Mind Food



* Income Growth Techniques* Positivity Growth* Inspirational Stories* Passion Fueling* Positivity Enhancement* Mental Refreshments


  • When You Show Up With What You Have Miracles Happen | BreakThrough Is Near

    12/06/2024 Duration: 12min

    We have to realize in our life that showing up separates us from 99% of people. Some of us think because we don’t have everything ready, or because we don’t have everything that’s required to get started we can’t show up. This causes us to miss opportunities, or blessings that are coming to us. If you want to win in life even if you’ve had traumatic experiences that have caused you to fall down, you’ve got to show up and show up everyday which develops the muscle of consistency.

  • S6 E5 - When GOD Removes Someone Out Of Your Life Say Thank You | It’s For Your Favor

    10/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    A lot of us constantly try to hold on to people in our lives that are not meant to be there. They begin to cause us so much pain and suffering then take away our peace. We have to start realizing these people are just serving their purpose, & it’s by them doing that which helps us grow. We must say thank you when they walk away or the Universe removes them out of our life as it will serve us extremely more to have them gone. It’s the only way to attract what we truly desire. We can’t have both! Join me now.

  • S6 E4 - Using Your Imagination To Attract More Money & Wealth | Crazy Is Good

    09/05/2024 Duration: 17min

    You’ve got to use your imagination to really attract the Money & Wealth that you want to see in your life. Step out of normal 3x, & move into the vibration of “ What If “ this will allow you to break beyond the points in your life of what you can have. I’ll save the rest for what’s inside, bring an open mind because you are going to need it!

  • S6 E3 - The Harvest Will Only Be As Large As You Can See | Change Your Sights

    21/04/2024 Duration: 09min

    When you think of the Harvest that GOD has for you, what do you actually imagine..? What if I told you that whatever you imagine, he has 1000x of that and he is trying to give it to you if you will only dream of more. See certain people are limited by the things that are in front of them, when everything operates from the spiritual realm first. Dive in to this life changing revelation of seeing the actual harvest & how to actual receive it!

  • S6 E2 - The Universe Mirrors You | The Answers For Your Money Blockages | Vibrate Positively

    10/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    Your in for a absolute treat on this one! If you’ve been unable to attract the money & things that you desire it’s definitely because of these reasons. Real world examples included inside, & it’s packed with the answers the Universe absolutely can’t wait for you to understand! This is the one that changes how you see everything. Enjoy!

  • S6 E1 - Eliminating Doubts Holding You Back | What Are You Truly Believing | Scriptures Included

    30/01/2024 Duration: 12min

    Welcome to the New Year everyone! 2024 is hear and it’s never been better! I’m so excited to be moving forward with you spiritually in another amazing message. What doubts are you harboring in your life? Why are these doubts still there? And how are they affecting you spiritually, physically, & financially..? Children don’t have no doubt, why should you? Won’t spoil anything praise GOD! See you inside!

  • Are You Receiving The Love You Desire | Love Becomes An Addictive Drug If Not Careful | Outro

    21/12/2023 Duration: 10min

    If you’ve ever wanted to reassess your love life this is the one for you! Not only love from your spouse, but from friends, family members, & even ways to give more love to your children, if you have any! I break everything down from childhood love trauma, to being careful on accepting the wrong love in your life as it becomes an addictive drug that sometimes is very hard to escape from. I’ll save the rest for you, & see you inside! Remember, I love you!

  • Quick Motivation | Circle Of Winners | Tunnel Vision Victory

    04/11/2023 Duration: 10min

    Surrounding yourself with the right people & team to win in every form of life is in important, especially in sales or business! In this we sink in deep with having a circle of winners & tunnel vision to your dreams and goals! Did I mention it’s filled with motivation that not only gets you fired up, but gives you the mindset to do it now with a full breakdown..? Enjoy!

  • S5 E5 - Are You Expecting GOD & The Universe To Bring Abundance | Your Focus Is Your Frequency

    31/10/2023 Duration: 20min

    Your literally in for an amazing treat! How much are you expecting GOD & The Universe to do in your life. What you focus on attracts to you. Do you wake up knowing more money, miracles, blessings, & life changes are on its way to you..? These questions determine your life, so tune in now to change the course!

  • S5 E4 - Learning To Love You For Once | Self Love & True Worthiness Is All It Takes

    19/10/2023 Duration: 11min

    Poured my heart & soul into this one.. I understand from personal experience who not loving you, or how not to love yourself can play a huge role in feeling worthy of the love you truly want to recieve deep down in your heart & soul! When you can’t receive it, or the love you put out is not being reflected back toward you by your partner, family, or even friends it can effect the way you feel. Here is some encouraging words, on how to love you for once. Enjoy!

  • S5 E3 - Sowing The Seed | Tithing Into GOD’s Kingdom | Plans To Prosper You

    08/10/2023 Duration: 26min

    If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about GOD’s kingdom, and how does sowing the seed actually work, then this is the episode for you! I break everything down, including stories, experiences, real life situations of how GOD showed me how powerful tithing, offering, first fruit giving, & seed giving is. He has plans to prosper you, the question is… do you want them in your life or not?

  • S5 E2 - Basking In Self Love | Learning To Show Your Self The Love You Deserve To Attract More

    03/10/2023 Duration: 19min

    Oh my goodness! I get so emotional every time I speak on self love because for so long I battled with not only learning how to love myself, but being open to accepting the love I truly deserve instead of what was being thrown at me that was nowhere near a match for my compassionate heart and energy! Come into this one with a open mind, & open soul. Allow me to help you restore your beliefs on self love, & how to bask in the love you truly desire. See you inside!

  • S5 E1 - The 5 Powerful Things To Have In Your Spiritual Tool Belt | Use To Defeat Any Circumstance

    05/09/2023 Duration: 17min

    Welcome to Season 5 everyone! I’m literally so excited to be sharing this amazing spiritual MindFood with all of you! In this episode, we’re going to be discussing the “ 5 Powerful Things “ that you should have in your spiritual tool belt to defeat your challenges & breed victory all your life. If your faced with anything in life, circumstances changing, situations getting out of hand, relationships not going to plan, kids not on the right track, & Etc.. this episode will not only change your perspective to realize your break through is around the corner, but you realize what to do as GOD is testing you with it all. Now these 5 things consist of, …. well if I told you I would spoil the episode. This is one spiritual awakening you must experience. See you inside!

  • Quick Motivation: Learning To Love You | Self Love & True Worthiness

    25/02/2023 Duration: 11min

    Wow! I don’t even know what really to say than this motivational talk will change your life. This includes how you view your relationships, learning to love yourself even through the mix of it all. How to come out Victorious with a worthiness mindset, & more! Go dive deep in this mentality change now.

  • S4 E5 - Asking The Great Divine For Your Desires | Money Is A Resource

    30/11/2022 Duration: 09min

    Yes Wow! If your ready to understand more about the “ Great Divine “ & how to ask GOD & the Universe for what you truly want, then your desires are already yours! See it takes us shutting down those limiting beliefs, & focusing more on feeling the attraction & bringing it into our reality! Repeat that Money Affirmation that’s inside 3x daily for more money,.. Gooo!

  • S4 E4 - What’s Your Picture Of You & Money? | How Seeing Monet Differently Changes Things

    21/11/2022 Duration: 13min

    If you want to learn more about how to attract money in your life, by simply seeing it differently, then this is the one for you. I speak on how your picture of money determines what you attract, & how money should see you as attractive, making you all magnets to each other. Money is not meant to be chased, but used, enjoyed, & circulated. This will definitely give you a new perception. MindFood is served!

  • S4 E3 - Andrew Carnegie’s Exact NoteCard | Napoleon Used This Creating The Most Millionaire’s

    16/11/2022 Duration: 06min

    Are you in for a delicious “ MindFood “ treat! I literally gave out the most valuable information that everyone needs to have added into their daily affirmations for this will allow any person to bypass the most greatest teachers or experts in their field by affirming this daily. Get Andrew Carnegie & Napoleon Hill’s exact notecard used to help create millions of millionaires in our current timeline. You don’t want to miss this, as this could be the affirmation that finally shifts your paradigm. Enjoy!

  • S4 E2 - Getting Robbed Of Your Destiny | Everything Working For Your Good | Turning Off Distractions

    11/11/2022 Duration: 11min

    Welcome back to another amazing plate of MindFood media! Today is 11/11/22, imagine the energy that is stuffed inside this, I’m literally so excited! I felt a very powerful spiritual awakening, & thought it would be great to transmute this energy to you all. I discuss how everything is working for your good including the people in your life, how you can raise your vibration, & much more. Distractions are here to rob of us our life’s purpose & destiny. Remember, we won’t be here forever! Accept the fact that now is the time for you to accomplish what you dream of, & finally get what you desire. Waiting too long, you may never even have the opportunity again. I’ve already said too much,.. so I’ll leave the rest inside. Enjoy loves!

  • S4 E1 - Feelings Are Everything | Shifting Energy | Attract Manifestations Faster

    05/11/2022 Duration: 10min

    Ready for MindFood that will change your entire perspective on attracting, allowing manifestations to come sooner than expected by shifting energy, & much more! This podcast is stuffed with everything you’ll need to begin attracting more abundance in all areas of your life,.. & yes that includes your financial space. Money just is, once you feel your worthy, the rest will take care of itself. Trust GOD & the Universe.

  • S3 E5 - Becoming A Energetic Match For Money | You Are Worthy | Powerful Money Affirmation Inside

    31/10/2022 Duration: 08min

    Wow! Teaching you to feel worthy of Money. You all are in for literally a pre-Halloween treat! Discussing literally how to attract more money easily, & effortlessly into your life. Becoming such a magnet to money, that you start to attract what you desire without adding in more hard work. Also, I placed a “ Secret Money Affirmation “ inside, use it 2x-3x per day to see more money in your life.

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