Lean In With Johnny Button



In this weekly podcast Johnny Button explores concepts of faith, leadership, and personal growth. Join the conversation and a community of people choosing to lean in!


  • Mystery

    25/02/2019 Duration: 16min

    If you're like me and just about everyone else I know, you have trouble embracing the unknown. In this episode of Lean In with Johnny Button, we talk about mystery and how it may be an important element of our life of faith.

  • The Unwind

    18/02/2019 Duration: 17min

    For some people, "rest" is a four-letter-word. Why is rest important? And how do we go about adding a rhythm of rest to our incredibly busy lives? On this episode of Lean In with Johnny Button, we talk about rest, why it's important, and how to make sure you start getting it!

  • Introducing Lean In with Johnny Button!

    12/02/2019 Duration: 03min

    In this mini-episode of Lean In with Johnny Button, Johnny takes a moment to introduce himself and layout his vision for this podcast. Happy listening!