7 Minute Lawyer



Empowering You with the Law


  • #003: Strategies for Avoiding Probate

    28/06/2014 Duration: 04min

    In my last post, I said that in order to avoid probate, the decedent could not own any assets in his or her personal name. In terms of avoiding probate, it is helpful to think in terms of non-probate assets and probate assets.  “Non-Probate” Assets. These are assets that, by definition, do not go to […]

  • #002: What is Probate?

    16/06/2014 Duration: 03min

    We sometimes have clients who come in saying something like, “I want to avoid probate. I need a Will.” Many people incorrectly assume that having a Will is what they need to avoid probate. That is simply not the case. So what is probate? Probate is the court process of settling a deceased person’s estate.  It […]

  • #001: What is a Will?

    21/05/2014 Duration: 03min

    What is a Will and do you really need one? This may sound basic, but it is a fundamental question that all of us, as responsible adults, should answer in our own minds. Unfortunately, death is a certainty that we all must face, and we never know when it will happen. It is therefore advisable to […]