Underground Usa



Underground USA is an underground podcast and blog, featuring the voices of a cross-section of people, from all walks of life, on a variety of issues.


  • Down To The Banana Republic...

    31/05/2024 Duration: 34min

    Before we delve into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I feel compelled to address the significant impact on our Constitution that unfolded in New York with the guilty verdict of Donald Trump.Regardless of your personal stance on Trump, it is crucial to recognize that the integrity of our justice system is paramount. When it is compromised to the extent that it undermines our Constitution, the freedoms of all Americans are at stake.This is what happened in Merchan’s courtroom on May 30th, 2024: a Constitution-damaging travesty of justice led by a corrupt and partisan temporarily appointed judge, a Soros-funded district attorney, and 12 hyper-partisan jury members.Here is a portion of what Alan Dershowitz, constitutional law professor emeritus to Harvard Law – by no means a conservative, had to say about the entirety of the proceedings:I get into this more deeply in my current substack, We Are Now A Nation Of Men, Not Of Laws. I also delve a bit more into this issue in the following America’s Third Watch

  • Memorial Day: It All Started In The South

    27/05/2024 Duration: 27min

    Before we get to the politics of the day, I want to mention the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day, for they are two separate commemorations.Veterans' Day is a day to thank those who have served in the UD Armed Forces for their service. These are the people who actually made it home and are alive to thank.Memorial Day is a day to remember and pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country. It honors all military members who have died while serving in the US armed forces in current or previous wars.The origins of Memorial Day—originally called “Decoration Day”—can be traced back to local observances for soldiers with neglected gravesites during the Civil War. One of the first Decoration Days was held in Columbus, Mississippi, on April 25, 1866, when women decorated the graves of Confederate soldiers who perished in the battle at Shiloh. They decorated them with flowers.On May 5, 1868, three years after the end of the Civil War, the tradition of placing flowers on

  • The Perfect Storm Is Upon Us

    30/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    I want to share something with you that I wrote for a symposium promotion back in 2012. It is a concept created years before when I was executive director at BasicsProject.org, a 501c3 education and research organization focused on educating on the threats of Islamofascism and the American Fifth Column and how those threats multiply when the population exists constitutionally illiterate.Back then, it was a projection of what could happen. Today, we are witnessing this in real-time:“The moment is fast approaching. The convergence of apathy and evil – oblivion and conquest – is soon upon us.“Three critical issues directly related to our nation's survival are coming together to present one of the greatest challenges the United States will ever face if, in fact, it survives.“Externally, the threat comes in the form of a violent and intolerant theocratic ideology that quests to rule the world, expunging or making subservient all other religious and moral dogmas known to man. In its wake, it leaves indiscriminate d

  • Marked ‘Safe' From Being Eaten By Cannibals

    20/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    Before we get to this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on the subject of this Sunday’s piece titled, “A Radical Marxist-Progressive Takes The Helm At NPR.”Katherine Maher is the new CEO at National Public Radio. She is being excoriated over her past tweets that expose her as an uber-radical Leftist. Further, one of her first official acts was to punish a whistleblower who exposed the almost total Left-wing bias at NPR, castigating him so profusely that he resigned after being suspended without pay.Here is a short clip that examples her Marxist-Progressive ideology. In it she advances a level of moral relativism on the subject of “truth” that should find you extremely uncomfortable.If you subscribe to UndergroundUSA.com you will receive the Sunday article in your email inbox or Substack app. If you do not subscribe, please stop by and do so. It’s free and offers the option of supporting our work through a paid subscription as well.Maher is a quintessential example of what is wrong

  • The Self-Righteous Virtue Signaling of the Pro-Palestinian Protester

    15/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    Before we get to this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I want to comment on the self-righteous virtue-signaling of the pro-Palestinian protesters here in the United States and in Europe.It was reported this morning that pro-Palestinian (read: pro-Hamas) protesters blocked both the Golden Gate Bridge in California and the Kennedy Expressway feeder to O’Hare Airport in Chicago, the latter causing people to miss their flights. If you’ve ever missed a flight you know how hard it is to reschedule and that it most often costs you extra to get seated on another flight.The point I am trying to make is this. No one affected by the blocking of traffic or the blocking of building access – the blocking of anything, whether it’s pro-Palestinian protesters, BLM protesters, or any other cause de jour protesters, is sympathetic to the protesters' cause. The actions of these protesters, regardless of their cause, only serve to alienate and antagonize the very people they are trying to win over.Help us disseminate f

  • In The Land Of False Self-Esteem, The Imbecile Is King

    05/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    Evidently, we live in an age when the most ignorant and uninformed among us are now empowered to believe they are intelligent. Yes, this certainly applies to politics and the litany of social issues facing our country – but in this particular case, I am referring to the bizarre and unfounded panic surrounding the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th.Yes, that’s right. The solar eclipse that will occur on April 8th is being deemed by some – and this is astounding – to be something of a “state of emergency.” As the “Imbecile-in-Chief” would say, “No lie!”As Dr. Robert Malone writes at his substack (which is linked at UndergroundUSA.com:“It turns out that around parts of the USA, there are empty grocery shelves, long lines for food, and queues for gas. After all, the April 8th solar eclipse could cause death and destruction.“The National Guard has even been called to duty in Oklahoma...“In fact, some local governments have been making emergency plans and preparations for months in advance. National Guard

  • The Lie That Is Biden’s Support For Israel

    30/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    Before I get into anything, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me and offered up prayers and well wishes during my time under medical care. I appreciate each one of you.And before we get into the meat of what I want to address, now comes news that our Catholic President has banned religious-themed eggs from the White House Easter egg festivities. Instead, he is celebrating Easter as an LGBTQ awareness celebration. Funny, when I went to Catholic School we understood the holiday to signify Jesus rising from the dead and the forgiveness of sin for all who believed in him. Damn deceitful nuns….If you listen to the media or the stick-up-the-ass-puppet-heads at the White House or US State Department – and we touch on this in today’s segment on America’s Third Watch, Joe Biden and his administration are staunch supporters of Israel in her struggle against Hamas. The only problem is this. All of Biden’s actions and all of the actions of his subordinates prove exactly the opposite.We need to be crystal

  • We Really Have To Confront The Radical Thinking Of The Far-Left

    15/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    As a lead into today’s America’s Third Watch program – in which we discuss at length Chuck Schumer’s shameful but full-throated endorsement of interfering in another sovereign nation’s election, among other things – I wanted to play a clip that illustrates the intense and expansive gulf between the Far-Left and the rest of society.Sky News host Rita Panahi (if you haven’t watched her segments on the Left I promise you it will be well worth your time) presents a clip of a Far-Leftist rattling off all of the “democracy-killing” and “Hitler-esque” agenda items that Donald Trump will execute once he is re-elected to office, which is looking increasingly likely.As you listen/watch, keep in mind that this individual believes in “its’” heart of hearts – and I  am using “its” on purpose – that all of these things are bad things; that all of these things are horrible and wrong:Call me a knuckle-dragging mouth-breather, but I see nothing wrong with any of the points with which “it” is taking issue. Each is mired in com

  • The Cheney-Kinzinger Scam Exposed

    11/03/2024 Duration: 31min

    Before we get to the subjects of President Biden, his arrogance transmitted to the Middle East, and the troublesome floating pier he wants to put on the coast of Gaza, I wanted to shed some light on the crime committed by the so-called January 6th committee.After all the chest-thumping and insistence that Donald Trump was an insurrectionist Bond villain, the real villains in it all are the members of the January 6th House Committee themselves. Not only did the committee suppress video from the surveillance cameras inside the Capitol Building, but now comes news they hid evidence that exonerates President Trump from one of the chief accusations against him: that he offered no help.The Epoch Times reports:This revelation of illegal activity on the part of the January 6th committee should come down especially hard on former Congresswomen Liz Cheney and former Congressman Adam Kinzinger, to people who abdicated their responsibility to the truth to further a political agenda.Because this testimony was suppressed a

  • The Screeching Of A Delusional Man

    08/03/2024 Duration: 45min

    Before we get deeper into the screamfest that was Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech (Is that what that was? It sounded a hell of a lot more like a campaign speech full of rainbows and unicorns…oh, and by the way, it’s all our fault for not appreciating the efforts of President Drool Cup), I wanted to say that the GOP response to Mr. Biden’s clown show was spot on.US Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL), laid it all out in a very understandable form, even for Biden-leaning suburbanite women. Aside from a little bit of a presentation issue which telegraphed exaggerated emotion – and I say this not because her content wasn’t excellent, but for remembering what they did to Bobby Jindal when he gave the response, the media excoriated him for appearance and delivery, Britt was excellent.In fact, her response is worth highlighting in total:It will take clear and honest voices – like Britt’s – to open the eyes of the 39.4 percent of the country who believe that Biden and his cabal are doing a good job; who don’t see that at e

  • Turning The Page On Ronna McDaniel

    27/02/2024 Duration: 31min

    Before we head into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on the announcement that Ronna McDaniel is stepping down as the RNC chair after the Super Tuesday primary contests. Quite frankly, the move is overdue.I’ll preface this by saying that as far as I know, McDaniel is a nice person. For all I know she did the best she could in performing her duties as RNC chair. But the bottom line here is her performance was sub-par and it facilitated the tyrannical reign of the Biden administration: Obama 2.0.During her time as chair, McDaniel should have retooled the RNC to be a potent, pointed, and even vicious messaging machine. Republicans at the national level should have owned the narrative. Elected Republican members of the Legislative Branch should have been trained in messaging techniques both in front of the microphones and through their staffs.The RNC should have then turned its eye toward empowering the State GOP leaders with those same messaging techniques and methods. McDaniel should have

  • Cultural Appropriation By Any Other Name…

    23/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on a hypocrisy everyone is letting slide. It may sound insignificant to you at first, but the more you contemplate the double standard being applied here, the more you see that one demographic is getting pushed around, and has been pushed around since the 1960s (for those calculating the math that’s 64 years).Currently, the number one hit on the Billboard Country Charts belongs to Beyonce, who critics describe as specializing in R&B, funk, rap, and hip-hop. She is commonly understood to be a performer predominantly of the Black culture, although she is knee-deep in the woke culture.Her new song, Texas Hold ‘Em, is certainly of the country flavor. That’s unmistakable. Here’s a short clip:Now, I am not saying that Beyonce doesn’t have a good product here. It’s well produced and I am sure the pop-country fans will glom onto it like an urban cowboy gravitates to a Tony Lama boot sale. But it’s not country music and, in fact, I will go a

  • Yeah, I Have A Problem With Presidents' Day

    19/02/2024 Duration: 30min

    As we get into this Presidents' Day edition of America’s Third Watch, I want to go on record as saying I was never a fan of homogenizing Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday together and then enjoining all of the presidents into that memorialization.Washington and Lincoln are monumental presidents, literally. The historical events that occurred under their leadership and tenures are rivaled by few, if any. Washington commanded a force that vanquished the most powerful military of its day and then oversaw the chaotic and sometimes belligerent beginning of the Great American Experiment. How many people throughout history would turn down an offer to be made king? How many people throughout history would walk away from the seat of power voluntarily?And Lincoln? A lawyer who rose to that station as an autodidact was thrust into a thankless position of impossible magnitude only to navigate not only the caustic halls of Congress in mitigating a divided nation but also insolent generals on the battlefield and

  • Voting ‘Present' On Condemning Rape & Sexual Assault?

    17/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    Before we get into the meat of this America's Third Watch segment, I just had to comment on the absolute abdication of humanity exercised by US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in her “present” vote addressing Hamas' use of rape and sexual assault as tools of war.Please understand that Tlaib represents an area of Michigan that is overwhelmingly Islamic and decidedly pro-Palestinian. The majority of the people there saw the genocidal attacks by Hamas on Israel on October 7th in a favorable light. That said, Tlaib represented her constituency in her vote, leading me to my overarching point – more on that in a bit.But to address the disingenuousness of Tlaib…The bipartisan resolution, introduced by Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL), passed in a 418-0 vote with Tlaib voting present. The resolution calls for lawmakers to condemn all sexual violence and rape committed as a form of weapons of war.While this, like all resolutions, holds little sway in the realm of reality, it does put all those who voted for it on record as abhorrin

  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct & A Horrible Role Model

    12/02/2024 Duration: 31min

    I didn’t watch the Super Bowl so I am making my points based on the extensive social media coverage of Kansas City Chiefs' Travis Kelce going unhinged on his coach. Kelce – or as I like to refer to him, Taylor Swift’s boyfriend – exhibited not only a complete disregard for being a team player at a critical moment in the game, but he executed a horrific example of who he is as a role model.Now, I get that professional athletes – as with any performer or entertainer – have to have an elevated level of self-esteem. It would be hard to execute at a professional level in any genre that finds you performing at your peak in front of tens of thousands of people. But there is a fine line between embracing that necessary self-esteem to perform under pressure and being a jagoff.The moment Travis Kelce stepped into his coach's face, screaming and spitting, he crossed the line from thoroughbred athlete to jagoff.As I stated in the first segment of today’s broadcast, during Super Bowl 20 (and no I am not going to use the h

  • Excuse Me? Trump Has Already Been Acquitted on Insurrection Charges

    10/02/2024 Duration: 36min

    With the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Biden’s handling of classified documents, it appears we are once again facing a Hillary Clinton-James Comey moment. Where everyone was outraged that Clinton wouldn’t be held to account for blatantly violating the Espionage Act and then defying the Justice Department by destroying evidence on her private server, the American people should be doubly outraged at Hur’s conclusion not to recommend legal action against Biden.Hur’s special counsel investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” This is an incontrovertible violation of the Espionage Act and a crime that anyone else (but Clinton) would be charged for. Yet, it was announced that  the Justice Department will not charge Biden in the matter, Hur saying, “no criminal charges are warranted.”So what was the basis for letting Biden skate on committing a crime that is not far

  • George Stephanopoulos Exposes His Partisan Constitutional Illiteracy

    06/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    On a recent edition of ABC News This Week, host George Stephanopoulos abruptly ended an interview with US Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), because Vance wouldn’t take a knee to the idea that the Executive Branch bureaucracy has autonomy outside the pleasure of the President of the United States and that rulings by the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) can never be challenged or subverted. Both notions are ridiculous.In the past, when being interviewed, I have stated emphatically that the biggest mistake of Donald Trump’s presidency was that he didn’t either outright fire or at least relieve of duty and reassign all of the upper- and mid-level political appointments at the Department of Justice, The US Treasury, the Pentagon, and the US State Department. That delinquency came back to damage Trump’s ability to achieve many things during his presidency and set the stage for the Deep State bureaucratic political opposition plaguing his current presidential run.Each civil servant in the federal bureaucracy serves at the pleasure of

  • The Neofascist Left’s Ignorance Of Government Is Beyond Stunning

    03/02/2024 Duration: 26min

    We get into this topic at the end of Friday’s America’s Third Watch segment but I wanted to address the issue more thoroughly. The level of constitutional illiteracy held by US Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) – not to mention US Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Ed Markey (D-MA) – in their proposed legislation to force a private sector company to abide by governmental edict is beyond stunning. It is grotesque.Walgreens, the Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmacy chain, recently closed a location in Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, which happens to be in Pressley’s district. Walgreens has closed three store locations in the Boston Area since 2022.The reason for these closures is simply. Because they existed in high-crime neighborhoods and were routinely targeted for robberies, it became economically unfeasible to allow those locations to remain open.Add to that the fact that Boston – a Blue urban area – has adopted the intellectually stunted policy of decreased police response and rate of prosecution under the guise of

  • A Couple Of Things To Understand Before Your Opinion On The Middle East Matters

    29/01/2024 Duration: 37min

    I’d like to touch on a subject that GenZers and GenZ Alphas – and maybe even some later Millennials – wouldn’t fully understand from experience. The subject matter is what most people mistakenly call “radical Islam.” It is important for a couple of significant reasons, one of which concerns what is happening in the Middle East today.People who were alive and aware during and after the attacks on September 11, 2001, had the opportunity to hear the open debate that took place about the covenants and tenets of Islam. During that debate a popular notion – albeit one based on an untruth and a defective understanding of the Quran and Hadith – was that Islam is a “religion of peace.” It is not. It never has been. But that didn’t keep people of influence from declaring it so.From Presidents like George W Bush and Barack Obama……to failed presidential candidates like Hillary Clinton… …the preferred narrative was clear: Islam is a religion of peace.But perhaps the preeminent scholar on the Quran, Hadith, and Islam in ge

  • Letting The Days Go By: This Is Not My Beautiful House

    26/01/2024 Duration: 31min

    Before we get to this morning’s segments on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, in which we discuss both how our federal government got to this level of dysfunction, and a pathway to rectifying this serious issue, I wanted to to point out a prime example of how the federal government abuses the taxpayers to its benefit.Do you know there is a taxpayer-funded White House Medical Unit, complete with a pharmacy, that ineligible people within the administration have been using for over a decade?Let me be clear. A free pharmacy in the White House allows those who have access to it to get free prescription and non-prescription medications. This abuse of taxpayer dollars occurred under both Barack Obama and Donald Trump and is suspected of continuing under the Biden administration.The White House Medical Unit is supposed to be a free-standing medical unit that tends to the medical needs of the President, Vice President, and their families, and select – meaning a very small number of people – few staffers.A Januar

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