So how do you boot strap a capital intensive company and still play with the big dogs?Instead of raising funds from investors, we are generating sales and keeping 100% of our company.Its not easy. But if you play smarter you can play big. This PodCast will give you a behind the scenes view of what we are doing to scale our company and create a massive impact on the world.
"I Thought He Was Going To Knock Me Out"
28/01/2019 Duration: 21minIn this episode I explain my experience with partnerships... I will discuss the 6 secrets to a successful partnership. Please Subscribe!
How We Built A $250,000 Software
28/01/2019 Duration: 26minWe build an insanely powerful software valued around $250,000 and we bootstrapped it all ourselves! In this episode I talk about how we utilized a paid lead magnet to fund our entire software. Please subscribe!