Bounce Back Like A Badass! With Cat Coley



We all have experienced our own version of rock-bottom, have a skeleton (or three!) hiding in our closets or a past that we're not quite proud of!Join Cat Coley, a life coach/speaker/writer/mom and a graduate from the "school of rock-bottom", once a week for candid and honest conversations about how to not just survive through life's sometimes humiliating failures and mistakes, but to actually THRIVE! Whether you're in the midst of dealing with your own fall from grace or you're on the other side and asking "now what?", be sure to tune in because this is the podcast for YOU!


  • Episode # 42: "The Power of Vulnerability: Sharing My Story with My Daughter"

    08/09/2023 Duration: 19min

    In this deeply personal and heartfelt episode, Cat, takes you on a journey through her own transformative experience. She courageously shares her story, from a place of shame and hiding to one of empowerment and authenticity. Join Cat as she recounts her emotional conversation with her daughter, where she finally opens up about a pivotal chapter in their lives. Discover the power of vulnerability and how it can lead to healing and growth. Cat explores the importance of sharing our stories, even when they contain difficult truths, and how doing so can liberate us from hiding in plain sight. Through this touching conversation, Cat invites you to consider your own journey of owning your story and the impact it can have on your life and the lives of others. Don't miss this episode that reminds us all that our stories matter, and that by embracing our authentic selves, we can create a profound impact on the world around us. Ready to Transform Your Story into Impact? Join the "Story to Impact" Waitli

  • Episode #41: Real Talk: Going Back To Basics

    04/05/2022 Duration: 14min

    Why fix what's not broken? When I first started this podcast it was an outlet to share my story. I had spent nearly 3 years in silence - most of the time dealing with the aftermath of my consequences in my own head. A lot of it was due to the shame of what had transpired and the other part was that there were other people involved and sharing my story would mean that I partially shared theirs too. I figured that the events that took place would eventually fade into the background and I could resume my life and try to get back to some sort of normalcy. But as we've all collectively seen in the last couple of years when we experience a big shift in our day to day - it's difficult to return back to "normal". Getting back to the subject of going back to basics, in the 40 episodes I've produced of this podcast, I can see how I've shifted the conversation away from my life and more into business. If you've listened to earlier episodes I often share that during the most difficult times in my life, I learned and beca

  • Episode #40: Time Stands Still For No One

    10/10/2021 Duration: 18min

    This day (10/10) exactly 8 years ago was the end of one significant time of my life and the beginning of another. I’m reflecting on what’s happened since that time and I’m encouraged to celebrate where I am today and where I’m headed. Time stands still for no one is a reminder for you (and myself) that whatever you do with your time is your choice - we can spend it resentful or angry or full of regret or we can choose to look back in awe of where and what we’ve been thru and what lies ahead. As I witness what’s happening around the globe and right here in my own little corner of the world - I’m realizing more and more that time is promised to no one. And if I want to do the things I say I do and experience the things I want and have the all the things I desire - it’s up to me how I spend my time to make it happen. So, if you’re in a similar spot - give yourself some grace and then get moving in the direction you want your life to go. Time will continue to pass no matter what - you might as well enjoy where yo

  • Episode #39: What’s Next For Bounce Back Like A Badass?

    11/04/2021 Duration: 15min

    Guess who’s back...yup! I am back everyone! I took a little (well, ok a lot) of time off! Honestly, I just wasn’t sure how to show up here (or really anywhere - my social media took a hiatus too) with so much happening all around us. I’m always mindful of what I put out in the world and what I share adds light and positivity to the conversation. So, I decided to just sit back and re-examine what the purpose of this podcast is and what I want to contribute to the conversation. I’m EXCITED to share with you inside this short episode what’s in store for the next chapter of this podcast and what ended up lighting the fire under my Badass (pun totally intended

  • Episode #38: Happy International Podcast Day!

    30/09/2020 Duration: 27min

    Hello friends! It's been a while since we were both here! This episode I'm talking to those of you out there who are on the fence about starting your own podcast and why I say "JUST DO IT!" Whether you think you don't have what it takes (you do!), that everything will be perfect (it won't) or that no one will ever listen to you (they will...I promise). You have nothing to lose here...and everything to gain.  I belong to several podcast groups and a lot of the questions in those groups are all about the fears! Fear of being judged, of not having the right equipment, the right voice or even qualified to run a podcast - my answer to all of that is "who cares!". Here's the deal, everyone will have their own opinion - and that's their prerogative. Let them have it - it shouldn't effect what you do with your own business/life.  So, if you've been on the fence and need a little encouragement - this episode is for you! Or if you've been on the fence about doing something other than podcasting - maybe writing a book,

  • Episode #36 Watch the road, not the potholes!

    08/07/2020 Duration: 12min

    Checking in to make sure that you are all doing okay and doing what's best for you, your family and your business. I know that its been a while since I've uploaded an episode. But just like everyone else around the world - we've all had to pause and re-calibrate these past few months. I want to always be intentional with the things that I put out in the world and I want to always be a source of value to my audience. I've felt a heaviness in these past few months and needed some time to as I said before, pause and reflect. I think that we're all doing a little (or a lot) of that lately. Our day to day lives have been upended and our what was once our normal is no longer that.  But I'm hopeful that throughout this ordeal, we can all come out on the other side, enlightened, changed and better than where we were before. It's going to of course take time to get to that place, so give be kind to yourself and others. This pandemic, social unrest and economic turmoil happening all at once is unprecedented. There

  • Episode #36 10 Easy and Practical Tips to Survive Self-Isolation

    07/04/2020 Duration: 32min

    Well, this is a whole new world and no, not the Ariel kind in Little Mermaid either. It's a lot scarier than Ursula could ever be. That said, there's also a lot to be hopeful and grateful for. One thing is if you're reading this and/or listening to me then you're alive and hopefully well. So that is a great place to start from...the rest is a little bit more complicated to say the least.  A month ago the entire world looked totally different from what it is now.  As you well know life has almost instantaneously stopped for a huge part of the global population. We've all had to press the pause button in our lives and businesses. If there was a time that we wished we could work from home (to avoid that darn commute) or that we would stop saying "yes" to everything that we're invited too and spend time at home - we may be wishing for the opposite right about now.  To a lot of people being ordered to stay at home can be really difficult...and I get it. It's different when you have the choice to sta

  • Episode #35 What Do You Do When Life Changes In One Moment?

    10/03/2020 Duration: 25min

    It seems that we've barely scratched the surface of 2020 and already so many things around us are changing the way in which we look at life...don't you agree? From the unexpected passing of people I know and those whom I've admired from a far, to the current world situation of the latest virus taking this globe by storm - it seems that change is always upon us.  How we react to these situations will set the course of our path.  For me there's one moment in my life that's changed who I am and where I'm going and every year at this time - I'm reminded of that moment. I can look back now and connect the dots, but I can tell you that it's taken a lot of time and self reflecting to get there. But I believe we all go through those defining moments - where one moment changes everything.  For some of us, we have several of those moments, for others one is all they need. In this episode I'm sharing the exact moment that life changed for me and how I've looked back at that moment years later - knowing th

  • Episode #34 You Can't Always Get What You Want...

    12/02/2020 Duration: 26min

    ...But if you try sometimes, you find, you get what you need ~ The Rolling Stones There is so much truth to that verse, don't you think?  Hindsight is always 20/20 of course. So many things in my life that I thought I wanted but didn't get - and it was all for the better. Even though at the time it was heartbreaking to comprehend, looking back so much of what I thought I wanted would have led me to different outcomes that weren't necessarily what I needed (the enjoyment of having that thing would have probably been short lived) .  The inspiration for this episode is actually a movie that I watched a month or so ago called "A Marriage Story". The story of a couple with a child who have found themselves on the verge of ending their marriage and all the intricacies that's involved with that decision - especially when an innocent child is involved. It spoke to me on so many levels  - of course due to my own experience with this exact same situation. Even if the stories are different and these are f

  • Episode #33 If Not Now, Then When?

    30/01/2020 Duration: 24min

    This episode is inspired by an unfortunate tragic event here in Los Angeles, CA but undoubtedly was felt around the world. That tragedy is of course the untimely death of the bigger than life Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna and the seven other precious lives lost that day. This news hit like a ton of bricks and as the day unfolded I couldn't tear myself away from my phone. Half not wanting to believe and the other half wanting to know how this could have happened.  As the days have passed by I have read and watched so many millions of people share their own Kobe story of how he had touched and inspired them with his greatness, his tenacity, his drive, his focus, his pursuit of being the best he could be, his kindness, his generosity and his genuineness. There's no doubt that he was a legend not just in the sporting world, buy beyond and he will be greatly missed. As shock and disbelief has turned into sadness and anguish, I know that time will continue ticking - as I've said before, time stops for no on

  • Episode #32 How Knowing Where You're At Will Help You Determine What You Really Want In Life

    07/01/2020 Duration: 30min

    Happy Happy New Years my fellow BADASSES! Thank you for being here. I hope that you had the most amazing holiday spent with your loved ones, doing the things that excite you and bring you joy! And that's what this episode is all about...figuring out what brings you joy and executing on it to really get super clear on what you want! But it's not always that easy, right? First we need to do some inner work (btw just in case you've yet figured it out - it's always about inner work ;).  We spend so much of our time trying to find the solution to our problems and fix what seems to be broken - by searching for it outside of us. Whether that's through burying ourselves in our work, giving to everyone around you other than yourself, scrolling...scrolling...scrolling until your fingers are numb, shopping for anything and everything or trying to fill every second of our lives with things to do - so that we don't actually have to spend alone time with ourselves. Those are some of the sneaky ways we avoid going inwa

  • Episode #31 Bounce Back Is Back Like A Badass!

    18/12/2019 Duration: 12min

    Hello Bounce Back Listeners! Yes, I'm back

  • Episode #30 What To Do When You're In A FUNK!

    23/10/2019 Duration: 01h50min

    So, we've all been there - no one is immune to the chaos that sometimes lands in our laps. Because we all have free will - someone else's chaos can and will definitely slam into us, in the most unexpected ways at times. So knowing that we can't control anyone else but ourselves - how do we get ourselves out of the rabbit hole? In this episode, I go back a little ways in my story and talk about the times that I was definitely in my own version of hell. It may be many people's version of hell too - but hopefully no one went through it in the way that I did. So my hell was prison of course (if this is the first time you're hearing or reading about this - then I suggest listening to the first few episodes to get caught up :). So, there I was in my own literal prison and I had to figure out how to continue to function knowing that there was nothing I could do to change my fate.  Without knowing what I was doing - I started to find the answers internally. That's also the place I found strength and had faith th

  • Episode #29 What Your Morning Routine Has To Do With Setting Your Intentions

    17/10/2019 Duration: 29min

    So let's talk about your morning, I don't mean the scramble to get out the door every morning but I mean a time you spend in solitude for a few minutes each morning. When the first thing you do in the morning is bombard your mind with the latest world news cycle, your to do list,  your favorite social media app or your email inbox - you fill your mind with exhaustion and stress the very second you wake up. Having even just 5-10 minutes of silence time to yourself can help set the tone for your day. Whether you spend your time in silence during meditation, writing in your journal, thinking about the things you're grateful or setting an intention for your day - you can do all of those things within that time period or just one of them. All you're doing is raising your vibration so that energy is you put out in the universe in the morning attracts more in the same throughout your day. This helps you work through stressful situations and handle all the little things that come up that may take you off

  • Episode #28 How Can You Use Quantum Physics to Manifest Your Desires

    09/10/2019 Duration: 36min

    So what does quantum physics have to do with manifestation....well as it turns out everything! Yes, you read that right - everything! Quantum physics (also referred to as Quantum Mechanics and the Quantum Theory) plays a fundamental role in explaining how the world works. Quantum physics govern the behavior of all physical systems, regardless of size. Since everything in this world is energy - including our physical bodies and our thoughts - we are part of the quantum theory! In the quantum field there exist endless possibilities of different realms of reality/desires that we could ever hope for.  Our job is to match our energy vibration with that of the vibration of our desires and we will attract that which we want into our physical reality.  I know that seems so simplified that it seems unbelievable that it really is that simple and the answer is yes, it really is that easy. The difficult part is that we are limited in our physical reality to change and increase our vibration because we don't hav

  • Episode #27 What Your Vibration Has To Do With Your Goals & Desires

    02/10/2019 Duration: 28min

    You’ve certainly heard and maybe have used “good vibes only”...what does that really mean and what’s it got to do with your goals? I’m going to dive in today about this topic and how science helps us understand what it means to stay in vibration with what you want - and how we end up blocking ourselves from our desire by not understanding that we’re focused on the wrong thing to vibrate with. So head on in to the episode to find out more ...

  • Episode #26 What's Really Happening When We Feel "Stuck" & 4 Steps To Get "Unstuck"

    17/09/2019 Duration: 48min

    Ever feel like you're stuck? Like you don't have the ability or know how to move from where you're at in life, business, relationship or career to get to the other side? Well, I have great news for you - we've all been there (so don't feel alone in this) and even better news - youhave the ability to get yourself unstuck!  Life sometimes just happens - one day we wake up and find ourselves in a life that seems like we can't wake up from. Like all we're doing is pushing the play button and the rest of the day plays out like all the others - and maybe every once in a while we get to experience something different or new - when we're on vacation or maybe when we can escape from our normal day to day. But is that really a way to live? Do we want to look at your life as something you want to escape from a few times out of the year? But the reality is a lot of people live that life or have lived that life - me included and maybe you find yourself in that same category at the moment too.  Here's the thing -

  • Episode #25 My Top 3 Simple But Incredibly Effective Strategies To Grow Your Business

    11/09/2019 Duration: 39min

    There's a reason why time and time again I go back to these same 3 strategies when I work with my clients (and my own) business. These are the the core fundamentals to creating a successful and sustainable business - you can have the best strategies and systems in place but if any of these are not dialed in or not aligned with who you are as an entrepreneur then your success will be short-lived. I'm sure you've seen other business owners come and go and they may be hot at the moment - selling whatever services or products they may be selling at that hot minute - using sales tactics that may not seem transparent, lack integrity or it may come off as icky...and you may wonder how is this person making all this money? Well,  I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that person probably won't be in business long or they constantly change industries - so people don't catch on that they're a one hit wonder or jumping from one fad to the next. If you wan't to create an impact and really change the lives of your cl

  • Episode #24 How To Use Quantum Physics to Create the Life You Desire Most

    03/09/2019 Duration: 42min

    You may or may not geek out when it comes to manifestation and loa (law of attraction) but I do! I geek out even more when I talk about quantum physics and quantum reality. When I first started down this path - everything I read definitely sounded like gibberish. I would literally read the same sentence or paragraph at least 5x and still wouldn't understand what I was reading. At the time because I had limited resources (ie it's not like we were equipped with a computer or smart phones while in prison) there wasn't much I could do but try to get through what I was reading and take some very confusing notes. But when I came home I decided to dive in and see what this fascinating world was all about - this time armed with google and also videos that explained things in a way that my brain head could understand. In this episode I breakdown what the quantum field/physics is about and how you can use it to create the life and reality you want and desire. If you walk away with only one thing from this episode - I h

  • Episode #23 The Reality of Being an Entrepreneur

    28/08/2019 Duration: 44min

    So how in the world do you survive the major highs and lows of this thing called entrepreneurship? I always think that your life and biz always mirror each other - if it’s a hot mess in one area it will almost always show up on the other. Life - Biz balance is essential as you are going to be tasked to wear dozens of hats until you can get your biz off the ground. The road to your goals and dreams isn’t paved in gold - and actually more often than not it’s not paved at all. It is full of boulders, dips, detours, close roads and rock slides and it’s your drive that keeps you from running back to the start or just sitting down and throwing up your white flag of surrender. Inside this episode I talk about a few of the misconceptions of this journey and have you can navigate your way thru all the pitfalls and doubts. This ride isn’t for everyone but I can tell you that it is without a doubt one of the best (and at times worse) times in life. Creating a business that you’ve built from the ground up is exhilarating

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