Kauai Bible Church



Our Sunday sermons from Kauai Bible Church. We hope you are encouraged and challenged as you listen to our teachings from the Bible.


  • Gospel & Baptism


    Join us as we encounter God through worship and teaching from the Bible. Today is a special day of celebration as it is our annual Promotion Sunday. We are honoring all of our keiki promoting to new schools and our adults that have completed next steps in their discipleship journey. We will also share a gospel message and have water baptisms!

  • Enthroned Upon Our Praises


    In this teaching series we are exploring worship both from a broad sense of what it means that we are created to be worshippers and from a specific sense of the power of corporate worship through music. In today’s sermon, we explore the power of praise as a distinct form of our worship. As we respond to God’s invitation (command) to praise Him, God gets all the glory but we also reap many benefits in our lives.

  • Mother's Day Check Up


    Happy Mother’s Day!! Today is a special day of honoring all of the amazing women of God in our lives. In honor of Mother’s Day, one of our elders Sarah Reis will be preaching on a Mother’s Day Check Up. Are we allowing God to lead us toward health and wholeness? God, the Great Surgeon, is able to heal the brokenness of our hearts and enables us to carry the burdens of our lives.

  • Worship Changes Atmospheres


    In this teaching series we are exploring worship both from a broad sense of what it means that we are created to be worshippers and from a specific sense of the power of corporate worship through music. In today’s sermon, we explore the power of worship music to change atmospheres. We find several examples throughout scripture of worship music changing the environment physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. As spirit-filled believers, we can incorporate songs of worship into every area of our lives and experience the fruit of these “God atmospheres.”

  • Forgiving Others


    We are honored to have a special guest preacher, Pastor Bill Scheidler. Bill will be teaching on the topic of forgiveness including the dangers of holding onto hurts and bitterness. We will learn the significance of forgiveness in our walk with God and how it leads us to wholeness, freedom, and restoration! Our heart is to see everyone find the courage and the humility to practice forgiveness.

  • Davidic Worship


    In this teaching series we are exploring worship both from a broad sense of what it means that we are created to be worshippers and from a specific sense of the power of corporate worship through music. In today’s sermon, the order of worship that King David established first at his tabernacle and then for the temple of Solomon. Davidic worship was a commitment to around the clock perpetual praise centered in the presence of God. King David’s passionate pursuit of the presence of God through music and expression should inform our worship today.

  • Call Upon the Name of the Lord


    In this teaching series we are exploring worship both from a broad sense of what it means that we are created to be worshippers and from a specific sense of the power of corporate worship through music. In today’s sermon, we begin with a study on the phrase “call upon the name of the Lord.” What does that phrase reveal about the depth of worship and how worship transforms our identity?

  • Resurrection (Part 2)


    In this teaching series we are exploring the topics of life and death from a biblical perspective. From the joy of pregnancy to the end of life to eternity, we want to understand God’s truth about life and death. In today’s sermon, we conclude our journey through the lifespan with a look at the end times resurrection. Eternity is physical, not just spiritual. Understanding what our eternity will look like will give us greater trust in God and perseverance through the difficulties of this life.

  • Palm Sunday & Amazon River Missions


    Happy Palm Sunday!! Today’s service is all about praising Jesus as our Savior & King. Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem was a precursor to Him claiming His rightful position as the King of all kings. We are also honored to have special guests John & Jen Jenkins with us sharing miraculous stories of God changing lives in the Amazon River Basin of Brazil.

  • Resurrection (Part 1)


    In this teaching series we are exploring the topics of life and death from a biblical perspective. From the joy of pregnancy to the end of life to eternity, we want to understand God’s truth about life and death. In today’s sermon, we begin to look at the final stop on our journey through the lifespan with a look at the end times resurrection. Eternity is physical, not just spiritual. Understanding what our eternity will look like will give us greater trust in God and perseverance through the difficulties of this life.

  • Death


    In this teaching series we are exploring the topics of life and death from a biblical perspective. From the joy of pregnancy to the end of life to eternity, we want to understand God’s truth about life and death. In today’s sermon, we explore deep questions about death. Where did death come from? Where do we go when we die? What did Jesus do while He was dead? Having a biblical view of death both inspires us to make the most of our time in this life and gives us hope when we are in grief.

  • Born of the Spirit


    In this teaching series we are exploring the topics of life and death from a biblical perspective. From the joy of pregnancy to the end of life to eternity, we want to understand God’s truth about life and death. In today’s sermon, we explore Jesus’ declaration to Nicodemus that we must be “born again.” We are seeking to fully understand this second birth, what it has to do with life & death, and how we respond to it.

  • Born of the Flesh


    In this teaching series we are exploring the topics of life and death from a biblical perspective. From the joy of pregnancy to the end of life to eternity, we want to understand God’s truth about life and death. In today’s sermon, we start the life cycle with being born of the flesh. God knew us and had great plans for each one of us before He ever gave us life or formed us in the womb. Knowing this should give us a tremendous view of the value of every human being and the importance of every life.

  • What Do You See?


    It is our honor to be hosting Apostle & Pastor Mel Mullen as our special guest preacher today. In today’s sermon, Pastor Mel will be encouraging us from Zechariah 4 and Habakkuk 2 with a message titled, “What Do You See?” We will learn the importance and power of vision and be inspired to persevere for all the promises of God over our church and our lives.

  • The Manifest Presence of God


    KBC is a presence-driven church. This means we seek to encounter the manifest presence of God when we gather and in our personal lives. The manifest presence of God is when God reveals Himself to us in a tangible, experiential way. In today’s sermon, we do an in-depth biblical study on the manifest presence of God, what it means in our lives, and how we pursue it.

  • Called to the Harvest


    We are beginning the new year by casting vision for 2024. In today’s sermon, we are sharing our last set of prophetic words that will guide us into the future: testify - share - reach. These words give us a strategy and a remind us of our responsibility as witnesses as we are called to the Harvest in 2024 and beyond.

  • The Priesthood of the Believer


    Now that we have laid out our vision for 2024, we are tackling a topic that is critical for the fulfillment of our vision: the priesthood of the believer. Pastor Tony Cooke says, “We need to know who God made us to be so that we can do what God wants us to do.” Viewing ourselves as a Kingdom of Priests is the key to unlocking the pioneer spirit within Kauai Bible Church and propelling us forward in the great things God has planned for us.

  • Our Prophetic Declaration


    We are beginning the new year by casting vision for 2024. In today’s sermon, we are prophetically declaring that the season is NOW for Kauai Bible Church to come into alignment with God’s heart for the harvest and for the nations. We will be sharing our new prophetic declaration and words for the year.

  • Run With The Vision


    We are beginning the new year by casting vision for 2024. In today’s sermon we will share God’s divine priorities for Kauai Bible Church this year. We will be encouraged to lay aside any hindrances and run the race that is marked out for us. Let’s catch a hold of God’s vision for KBC in 2024 and begin to run with a renewed passion and focus!

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