Career Uprising



Discover what it would be like to actually enjoy going to work every day. Imagine if you felt completely fulfilled with your job. If you are looking to up-level in your career, Lorraine Rise has can help you get there.As a Professional Career Coach, former recruiter and 2X career changer, she knows how to help clients re-invent themselves professionally and find jobs that align with their values and priorities. Whether you are a looking for a new career or stuck in a toxic job, Career UpRising is about not settling for less and harnessing your personal power to achieve more. The show will cover topics such as overcoming fear and self-doubt, interviewing confidently and authentically, negotiating a higher salary, and much more. Lorraine shares insights about the hiring process, case studies from successful coaching clients and stories from her own career journey to help you find the career of your dreams. She takes live calls and interview other coaches and career experts. And finally, you'll learn how to harness the power of manifestation to bring better results in your job search and career development.


  • Embracing Change and Becoming Adaptable

    20/05/2024 Duration: 19min

    Explore the importance of embracing change and cultivating adaptability in today's rapidly changing workplace. From mastering the art of flexibility to cultivating a growth mindset and leveraging change, this episode offers actionable advice and inspiration to empower listeners to embrace change as a vehicle for success. Learn more at

  • Starting Over In A New Career

    06/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    Starting over in your career is an overwhelming process, especially when you are 40 or 50+. No matter how old you are, it's not too late for you. Learn how to leverage the experience you already have to make the second half of your career, the best half. Did you know that Lorraine wrote a book? Get a copy at

  • The Manifestation Blueprint, Part 2: Your Future Self

    22/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    In part two of this series, Lorraine expands upon the concept of manifestation and shares how you can create a new version of yourself right now to achieve your goals. Listen for her four-step process for changing any aspect of your life. Get her new book at

  • The Manifestation Blueprint, Part 1: Attracting Your Ideal Career

    08/04/2024 Duration: 26min

    Join Lorraine she shares her secrets to success and delves into the principles of manifestation. What is it? Is it even real? Yes! Hear practical techniques for harnessing your inner power to manifest the career of your dreams. Through inspiring stories, tangible examples, and actionable strategies, discover how aligning your thoughts, intentions, and actions can manifest opportunities, abundance, and fulfillment in your professional journey. Get her new book at

  • Turning 40: Celebrating Life, Business and Lessons Learned

    25/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    As Lorraine celebrates her 40th birthday, join her on this special episode of Career UpRising for a reflective journey through the lessons learned in both career and life. Drawing from her experience as a coach, business owner, wife, mom, yogi, book lover, and more. Lorraine shares invaluable insights, personal anecdotes, and wisdom gained over four decades. Get a glimpse of Lorraine's life on a personal level and what she's learned so far in her 40 years on Earth. Tune in for heartfelt reflections, candid conversations, and actionable takeaways to inspire your own journey of growth and self-discovery. Learn more at

  • Why You Need Core Values

    11/03/2024 Duration: 23min

    Join host Lorraine Rise as she explores why understanding and aligning with your core values is crucial for finding satisfaction and success in your professional life. Discover how clarifying your values can serve as a compass, guiding you towards career choices that resonate with your authentic self. Through real-life examples and practical insights, learn how identifying your core values empowers you to make decisions with confidence, navigate career transitions, and cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your work. Learn more at

  • How To Beat An Internal Candidate For The Job

    26/02/2024 Duration: 13min

    It's frustrating to go through multiple rounds of interviews only to lose the job to an internal candidate. What can you do? There ARE advantages to being an external candidate and this show will reveal what they are and how to leverage them. Learn more at

  • How To Talk About Your Accomplishments

    12/02/2024 Duration: 26min

    Do you struggle with talking about yourself in interviews? This is VERY common and it has a solution. Learn how to share your career accomplishments with confidence and authenticity in order to advance your career. Lorraine also makes an announcement about an upcoming event in this month! Learn more at

  • Out of Work and Out of Time: How To Stay Afloat During Unemployment

    29/01/2024 Duration: 25min

    The past few years have brought layoffs for many. Learn how you can protect yourself financially during this time and continue to thrive while looking for work. Learn more at

  • From Rejection to Resilience: Landing a Job in Today's Market

    15/01/2024 Duration: 24min

    No one likes rejection...especially when you are looking for work. Long job searches can take a toll on your mental and physical health. What can you do? How did the job market get so tough? Today's show will offer insights into the 2024 job market and specific strategies for how to get employed faster. Learn more at

  • You Are Ready Right Now: A Roadmap for Achieving Your Goals in 2024

    01/01/2024 Duration: 17min

    You don't need to be anything more than who you are right now in order to make progress on your goals. We think that success is for the lucky, but that's nonsense. The secret to success is to just get started and you will BECOME the person you need to be in the process. If you're ready to get fired up about living your best life RIGHT NOW, then this show is for you. Learn more at

  • What's Next In The "Return To Office" Battle

    04/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    There is a war raging between employees and their companies over remote work. Who will win? What can you do if want to work from home, but don't currently? Today's show will answer these questions and Lorraine will share specific tips and dialogue for starting this conversation with your boss. Learn more at

  • From Entrepreneur to Employee: How To Make The Transition

    20/11/2023 Duration: 24min

    What happens when you've owned a business but want to enter the corporate world? Can you go from being a boss to an employee? Many clients want to make this transtion but worry about how to tell their story and get hired after owning a business. This is more common than you think! As someone who has made this transition herself, Lorraine's practical strategies will empower your career transition. Learn more at

  • Starting Over After a Long Job Tenure

    13/11/2023 Duration: 24min

    One thing that Career UpRising clients have in common is long job tenures. How do you start over when you've only worked at one place for so many years? It can often feel like the end of a relationship when you transition out of a company you were loyal to. Listen to today's show for guidance on how to make this transition mentally, emotionally and logistically. Learn more at

  • When Life Gets Messy

    23/10/2023 Duration: 23min

    Oftentimes before things get really good, they fall apart. A crisis is always a wake up call and sign that your life is heading in a new direction. This is both exciting and scary! Learn how Lorraine navigated several challenges this year and you can do the same. Order Lorraine's new book today: Barnes and Noble: Amazon:

  • Show Update and Book Release: What You Didn’t Learn In School

    09/10/2023 Duration: 23min

    The show is back and with big news! Listen to what Lorraine's been up to and all about her new book, What You Didn't Learn In School. Learn how you can receive a free bundle of special bonuses from Career UpRising that will transform your career! Order the book today from all major retailers! Barnes and Noble: Amazon:

  • Bonus Episode: Show Hiatus + What's Next For Career UpRising

    25/04/2023 Duration: 08min

    The Career UpRising show is five years old this month. After 144 episodes, Lorraine is taking a hiatus for at least a few months. Hear more about her upcoming announcement and what's next for her personally and professionally.

  • Your Job Is Not Your Identity with Sunny Khurana

    24/04/2023 Duration: 27min

    Sunny is a two-time client at Career UpRising and has an incredible story to share. For anyone stuck in a long job search that isn't working, or experiencing burnout from their job, today's show will provide the inspiration and action items you need to make a change.

  • #142 Secrets To The Salary Negotiation with Alex Immel

    17/04/2023 Duration: 38min

    There is a right and WRONG way to negotiate more money in a job offer. Making a mistake can cost you -literally! Listen to this interview Alex Immel, a professional negotiation consultant and learn exactly what to say earn up to 20% more in your next job offer. Book a free call with Alex here:

  • #141 Breaking Into The C-Suite, Part 2: The Executive Job Search

    20/03/2023 Duration: 18min

    How do you find an executive level job? There are nuances to an executive search compared to other jobs. Learn the do's and don'ts for anyone at the executive level, or reaching for it!

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