Kibbe On Liberty



Libertarian Matt Kibbe puts aside politics to have mostly honest conversations with mostly interesting people. Mostly because its really hard to be honest and interesting at the same time. Mostly because we want to have some fun, even as we argue about things that really matter you know, things like beer. Kibbe digs a little deeper with guests from all over the political spectrum: Right, Left, and libertarian; smart, independent people who dont give a damn about your preferred political tribe. Lets listen and learn together. Subscribe to Kibbe on Liberty, the counter-counter-revolution of social media. Because endless virtue-signaling is a total buzzkill.


  • Episode 283 | Sassy with Massie (Part 1) | Guest: Thomas Massie

    12/06/2024 Duration: 48min

    Apart from being one of the fiercest defenders of liberty in Congress, Rep. Thomas Massie is also one of the most frequent and engaging guests on Kibbe on Liberty. In this special two-part episode, we’re going back through the years to showcase some of Massie’s best conversations with Matt Kibbe. From his sustainable, off the grid farm in Kentucky and his background as an MIT-trained engineer, to his willingness to incur the ire of his colleagues for standing on principle and fearlessly opposing COVID lockdowns, the congressman represents a rare bright spot of hope in the otherwise dismal land of Washington, DC, where the shadows lie.

  • EP 282 | Dr. Fauci Tortured Cats | Guest: Anthony Bellotti

    05/06/2024 Duration: 59min

    It’s long been established that cats are libertarian individualists with a distaste for big government, but it turns they may have done more to preserve American lives and freedom than even they realize. Matt Kibbe speaks to Anthony Bellotti, president and founder of the White Coat Waste Project, about how an investigation into feline animal abuse in government labs led to a surprising discovery about the origins of the COVID-19 virus. It turns out that U.S. tax dollars were being funneled to a lab in Wuhan, China, to conduct dangerous gain-of-function research on bat viruses, one of which escaped, causing a worldwide pandemic. Without Bellotti’s vigilance and compassion for animals, we might never have learned the truth about Anthony Fauci’s lies and deceptions.  Free the People’s original docuseries, The Coverup, is available now on BlazeTV. Matt Kibbe is uncovering the truth behind the origins of Covid-19. Watch now:

  • EP 281 | Both Republicans and Democrats Love War | Guest: Tulsi Gabbard

    29/05/2024 Duration: 51min

    There was a time when the Democratic Party marketed itself as a home for the anti-war Left, with protesters routinely showing up at Republican events to condemn American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, with the election of Barack Obama, those voices fell silent, and since then, both major political parties have demanded more wars, more drone strikes, and more military spending. Tulsi Gabbard, author of “For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind,” rose to national prominence as a veteran and presidential candidate bold enough to stand up to the war machine, and for her efforts she was demonized as a traitor and a Russian asset. In this conversation with Matt Kibbe, Gabbard explains why she parted ways with her old party and what Americans can do to take back their power over the political elite who are supposed to work for them. You can order Tulsi Gabbard's new book here:

  • Ep 280 | Independent Creators Can’t Be Stopped | Guests: Joseph Keatinge & Matt Battaglia

    22/05/2024 Duration: 50min

    In the debate about cancel culture, it’s become cliché to claim that the powers that be won’t permit certain types of entertainment anymore. Matt Kibbe and Matt Battaglia challenge this conception in a conversation with comics writer Joseph Keatinge, co-founder and chief creative officer at Vast Vision Publishing. Keatinge talks about the freedom and flexibility that comes from cutting loose the corporate bureaucracy and taking control of your own art. Through independent publishing, creators don’t have to answer to moral guardians or timid HR departments. This means that they can focus on telling compelling stories, not checking boxes or enforcing quotas.

  • Ep 279 | States Are Laboratories of Liberty | Guest: Eric Brakey

    15/05/2024 Duration: 50min

    At the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Matt Kibbe sits down with Maine state Senator Eric Brakey, who talks about his legislative accomplishments and his transition into the role of executive director of the Free State Project. Brakey explains that state governments are in the best position to be leaders on building mainstream support for new and seemingly radical ideas. Just as Democrat-led states have shifted the Overton window on certain progressive policies, states like New Hampshire and Maine are positioned to demonstrate that liberty-oriented laws can not only pass but can work to improve the lives of American citizens.

  • Ep 278 | Bring Our Troops Home | Guest: Derek Proulx

    08/05/2024 Duration: 30min

    At this year’s New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Matt Kibbe sat down with Derek Proulx, the New Hampshire state chair of Bring Our Troops Home, to talk about his involvement in the Defend the Guard movement. Defend the Guard is an initiative to prevent the federal government from misusing the National Guard for military adventurism abroad without a proper declaration of war by Congress, as the Constitution requires. As a former member of the National Guard, Proulx and his fellow veterans have a unique and valuable perspective on military involvement, which could teach a lot to war-hungry politicians who have lived lives sheltered from military conflict.

  • Ep 277 | The Speaker Has No Clothes | Guest: Rep. Thomas Massie

    01/05/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Speaker of the House Mike Johnson’s job is in trouble, as many Republicans in Congress are dissatisfied with his lack of leadership and willingness to cozy up to the Democratic opposition. Matt Kibbe is joined by Rep. Thomas Massie, who explains why he’s calling for the speaker to be replaced and outlines what he calls “the three betrayals of Mike Johnson.” First, Johnson abandoned the regular order budgeting process in favor of a massive omnibus bill. Second, he reauthorized warrantless surveillance of Americans by the FISA courts, and third, he is ushering through a military spending package that would send American taxpayer dollars to fund the wars in Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine. To top it all off, Democratic leaders in the House are openly admitting that they want to keep Johnson in power, which speaks volumes about how firm his conservative bona fides really are.

  • Ep 276 | How New Hampshire Became the Freest State in the Union | Guest: Carla Gericke

    24/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Sprouting from a graduate student’s thought experiment in 2001, over the last 20 years, the Free State Project has made a significant impact on the state of New Hampshire by gathering like-minded, liberty-loving folk who share a passion for freedom and independence. At this year’s New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Matt Kibbe sits down with Carla Gericke, president emeritus of the Free State Project, to discuss the history of the project, where it is today, and where it’s going in the future. In addition to making substantial legislative changes in the state, the Free Staters are also attracting the attention of major figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, indicating that the real gains for liberty are yet to come.

  • Ep 275 | How Estonia Defeated Socialism | Guest: Matthew Mitchell

    18/04/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    After the fall of the Soviet Union, a whole host of European countries were faced with a unique opportunity: the chance to free their economy and clean up a corrupt legal system. Of all the ex-Soviet states, few have been as successful as Estonia. Matt Kibbe speaks to Matthew Mitchell, senior fellow at the Fraser Institute, about the peaceful and musical revolution that helped lift Estonia out of poverty and oppression as the country’s people embraced the concepts of free markets and personal liberty. Today, this tiny Baltic nation serves as a model for how to get things right, both in terms of casting off the chains of the past and create a free society that empowers citizens to thrive.

  • Ep 274 | Someone Has to Stand Up for Women’s Sports | Guest: Jennifer Sey

    10/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    The question of whether transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in women’s sports has sparked controversy as elite female athletes have seen their accomplishment erased by bigger, stronger, and faster trans women who went through male puberty. Matt Kibbe talks with Jennifer Sey, a champion gymnast and the founder and CEO of XX-XY Athletics, about the abuse she has received for having the courage to speak obvious truths about human anatomy out loud and her launch of a new line of athletic wear designed to explicitly support female athletes in the midst of a culture that seeks to silence them.

  • Ep 273 | Government Commits More Crimes than We Know | Guest: James Bovard

    03/04/2024 Duration: 10s

    In the information age, it’s ironic that the government is becoming more secretive than ever, with an increase in classified documents and a growing reluctance to engage in any sort of transparency. Today's guest is James Bovard, author of "Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty," which is about the massive amount of illegal activity the government routinely engages in and the ways in which whistleblowers like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are punished for attempting to reveal the truth. In this atmosphere of lies and deception, is there any hope for the preservation of American liberty? All I know is, my gut says “maybe.”

  • Ep 272 | Democracy Ain’t What It Used to Be | Guest: Glenn Jacobs

    27/03/2024 Duration: 51min

    At New Hampshire’s Liberty Forum, Matt Kibbe talks to Glenn Jacobs, Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, about a wide variety of liberty issues, from the dishonesty of lockdowns and the unsustainability of the national debt, to the way in which the invocation of ‘democracy’ has become a code word for the raw accumulation of political power. Jacobs explains what it’s like to try to govern from a principled position, and how his efforts to do so got him demonized as a ‘grandma killer’.

  • Ep 271 | Why ‘Cabrini’ Is Connecting with Audiences | Guest: Jordan Harmon

    20/03/2024 Duration: 42min

    As Hollywood continues to prioritize ideology over quality entertainment, filmmakers who just want to tell compelling stories are finding alternative avenues for production and distribution. Angel Studios is one such alternative, breaking out in a big way with the film “Sound of Freedom.” Matt Kibbe talks to Angel Studios co-founder and president Jordan Harmon about the company’s latest release, “Cabrini,” which is proving to be both a critical and financial success. Part of the reason for that is Angel Studios’ passion for the art, which is about amplifying light in the world rather than simply making a quick buck or pushing a particular narrative onto the public. Visit to find showtimes in your area and purchase tickets.

  • Bonus Episode | Do We Still Have the Right to Question Our Government? | Guest: Jay Bhattacharya

    19/03/2024 Duration: 19min

    After the Twitter Files revealed that government agencies pressured social media companies into suppressing dissident speech during lockdowns, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya was one of several plaintiffs who challenged this clear violation of the First Amendment in court. Now, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments about whether the Constitution still gives us the right to critique and dispute the official narrative, or whether we can be silenced in the name of public health unanimity. Matt Kibbe checks in with Dr. Bhattacharya on the status of the case and the prospects for the future of free speech in America.

  • Bonus Episode | Ban TikTok, Grow the Surveillance State | Guest: Tulsi Gabbard

    18/03/2024 Duration: 08min

    This week, the US House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban TikTok if it is not sold by the Chinese-based ByteDance company. In this Episode, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard sat down with Matt Kibbe to discuss the further implications of the bill, and how it is a form of government overreach that will be used to spy on the American people, similar to the Patriot Act. 

  • Ep 270 | The Inspiring Legacy of Thomas Sowell | Guest: Clifton Duncan |

    13/03/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    When actor Clifton Duncan dared to go against his industry’s orthodoxy on COVID-19, he found out the hard way that the expectations for conformity can be unforgiving. Hounded out of his profession, he took comfort in discovering the work of another celebrated nonconformist, economist Thomas Sowell. While Sowell’s peers were arguing for socialist economic policies to address the alleged injustice of institutional racism, Sowell boldly stood up for free markets and personal responsibility. Like Duncan, he refused to use his identity as a black man as a crutch or an excuse to act like a victim. Now experiencing a career renaissance, Duncan talks to Matt Kibbe about his planned one-man show based on the life of Thomas Sowell and how being “canceled” has actually created new fans and new opportunities for him.

  • Ep 269 | The Truth About Growing Up in the Soviet Union | Guest: Gia Jandieri

    06/03/2024 Duration: 01h12min

    The country of Georgia is a beautiful place of rich traditions and a unique wine-making culture, but like so many countries, its individual character and history were nearly wiped out by the enforced homogeneity of the Soviet Union. Matt Kibbe talks to Gia Jandieri, founder of the New Economic School, about what it was like for him to spend half his life under an oppressive communist regime. When everything was made illegal, Georgians had to resort to the black market to do everything from operating their businesses to educating their children, with death being the penalty for being caught.

  • Ep 268 | Congress Is Using Kids to Impose Online Censorship | Guest: Yaël Ossowski

    28/02/2024 Duration: 54min

    Won’t someone please think of the children? There’s a long history of politicians weaponizing supposed concern over protecting children to impose repressive legislation on the people. The latest example is the Kids Online Safety Act, a transparent attempt to smuggle widespread censorship past the people under the guise of keeping children safe. Matt Kibbe talks to Yaël Ossowski, deputy director at the Consumer Choice Center, about the importance of free speech and privacy online and the dangers bills such as this one create to a free and open internet.

  • Ep 267 | Libertarianism Is About Respect | Guest: Spike Cohen

    21/02/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    Libertarians have always struggled to communicate their ideas in a way that is appealing to the average person, mainly because they won’t stop quoting dead economists, to the point where it becomes a drinking game. Spike Cohen, former Libertarian Party candidate for vice president and founder of You Are the Power, wants to change that. In this conversation with Matt Kibbe, he explains that the basic principles of libertarianism can be boiled down to respect for one’s fellow human beings and that this is an idea that just about everyone can understand and appreciate. Instead of referencing obscure economic concepts and spreadsheets full of data, we can tell a story about values that will connect with audiences, not just on an intellectual level but an emotional one as well.

  • Ep 266 | Why Did We Stop Talking About Venezuela? | Guest: Jorge Jraissati

    14/02/2024 Duration: 47min

    When the socialist policies of Nicolas Maduro and Hugo Chavez transformed Venezuela from a prosperous country into a humanitarian disaster, it was big news all over the world. The New York Times ran stories about residents of the impoverished nation having to eat their own pets in order to survive and any number of similarly horrific narratives. But at some point, discussion of Venezuela’s downfall simply stopped, as readers got bored and preferred to focus on issues closer to home, like the American economy or the pandemic. But just because we stop talking about something doesn’t mean it ceases to exist. In Venezuela, things have only gotten worse. Matt Kibbe talks to Jorge Jraissati, a Venezuelan activist and the director of Alumni for Liberty, about Maduro’s continued efforts to control the population by outlawing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and the desperate attempts of the Venezuelan people to survive the actions of their own government. As Americans, it’s important that we not forget about the plight

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