Cottage Garden Party



Welcome to the Cottage Garden Party where we will keep you informed about garden conversations, events, tips and product reviews from books to tools. We wil l even suggest gardens to see, garden adventures to have and spotlight some fabulous horticultural folks you will want to know about. Settle in, pour a cup of tea and transplant yourself into my world. Thanks for joining my Cottage Garden Party!


  • Sol Soils...Time for Repotting

    01/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    It's time to try new and different things! It's the first day of March. The freshness and newness of a new season feel great! The Camellia buds are swelling, daffodils are opening up, and the crocus lift their heads to welcome us back into the garden. I took a break from podcasting. After a moment to gather my thoughts, I had a few speaking engagements here and there, traveled to some exciting places, and promoted my books. I am easing back into the podcast and the garden as well. I recently chatted with the two guys Travis and John of Sol Soils. March is the perfect time to begin transplanting plants that need more rooting space. Listen in to see why Sol Soils might be a resource to consider trying. Precious was pulling me as she shared how exciting it is to try a new product for our indoor jungle - Thank goodness there was no squeaky toy nearby. The world has changed, my life has changed, the garden has changed and there is so much to see, do, and chat about. Why not pour a cup of tea and join me?

  • Happy Mothers Day !

    12/05/2023 Duration: 03min

    Master Gardeners are everywhere! Planting seeds of wisdom along the way. Tea is something to be celebrated. Growing a tea garden is easy and there are a few new plants which can be used for tea, that is worth investigating. Adding a native plant should be on everyone's mind this year - consider it! Happy Mother's Day!

  • National Garden Meditation Day 2023

    04/05/2023 Duration: 03min

    How did you recognize National Garden Meditation Day today? This day reminds us not to just work in the garden but to meditate in our green spaces. The importance of even simply talking to your garden is medicine for the mind. Here are a few things that crossed my mind today. Enjoy and follow me at

  • Spring Tips for New Gardeners

    18/03/2023 Duration: 03min

    Going outside to witness a new season is refreshing. Especially when you aren't rushing. Noticing what's emerging and planning for warmer temps is always a great idea.

  • Believing in the Garden

    11/03/2023 Duration: 03min

    Change in the garden will happen. Plants will die, lighting will change, and Mother Nature will certainly have her way. After a period of mourning, we adapt. It's simply life. However, there is always something left behind that gives us hope. Believing in the garden is simply an act of survival. Do you believe in your garden? Register for The Great Grow Along and meet some really cool and grounded people. Load up the app, buy the recordings, and be inspired to garden with a passion!

  • Spring, Change, and The Garden Electric

    06/03/2023 Duration: 05min

    From giving talks in Charlotte, North Carolina, touring Maple Walk, changes in my garden and the Philadelphia Flower Show...I can tell it's going to be a wonderful year!

  • Snow, Faux Spring and The Garden Electric

    26/02/2023 Duration: 24min

    Snow, crocus, daffodils, and more. Spring has been plugged in and I can feel the electricity of the season. I had the honor of speaking with the Creative Director of The Philadelphia Flower Show, Seth Pearsoll. As you know, it doesn't take much for me to get excited about anything flower related. After speaking with Seth, I am really plugged in and ready for The Philadelphia Flower Show.  I hope you attend this year as it is back indoors with a new design and more fun!  I am speaking at a private event for the Charlotte Garden Club this week about gardening in urban environments. You can garden in any size space you have.  I am also speaking at Wing Haven I am pinching myself). I have wanted to visit this garden for quite a while and now I AM SPEAKING THERE.  My topic - The Garden is the Elixir We Need. With so much happening in the world today, the garden touches all of our senses and is often a place of healing.  After a much-needed pushback from social media to re-ground, reset and

  • Springtime and New Beginnings

    24/02/2023 Duration: 04min

    This is the perfect time of year for fresh starts, rekindling relationships, and looking forward to the possibilities of change. Change is inevitable. While we might not be sure of the outcome, we must believe in the brighter day. I'm looking forward to the brighter days of the garden season, and I hope you are as well.

  • Anticipating Gardening and Speaking Engagements 2023

    05/02/2023 Duration: 06min

    Updates on why I've been quiet, what I'm looking forward to, and speaking engagements on the radar.

  • Gathering, Gleaning, and Grateful

    10/12/2022 Duration: 04min

    The garden invokes conversation when we gather. If we listen, we can glean how the garden finds us and how grateful we are. I am grateful when others share their garden experience. I am also ready to explore more gardens and garden experiences along the way.

  • Thankful for the Little Things

    27/11/2022 Duration: 04min

    I am so thankful for every opportunity that comes my way. Remaining in a mental state of thankfulness and gratitude is meaningful each and every day! Are you grateful for the little things?

  • Adapting to Change

    19/11/2022 Duration: 04min

    Visiting Fredericksburg, VIrginia provided a bit of downtime to think about how to navigate life's challenges and change. Even as we garden, changes in growing conditions provide an opportunity for us to navigate change. It's all a part of life.

  • Letting Go in the Garden...and Feeling Good About It

    15/11/2022 Duration: 04min

    Mother Nature has given trees and plants permission to let go, get some rest, and embrace this decision. Why can't we do the same?

  • Fall - A Reason to Look Up

    11/11/2022 Duration: 04min

    Observing tree canopies, finding a leaf a day, and being grateful in my garden.

  • A Glorious Morning in Austin, TX!

    20/10/2022 Duration: 03min

    Sharing morning thoughts in the garden filled with live oaks and more!

  • Rainy Day Thoughts... Morning Glory

    13/10/2022 Duration: 03min

    Life lessons are often equated with life in the garden. Who can we count on to help in our communities? Our life gardens teach us so much...we just need to pay attention and choose wisely.

  • Thoughts in an Italian Garden

    30/09/2022 Duration: 06min

    I made it to a garden I thought about during the pandemic. It helped me be okay with purging and reassessing my garden...Is it time for you to purge your garden?

  • Transplanting Positive Thoughts

    07/09/2022 Duration: 03min

    Making an effort to not second guess what we don't see or assume is easier than we think. We should all make an effort to think positively first and then adjust - like we have had to do. Let's rethink how we receive what comes our way.

  • The Garden Will Survive

    06/09/2022 Duration: 02min

    The lack of rain lasted quite a stretch this year. As I lost a few annuals, the mainstays of my garden helped me realize, the garden will survive.

  • June Reflections

    30/06/2022 Duration: 02min

    Garden Bloggers Fling, garden blooms, and closing the gaps in the garden.

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