Doing Divorce Right.



Divorce doesn't have to be a disaster! If you put your kids first and leave your egos at the door! Let Happy Divorce Expert Jennifer Hurvitz coach you into a successful, amicable HAPPY post-divorce relationship. Listen to tips on co-parenting, dating, nesting, relationships, SEX and all things healthy divorce. Plus a whole lot more...Let's get you HAPPY!


  • Love, Relationships and Valentine's Day: The Secret to Getting What You Want with Relationship Expert Jennifer Hurvitz

    13/02/2024 Duration: 16min

    Let's get into it: Valentine's Day. Whether you love it or hate it, you can do a lot of things to make it work for you.  We're diving into all of it today, so buckle up. Have any questions for us? Please feel free to DM me- remember, it's okay to try different ways of doing things! Read more about The Unblended Family, Nesting, and Living Apart Together in my books- One Happy Divorce, Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda and Midlife Priceless. You don't know what you don't know!  Happy Relationships!  xo j    And use MS15 to get 15% off COCONU!     

  • How Can Menopause Affect Your Relationships? with Relationship Expert Jennifer Hurvitz

    23/01/2024 Duration: 15min

    Let's get REAL about MENOPAUSE!  The stigma around women's health during menopause can leave women feeling like they are just too old and that nobody would want to date them- not true!  Prioritize your health, eat well, and look after your mind and body. Get help from a coach or therapist to support you while you learn to date again, and it can be a positive experience! Menopause can mess with a lot of things in a relationship - hormones go up and down, hot flashes happen, and the mood swings and decreased libido can be hard to deal with. It's a tough time for couples to get through, but Jennifer has some great tips to help. She shares real-life advice and practical strategies to help couples communicate better, keep the intimacy alive, and come out the other side with a better understanding of things.  So don't worry; you're not alone: let's TALK about all things MENOPAUSE today on DRR!  And use MS15 to get 15% off COCONU!         

  • Living Apart Together: What's Up with This New Trend? with Jennifer Hurvitz and Jim Healey

    16/01/2024 Duration: 33min

    You ask, you get it!  This week on Doing Relationships Right, Jim Healey is BACK, and we are discussing LIVING APART TOGETHER- a growing trend. And one that we have been doing since we met in 2017! It has worked for us, but can it work for YOU? Listen to our conversation and hear the pros and cons; doing what suits your relationship is essential. Scientific evidence shows that living apart may significantly strengthen a long-term relationship. Are you great partners but terrible roommates? Are you great partners but with different definitions of success? Is it essential to you NOT to blend families?  A successful connection means different things to different people, as gender roles, parenthood, and cultural background all play a role in relationships. What was once a deal breaker may now be an opportunity to adapt to modern society. We are here to destigmatize the negativity of going against the "norm."  Have any questions for us? Please feel free to DM me- remember, it's okay to try different ways of doing

  • Gaslighting in Relationships: Signs and How to Stop it with Relationship Expert Jennifer Hurvitz

    09/01/2024 Duration: 17min

    GASLIGHTING: SIGNS & HOW TO STOP IT! I’m back with ALL NEW EPISODES of DRR! It's 2024, baby!  This JUST JEN episode lights up the truth about gaslighting in the dating world.  Don’t let anyone dim your shine or twist your reality. Trust your instincts, set boundaries, and keep your heart guarded- but not too closed off! Not everyone is GASLIGHTING YOU! Remember, you deserve genuine connections, not mind games. Stay true to yourself and let the right one light up your life. xoxo j  Oh! And if you enjoyed this episode, please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING MIDLIFE RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a question for a future episode:   Where to find me: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: CLICK HERE ♥️ TikTok: CLICK HER

  • Common Mistakes Women Make in the Early Stages of Dating with Midlife Dating Expert Jennifer Hurvitz

    19/12/2023 Duration: 19min

    Dating and not succeeding may seem frustrating. I'm here to talk to you about the common mistakes women make during the early stages of dating. xoxo j  Oh! And if you enjoyed this episode, please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING MIDLIFE RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a question for a future episode:   Where to find me: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: CLICK HERE ♥️ TikTok: CLICK HERE! Pinterest: click here!   You can connect with my editor, Cianna Reider, at

  • Home Alone for the Holidays with Relationship Expert Jennifer Hurvitz

    12/12/2023 Duration: 17min

    Happy Holidays! But it may not seem as happy if you're spending it alone, maybe for the first time, or maybe for the 10th time.  I'm here to talk to you about some ways to enjoy your holiday, even if it's not exactly like the ones you had before! xoxo j  Oh! And if you enjoyed this episode, please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING MIDLIFE RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a question for a future episode:   Where to find me: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: CLICK HERE ♥️ TikTok: CLICK HERE! Pinterest: click here!   You can connect with my editor, Cianna Reider, at

  • Underrated Qualities of a Great Partner with Relationship Expert Jennifer Hurvitz

    05/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    Jump back to 2021, right after the pandemic shut down the world, my oldest son went off to college, and shit started getting REAL.  Really.  I started to take my partner for granted after being in "captivity" with him for so long during COVID-19; we were both frustrated, and I was annoyed. It's time for a wake-up call for both of us!  Listen as I talk about those qualities that go overlooked in our partners, the ones that are sometimes forgotten.  Right now, one of the most popular things people want is a satisfying relationship, happiness, money, freedom, and peace. But what about the less obvious?  Listen to what I came up with in 2021 and see if you agree.  xo j    Oh! And if you enjoyed this episode, please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING MIDLIFE RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a question for a future episode:   Where to find me: Website:

  • Dating During Midlife: What's Different?

    28/11/2023 Duration: 19min

    DATING AT MIDLIFE CAN BE ABSURD! I know, I've been there. But it can also be amazing!  Did you know that dating during midlife can be very different from dating in your 30s? Do you need help with technology? Are you unsure about how to navigate the new "rules" or understand the latest "lingo"? No worries, I got you! I've been there, done that...and endured it all! Have you read the horror stories in my latest book, Midlife Priceless: A Dating Coach's Guide to *Finally* Doing Relationships Right? Pick it up- trust me!  I GOT YOU! If you want a 30-minute crash course on Doing Dating Right: AFTER DIVORCE & DURING MIDLIFE-- check out the link below!  Don't let dating in your 50s damage your self-esteem. Stay optimistic and put out positive energy to attract the right person! xoxo j        Oh! And if you enjoyed this episode, please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING MIDLIFE RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and l

  • Signs Your NEW Relationship Isn't Going to Last with Jennifer Hurvitz

    21/11/2023 Duration: 17min

    Don't waste your time if they do these things. These are some signs it won't last. Did you know that dating during midlife can be very different from dating in your 30s? Do you need help with technology? Are you unsure about how to navigate the new "rules" or understand the latest "lingo"? No worries, I got you! I've been there, done that...and endured it all! Have you read the horror stories in my latest book, Midlife Priceless: A Dating Coach's Guide to *Finally* Doing Relationships Right? Pick it up- trust me!  I GOT YOU! If you want a 30-minute crash course on Doing Dating Right: AFTER DIVORCE & DURING MIDLIFE-- check out the link below!  Don't let dating in your 50s damage your self-esteem. Stay optimistic and put out positive energy to attract the right person! xoxo j  Oh! And if you enjoyed this episode, please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING MIDLIFE RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a que

  • Tips for an Awesome First Date After Midlife with Relationship Expert Jennifer Hurvitz

    14/11/2023 Duration: 15min

    DATING AFTER 40 CAN BE ABSURD! Rough. Wild!  But it can also be amazing!  Did you know that dating during midlife can be very different from dating in your 30s? Do you need help with technology? Are you unsure about how to navigate the new "rules" or understand the latest "lingo"? No worries, I got you! I've been there, done that...and endured it all! Have you read the horror stories in my latest book, Midlife Priceless: A Dating Coach's Guide to *Finally* Doing Relationships Right? Pick it up- trust me!  I GOT YOU! If you want a 30-minute crash course on Doing Dating Right: AFTER DIVORCE & DURING MIDLIFE-- check out the link below!  Don't let dating in your 50s damage your self-esteem. Stay optimistic and put out positive energy to attract the right person! xoxo j        Oh! And if you enjoyed this episode, please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING MIDLIFE RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a questi

  • The Art of Speaking Your Partner's Love Language with your host, Relationship Expert Jennifer Hurvitz

    07/11/2023 Duration: 19min

    Let's talk about love languages - the five ways people show and feel love. You've got words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Knowing your partner's love language can help you express your feelings better and improve your relationship. Want to know more? Let's dig in! xo j Oh! And if you enjoyed this, please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING DATING RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a question for a future episode:   Where to find me: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: CLICK HERE ♥️ TikTok: CLICK HERE! Pinterest: click here!   You can connect with my editor, Cianna Reider, at    

  • Communicate Better with your Avoidant Partner with Relationships Expert, Jennifer Hurvitz

    24/10/2023 Duration: 37min

    We're back. Today's episode is AGAIN featuring my all-time favorite guest, Jim Healey. We discuss our communication strengths and weaknesses, and how to improve. xo j Please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING DATING RIGHT!    Where to find me: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: CLICK HERE ♥️ TikTok: CLICK HERE! Pinterest: click here!   You can connect with my editor, Cianna Reider, at   Get a copy of Jen's book, "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda: A Divorce Coach's Guide to Staying Married" here.

  • Better Together: Tips for Getting Back with an Ex and Doing it Right

    17/10/2023 Duration: 33min

    We're back, and better then ever. Today's episode is featuring my all-time favorite guest, Jim Healey. We will share our entire story, including what's not in my book, and leave no topic untouched. We're discussing how to get back with your ex the right way! It's been some time since I last recorded an episode, and Jim and I haven't spoken on my show in over a year. Our discussion was nerve-wracking and emotional as we shared our personal lives. But, we recognize that our conversation may help those experiencing relationship struggles. Oy. And even coaches fuck up, y'all. We make mistakes, learn from them, hold ourselves accountable, and move on. If I can pick myself up after the last year I endured, anyone can- tune in today and grab a glass of wine. ;) xo j Oh! And if you are feeling birthday-like, please grab a copy of Midlife Priceless wherever you find your books! Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING DATING RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a question for a futu

  • JEN AGAIN: HAPPY 50-ish to ME, with your host Jennifer Hurvitz

    12/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    IT'S MY BIRTHDAY...I can PODCAST IF I WANT TO! So, I'm doing my 50th all over again this year. Why? Last year didn't feel right, so I figured I'd give it another shot. More to that story read on: Yup, last year I wasn't with the right person; it was kind of a superstition of mine. This year, I will celebrate this “Midlife which is truly PRICELESS” with the person I will spend the rest of my life with--and that's all that matters. Looking for all the TEA? Don't miss the special 50-ish Birthday Episode of DOING RELATIONSHIPS RIGHT today, October 12th, featuring my all-time favorite guest, Jim Healey. We will share our entire story, including what's not in my book, and leave no topic untouched. It's been some time since I last recorded an episode, and Jim and I haven't spoken on my show in over a year. Our discussion was nerve-wracking and emotional as we shared our personal lives. But, we recognize that our conversation may help those experiencing relationship struggles. Oy. And even coaches fuck up, y'all. We

  • How to Feel Better About Your Finances with Money Coach, Carrie Casden

    31/08/2023 Duration: 39min

    I'm thrilled to have Money Coach and Business Manager Carrie Casden on Doing Relationships Right to discuss all things finance- and much more! After over 20 years as a business and personal finance manager, Carie Casden knows this much is true – when it comes to financial challenges, it's rarely actually about the money. Specific patterns tend to repeat themselves, particularly when it comes to women and money. Most of us grew up with a special relationship to our finances due to our upbringing and life events, and it sticks with us – for better or worse. This reality, compounded by the fact that systems are stacked against women, makes matters even more challenging. And even if we've managed to shatter the glass ceiling, find our purpose, and build a solid foundation for ourselves, life inevitably throws us curveballs. Career changes. Divorce. Family drama. Loss. We are confronted with these matters at some point, but are we prepared for them? In Carrie's experience, most people aren't – and it's not because

  • Why Won't My Kid Stop LYING? with Kimball Lewis the CEO of Empowering

    29/08/2023 Duration: 37min

    Managing child behavior problems is a skill that we can learn.  And the tools and resources available through and The Total Transformation® child behavior program ensure that you don't have to learn through trial and error. Instead, you can learn from parents and professionals who effectively manage disrespect, defiance, backtalk, lying, laziness, motivation, and other behaviors. My guest today, Kimball Lewis, is the CEO of In addition to his leadership and management roles, he contributes as an editor, a homeschooling expert, and a parent coach. He resides in Orlando, Florida, with his wife and two teenage sons. Thank you, Kimball, for joining me today on Doing Relationships Right to talk about WHY KIDS LIE and how we can stop it! Check out Check out Marriage Helper here: MARRIAGE HELPER Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING DATING RIGHT!   

  • Attachment Styles and How they Affect YOUR Relationships with Relationship Coach Flora Ong

    22/08/2023 Duration: 34min

    Today, it's FLASHBACK TO MY FAVORITE EPISODES; we've got the incredible Flora Ong. Flora is a Dating and Relationship Coach as well an Integrated Attachment Specialist.  As a certified Health and Life Coach, Flora focuses on working with men and women, helping them identify their blocks around dating. Her purpose is to find them what they want and to make sure they experience inner peace in the process. "You need to know yourself to be in a relationship." ~ Flora Ong. Today's conversation highlights the importance of understanding yourself. You need to find THE ONE, and, spoiler alert, that is YOU! We dive into the various attachment styles and how to work with those to have a healthy relationship. Thank you, Flora, for joining me and sharing your wisdom. I appreciate you; my audience requested this discussion, so I'm excited to share it with them. Peace, love, and truth, xo j   Find Flora here Get a copy of my NEW BOOK! Midlife Priceless: A Dating Coach's Guide to *Finally* Doing Relationships Right HERE!  H

  • Back to the Future: Overlooked Traits that Make the PERFECT Partner with your host Jennifer Hurvitz

    08/08/2023 Duration: 14min

    Today's episode is a not only a Flashback to my FAVES but also a bit of self-reflection. When I recorded this episode in September of 2021 Jim and I were still dating- jump ahead to the present...things are much different.  Do I wish I could turn back the clock and make some much-needed changes? YES, ma'am! But we wouldn't be where we are now. (More to come soon!)  Enjoy!  xo j    Listen now to Doing Relationships Right Just Jen as we unpack this and much, much more.  Get a copy of my NEW BOOK! Midlife Priceless: A Dating Coach's Guide to *Finally* Doing Relationships Right HERE!  Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING DATING RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a question for a future episode:

  • FLASHBACK FAVE: SEXY, SPICY & HOT LOVE AFTER DIVORCE with Host of Sadie's Divorced and Happy Podcast, Sadie Marie

    01/08/2023 Duration: 31min

    Let's go back in time to 2020 when I had my friend and colleague SADIE MARIE, host of Sadie's Divorced and Happy Podcast, on the show!  After her divorce, Sadie has realized the importance of being determined, self-loving, and fierce. She now prioritizes being resilient and relentless in her pursuit of happiness for herself and her loved ones. Through her podcast, Sadie hopes to share her thoughts and gain insights from both her guests and listeners. Here are the main points Sadie has learned about post-divorce:  Authenticity is more valuable than perfection. Your mindset affects both your emotional and physical well-being. Having faith in what's possible is just as important as being fully engaged in the present moment. LIsten to Sadie's Divorced and Happy Podcast here: And follow Sadie on IG:   Listen now to Doing Relationships Right Just Jen as we unpack this and much, much more.  Get a copy of my NEW BOOK! Midlife

  • FLASHBACK EPISODE: Forget What You Learned About Dating it's All BS! with Dating Expert Jennifer Hurvitz

    25/07/2023 Duration: 21min

    ITS A FLASHBACK TO MY FAVES ON DOING RELATIONSHIPS RIGHT PODCAST! Let's go back to the archives to 2022 and listen to one of my Favorite Just Jen episodes, kay? Dating has changed since I was in my 20's! Evolved, maybe? There are some "rules"  y'all just need to forget; myths about dating that are total nonsense! No worries, I've got you! Today on Doing Relationships Right!  Listen now to Doing Relationships Right Just Jen as we unpack this and much, much more.  Get a copy of my NEW BOOK! Midlife Priceless: A Dating Coach's Guide to *Finally* Doing Relationships Right HERE!  Here's the link to my Online Dating Course: DOING DATING RIGHT!    Join the Facebook Group and leave a question for a future episode:   Where to find me: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: CLICK HERE ♥️ TikTok: CLICK HERE! Pinterest: click here!

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