improve our eating or any other health behaviour we'd like to adopt, then these beliefs will erode our ability to achieve what we really desire. Join us in this episode as we explore the importance of our beliefs, what you current limiting beliefs may be and how you can begin to change them if they are not working for you right now.Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • Want to Give Up?

    21/07/2019 Duration: 18min

    It’s common for many of us to quit too soon because we’ve failed to meet our expectations often within an unrealistic timeframe, or because we see failure as final rather than feedback. Join us in this episode as we discuss how staying the course to our goal rather than quitting is actually the journey to ultimate success. We also provide three specific and practical strategies you can apply today to ensure that you stay on track to achieving your most desired goals!Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.au

  • Ditch the Scales

    14/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    There are many reasons why the scales are a terrible tool for weight loss and can actually lead you to give up and turn away from your goals! In this episode Miranda and Kirsten discuss why a focus on the numbers may actually misrepresent the very real but maybe invisible progress you are making. Join us as we explore the elements you want to focus on and measure, all that is within your power to influence and change!Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • Too Busy?

    07/07/2019 Duration: 22min

    With busy and demanding days and responsibilities it can be super easy to get caught up in a cycle of excusing ourselves from looking after ourselves, eating well and making the time to exercise. Our work, partners, children, friends and family members can demand more and more from us, to the point that we feel like little energy and time is left over for our health. It doesn't have to be this way. We can actually gain more time and more energy by working smarter and not harder when it comes to our health and fitness by applying the principles and strategies that Kirsten and Miranda explore in this episode.Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • Avoiding Pain

    30/06/2019 Duration: 24min

    The human brain and body are both highly motivated to avoid pain. Or default is to avoid, deny, numb the pain, and this is so often why we eat emotionally and stay stuck in the habits and the body that we’d like to change.Join us in this episode as we explore the common ways that we respond to pain and how it is keeping us stuck where we are. They also provide key strategies to help us use pain to our advantage so that it gets us to the place of a deep desire and motivation for change.Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • Your Body Image

    23/06/2019 Duration: 26min

    They say ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ and this is especially true for women when it comes to our bodies. Blissfully unaware of our body as babies and toddlers we go from unawareness to shame as we absorb expectations from those around us, and ideals presented to us via the media.Miranda and Kirsten share their stories of their journey from feeling shame, unattractive, invisible and disappointment, to creating a healthier relationship with their body through optimising their own genetic potential, and the ongoing journey of becoming their best version of themselves.

  • How to Exercise to Change Your Body Shape

    16/06/2019 Duration: 28min

    Exercise, what will give me the best results? How much, how often and how long should I train for? What’s your history around exercise, the story you’ve created. Why do you it, or not? What if you don’t like exercise? Miranda and Kirsten share the highs and lows of their ‘exercise’ stories and give their thoughts on what they’ve discovered works for them and has been getting their clients tremendous results.Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • Breaking Habits

    09/06/2019 Duration: 33min

    We are all creatures of habit. Up to 90% of our behaviours are said to be habitual and automatic. The way we eat, the way we exercise, the way we feel about our bodies, think about them and look are mostly a result of our daily habits. If we want to change any pattern, result, behaviour, emotion or thought in our lives then it’s crucial that we understand our habits and how they can be changed. In this episode we look at the way we form habits and strategies to help you know how to break old ones and create new ones that will lead you right to your goal!Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

  • Small Steps

    02/06/2019 Duration: 25min

    Enough’s enough! You’ve decided things MUST change! Normally you change everything at once, pick a diet, go to the gym 5 days a week. But you’ve been down that path before and know that you didn’t sustain either regime for too long. Rest assured, it’s not just you! This happens to everyone! You may want to get out of your current situation as quickly as possible, but the only way to do it and sustain the results is one small change at time. Research shows this approach is the best way to permanent change and getting Lean for Life! Join us in this episode where we uncover the power of taking small steps each and everyday and how you can access the results that you have been after for so long by following these practical tips.Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirste

  • Putting Yourself Last?

    26/05/2019 Duration: 27min

    Women seem to have an innate ability to nurture. We feed, nourish, protect, support, encourage, develop, promote, educate, build up and bring up others. We love and care for our partner, family, friends, co-workers, students, clients and customers, but so often neglect to give ourselves the nurturing that we need.In this episode, we explore how this pattern often leads to the current health, weight and eating problems that we are going through. We discuss why we can become stuck in this issue of putting ourselves last and never having enough time, energy or other resources to spend on caring for and developing ourselves. We provide the practical strategies that will help you care for yourself, go after your goals and continue to nurture others at the same time. “Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” Eleanor BrownnContact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlife

  • When Will I Lose Weight!?

    19/05/2019 Duration: 18min

    We can become disillusioned, frustrated, disheartened, hopeless and defeated when we believe we are doing all that we can towards our health and fitness goals, but we don’t seem to be changing. You are eating healthily, training regularly and it just doesn’t seem to make a difference and so you start to think ‘Why bother?’, ‘What’s the point’, and feel like giving up. In this episode, we discuss the key solutions to dealing with a plateau or delayed results, including adjusting our expectations and beliefs, plus the key actions we can take that can make all the difference.Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au

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