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Our Community LISTENS is a transformative community organization dedicated to changing the world by creating caring communities.We believe a Truly Human language unites us.Practicing this language is at the core of meaningful relationships and healthy human connectionWe inspire personal transformation through educational experiences and measure our success by the way we touch the lives of others.We invite you to elevate the way you relate to others.


  • 103 - Dissecting Top Secret F.B.I. Statements

    05/06/2024 Duration: 35min

    Can you actually enhance your relationships by utilizing the F.B.I.? In this episode of the Listen First Podcast, Kat Edmondson and I delve deep into the intricacies of handling anxiety and confrontation within personal relationships. Through this insightful discussion, we stress the significance of addressing these challenges constructively to foster healthier and more fulfilling connections. To do so, we revisit the Our Community Listens concept of utilizing the FBI formula to write prepared statements to turn confrontation into conversation. This innovative approach centered around crafting initial messages that clearly express our feelings, pinpoint specific behaviors, and resonate with the psychological needs of those receiving the message can foster deeper connections in your life. We explore the intricacies of effectively delivering the FBI message, including considerations like body language and timing. Additionally, we discuss utilizing the method to recognize and celebrate someone's positive act

  • 102 - Empathy in Action: A Story of Transformation Inside Colorado’s Roaring Fork Valley

    14/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    Discover How Our Foundation is Working Alongside Multiple Organizations to Transform the Entire Colorado Valley—You Won't Believe the Impact! ---- If this story of the Chapman Foundation for Caring Communities and the Roaring Fork Valley sparks your interest, we invite you to connect with us for more information on how we can assist your team. Your journey towards a more empathetic and cohesive workplace begins here: https://connect.chapmancommunities.org/f/organization-interest --- What you will learn in this episode: •The significance of effective communication and continuous learning in fostering caring communities. •Personal insights and experiences with the program's impact on increasing empathy and understanding among individuals and teams. •Strategies for cultivating a culture of care and the broader benefits of applying these principles in various settings. --- “Empathy in Action" dives deep into the heart of The Roaring Fork Valley, Colorado, where the Chapman Foundation for Caring Communi

  • 101 - ALL ABOARD!: Know your three ‘stops’ on Bothered Boulevard

    23/04/2024 Duration: 19min

    You will take away: • A reminder of the Three Moves from Our Community Listens • Practical application through shared experiences In a discussion rich with personal anecdotes and refreshers from Our Community Listens, Adam Salgat and Kat Edmondson, explore the nuanced dynamics of managing emotions in confrontations. They delve into individual experiences of frustration, anxiety, and passive-aggressiveness, highlighting the importance of the “Three Moves” to enhance communication and strengthen relationships. Their conversation sheds light on confronting issues with empathy and strategic techniques, including the FBI formula for effective communication.

  • 100 - Podcast History & Reflection w/Next Level Non-Verbals in a World of Emojis - Part 2

    14/03/2024 Duration: 31min

    In our 100th episode of the Listen First Podcast, Leanne Van Beek joins me to reflect on the podcast's growth since 2018. We discuss how the podcast began supporting alumni, the human connections behind the data, and the power of real-life testimonials. Leanne also shares some surprising thoughts on the Chapman Foundation's evolution, and we both express gratitude to founders Bob and Cynthia Chapman. After our conversation, continue to Part 2 of the Skill Snippet—Next-level Nonverbals in a World with Emojis. As we continue to delve into the world of nonverbal communication, explore with us when to amplify or restrain your nonverbals, how to navigate face-to-face interactions with those that might have a flat effect, and glean practical tips on when and how often we should style flex. We would love to hear from you, our audience. Your support of the Chapman Foundation and the podcast makes us jubilant and provides us with the fuel to keep changing the world. Please download the CFCC Leads app. Under the m

  • 099 - Next level Non-verbals in a World with Emojis - Part One

    13/02/2024 Duration: 15min

    In today's digital age, interpreting nonverbal communication can often be tricky. Many people, even in professional settings, often convey some non-verbal cues through emojis. We will not spend the following skill snippet discussing which emoji best fits calling in sick or bringing up your discomfort about a project timeline, because, despite their usefulness, they cannot entirely replace nonverbal communication. In this conversation with Leanne Van Beek, she discussed these challenges and provided concrete examples from her prior work as an HR professional. After a brief re-cap of the Mehrabian Communication Model, she lays out how to set up JPRs that show care and intention by considering the distribution method and timing. We also discuss how to use certain forms of technology to help us make sure our message isn’t when communicating quickly. https://www.chapmancommunities.org/

  • 098 - Mastering Emotional Awareness: An Expert's Guide to Navigating Holiday Stress

    20/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    Join Kat Edmondson, Content Leader for the Chapman Foundation for Caring Communities, as she discusses her latest blog - Mastering Emotional Awareness: An Expert's Guide to Navigating Holiday Stress. Stay tuned for a teaser of the Self-Reflection Guide-12 Days of Positivity on-demand course after the conversation. BLOG: https://www.chapmancommunities.org/emotional-awareness/ 12 Days of Positivity PDF: https://chapmancommunities.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/12%20Days%20of%20Positivity%20for%20Web.pdf

  • 097-Got Your Six: A Conversation w/National Guardsmen

    14/12/2023 Duration: 37min

    So what happens when two 20-year military service members join forces to lead with empathy? Tune in to find out. The phrase “military leadership” typically evokes images of commanders and noncommissioned officers leading heroic charges or generals directing armies. In reality, however, most leadership in the armed forces is far more gentle. In little ways, all day long, at all levels, commanders and subordinates communicate just like in any other workplace environment. As a beacon guiding a ship through turbulent waters, effective communication can steer our military forces. It fosters trust, builds team cohesion, and translates ideas into action. The courses provided by the Chapman Foundation are a set of tools that create tangible actions to help make human connections and create strong leaders. But remember, all new skills, like a muscle, need to be worked on to become stronger. And to get stronger faster, it helps to have an accountability buddy. Or, in today's case, a Chief Master Sergeant in the Nati

  • 096 - Listening to Learn: An Educator’s Template for Building Teacher & Student Trust

    09/11/2023 Duration: 37min

    Some would say that working in the education field takes a lot of smarts. To teach someone anything, you need first to understand it yourself, and then you have to break it down and go step by step to help build up their understanding of the subject. But what happens if your student doesn’t want to listen? Do you just keep repeating the information, hoping it will sink in? What if you stopped the lesson and chose to listen to the student about why they are struggling to hear you? Who is emotionally supporting the teachers? Our guest in today’s episode has been in the education field for over 20 years; he’s seen the statistics and believes in the significance of building a supportive culture for those he leads to begin improving those numbers and lives. His name is Jamie Bandstra. He is currently the Principal/Director of CTE & ASM Tech at the West Shore ESD based in Ludington, MI. Mr. Bandstra has over 21 years of education experience. He has been a classroom teacher, a principal, and the first Superinten

  • 095 - Game-Changer in Blue: Insight on the Power of Listening Skills in Policing

    11/10/2023 Duration: 40min

    Conflict in the workplace: How do we define it, and why does it matter? CPP Global (the publisher of the Myers-Briggs Assessment) defines conflict as “any workplace disagreement that disrupts the flow of work.” This definition emphasizes that conflict reduces productivity. A worldwide study by CPP looking at workplace conflicts showed that 57% of the US respondents had NOT received training in how to manage workplace conflict, even though 95% of people who have received training as part of leadership development or formal external courses say that it helped them in some way. Policing is a profession that has many different types of workplace conflicts. While officers undergo de-escalation training, learning the Our Community Listens skills has led to many of them saying they wish to have this type of training at the start of their careers. That includes our guest, Sergeant Brian Brown, of the University of Colorado Police Department. As a teenager, Officer Brown was influenced by two tragic even

  • 094 - Big Aspirations w/Erin Wojkiewicz

    05/09/2023 Duration: 34min

    What is emotional intelligence, and why is it vital in a leader? Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and regulate one’s emotions and understand the emotions of others. A high EQ, emotional quotient, as it can be referred to, helps build relationships, reduce team stress, defuse conflict, and improve job satisfaction. Researchers Van Rooy & Viswesvaran conducted a meta-analysis of 69 studies in 2004. (Meta-analysis is like a buffet of different studies.) Drawing on a vast amount of data, they concluded that, compared with average performers, strong cognitive ability was 27% more prevalent in top performers. However, high EI was prevalent in DOUBLE that amount (53%). Ultimately, a high EI means having the potential to increase team productivity and staff retention. That’s why when it comes to recruiting management roles, employers look to hire and promote candidates with a high ‘EQ’ (emotional quotient) – rather than IQ (intelligence quotient). Our guest today is alumni Erin Wojkiewicz from Gre

  • 093 - Trust in the Workplace w/Christine Mahoney

    08/08/2023 Duration: 33min

    Welcome back to the Listen First Podcast! What happens when a journalist, trained to listen to people, takes a class on listening? According to A Great Place to Work, a critical factor in building a positive and productive workplace culture is having trust among the staff. But what builds trust in the workplace, and what does it mean for employees to experience? Trust can feel like a squishy word, even as it becomes increasingly recognized as an essential business asset. Telling them to trust you doesn’t work. You have to build a high-trust culture over time. A Great Place to Work states that this is done by focusing on components such as - credibility, respect, fairness, inclusion, and belonging. They say that we must listen to our co-workers as much as we share information or request tasks from them. For Christine Mahoney, a former journalist and college professor, building trust with her co-workers at the University of Colorado, Boulder, started quickly because, within her first few weeks on the job,

  • 092 - Culture & Connection – Opportunities to Succeed

    16/01/2023 Duration: 24min

    In this episode, Adam J. Salgat and CFCC CEO Misty Janks sit down to discuss company culture and what businesses should keep in mind heading into 2023. They share some new statistics about who employees think is in charge of company culture, how culture has improved coming out of the pandemic, and provide concrete examples of how to enhance connection. https://www.chapmancommunities.org/

  • 091 - Our Key Takeaways of 2022...Just For You!

    21/12/2022 Duration: 27min

    Just like your favorite sitcom, we’ve put together a compilation episode! Enjoy the key messages from our interviews this past year. Happy Holidays! https://www.chapmancommunities.org/

  • 090 - You don’t have to think the same to love someone - Acceptance vs. Agreement

    21/11/2022 Duration: 35min

    There are many holiday celebrations on the horizon. This is often joked about as a time of family turmoil. Let’s talk about what we can do when a relative starts expressing views that are different than your own. Listen in as Jules Maloney, Wisconsin Regional Director & Director of Virtual Programming, shares many examples of how to move past judgment and into acceptance, even when you don't agree with someone.

  • 089 - Get your flex on and get work done!

    13/10/2022 Duration: 15min

    Have you ever had trouble getting a co-worker to buy-in on a project? Does it seem as though they don’t grasp the importance? Sometimes when we explain things we aren’t connecting with them because we aren’t saying the way they ‘need’ to hear it. In this Skill Snippet, Shara Brice continues our discussion around DISC and explains how style-flexing can help this situation. https://www.chapmancommunities.org/

  • 088 - Digesting DISC – Part 2

    21/09/2022 Duration: 33min

    Are you new alumni? Did you recently finish the Our Community Listens course and find yourself often checking back to your learning guide? Well, this podcast and its coming episodes are here for you as another form of learning! We’ll be reviewing subjects from class, providing more examples and reminders of how to apply the skills at work and at home. In this episode, Adam J. Salgat and Katie Trotter continue breaking down the behavior tendencies of S and C in their purest form. Take the next 30 minutes to learn how to better understand people in your life and how they may prefer to be communicated with. www.chapmancommunities.org/ connect.chapmancommunities.org/page/events

  • 087 - Mom's Story: How I Connected With My Kids Early in the School Year (And You Can Too)

    12/09/2022 Duration: 23min

    In this episode, Adam Salgat discusses with Jill Wright of South Carolina how she tries to connect with her kids as the school year gets underway. Listen to her personal account of initially having difficulty understanding her son’s decision not to join a school club but eventually slowing down and hearing his real concerns. If Jill’s listening skills had not come to the surface she might have missed out on something that meant a lot to their relationship. https://www.chapmancommunities.org/

  • 086 - Class is in session! Five tips to connect with your child at the start of the school year

    31/08/2022 Duration: 24min

    In this episode, Adam Salgat, Micki Gibbs, and Mike Desparrois set you up for success as your family goes through the transition of starting a new school year. Listen closely for five tips to bring you closer to your child as they head into a very stressful time of their life. 1. Use door openers 2. Grace and space, don’t interrogate 3. Let them lead the conversation 4. Connection before direction 5. Empathize, reflectively listen, and don’t problem solve

  • 085 - When the Military Listens: A Researchers Pipeline to Leading Change

    24/08/2022 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, Adam Salgat visits Jenn Rudolph of Michigan Air National Guard who completed her Master's Research Thesis for her course in the Military Arts and Sciences about listening with empathy in the military. Specifically, those that have completed the Our Community Listens course. What challenges did Rudolph face when implementing empathy in their communication practices? What was those indicators that prompted her to view how people in the military communicated? How did she confirm all of this? Tune in to find out how she made this impactful change and her quest to publish her research and findings. Rudolph has been in the military for 13 years and has attended both the three-day Our Community Listens and the marriage course with her husband Jose Tovar. To learn more about their story, go back and listen to episode 063 - Communicating with your partner and military deployment. https://www.chapmancommunities.org/

  • 084 - Digesting DISC – Part 1

    10/08/2022 Duration: 31min

    Are you new alumni? Did you recently finish the Our Community Listens course and find yourself often checking back to your learning guide? Well, this podcast and its coming episode are here for you as another form of learning! We’ll be reviewing subjects from class, providing more examples and reminders of how to apply the skills at work and at home. In this episode, Adam J. Salgat and Katie Trotter take time to talk about the origins of the Extended DISC assessment and begin breaking down the behavior tendencies of D and I in their purest form. Take the next 30 minutes to learn how to better understand people in your life and how they may prefer to be communicated with. Keep an eye out for the upcoming podcast where we look at the S and C tendencies. https://www.chapmancommunities.org/ https://connect.chapmancommunities.org/page/events

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