The Letters Page



Christopher Badell and Adam Rebottaro discuss characters and events from their hit game, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and answer fan questions regarding the past, present, and future of Sentinel Comics.


  • Episode #286 - Writers' Room: Disparation Vol. 2 #58

    25/06/2024 Duration: 01h52min

    We're off to another world!  Show Notes: Run Time: 1:52:48 We hit the ground running with this one, and I've got IDEAS! Do they pan out? Wait and see! Another thrilling tale from the pages of Disparation, just in time for July, which will be mostly about Legacies... and Skeleton Key, I guess? Thanks everyone for listening! If you're interested in more, check out The Letters Page Patreon here!

  • Editor's Note #80

    18/06/2024 Duration: 01h39min

    Good morning, everyone! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:39:10 We've got new branding! Thanks to the amazing art of Adam and the terrible tenacity of Trevor, our website and icons all look better than ever! We've never looked this great before. July has FIVE Tuesdays, and we'll be releasing episodes on each of them!  Upcoming schedule:  Tuesday, July 2nd: Episode #287 - Writers' Room: 4th of July Special: Legacy meets the ghost of George Washington Tuesday, July 9th: Episode #288 - Writers' Room: The Death and Life of Skeleton Key Tuesday, July 16th: Episode #289 - Writers' Room: Young Legacy vs Baron Blade Tuesday, July 23rd: Editor’s Note #81 Tuesday, July 30th: Episode #290 - Writers' Room: "A Time of Peace" Turns out, people really like Legacy? So, get ready for a Very Legacy July here in the summer of 2024. We answer so many questions from your letters and from the live chat. Want to be a part of the live chat? Interested in submitting topics, and then voting for what we talk about? Consider joining T

  • Episode #285 - Writers' Room: Wipeout #1-#4

    11/06/2024 Duration: 02h03min

    W-w-w-w-w-w-wipeout!! Show Notes: Run Time: 2:03:50 That's right, we broke the two hour mark. Again. Sorry! If it makes you feel better, it's because we did an entire limited run of a comic book title! I'll bet you'll never guess which title, though... If you're on the Letters Page Patreon (and if you're not, why not?) join us this coming Friday at 11 AM Central for a live recording of Editor's Note #80! Which will be next week's episode! But, I highly recommend being there live, if possible. We might just have some secret plans...

  • Episode #284 - Writers' Room: Rook City Renegades #22

    04/06/2024 Duration: 01h40min

    I'll bet you'll never guess which villains are the dueling stars of this episode. Show Notes: Run Time: 1:40:34 The day of recording was Adam's Birthday! And then, this most recent Saturday was Intergalactic Same Age Day! Did you all enjoy being suddenly and inexplicably 40? Pretty great, right? Heck yeah. Anyway, now everyone is back to their just and proper ages, and it's time to talk about two villains who are mad at each other. Rest assured, this is an ongoing feud! They continue to dislike each other right up to the end of the Multiverse... and beyond! Join us next week for Episode #285, a story all about Wipeout!

  • Episode #283 - Writers’ Room: Bunker in space: Cosmic Tales Vol. 2 #391-#396

    28/05/2024 Duration: 02h05min

    SIX issues in the title?! Yup. Show Notes: Run Time: 2:05:11 Another episode that cracks 2 hours... we didn't set out to tell this much of a tale, but we were on a roll! Plus, we quite like this villainous foil for our beloved Tyler Vance. We also get to questions. A friendly reminder! Please, try to keep your letters UNDER 5ish paragraphs. If you've gotta go over, make it for a good reason. We believe in you! You write great letters! You can do this! We just want to hear from as many people as possible, not just giant letters from a few folks. Sorry to be a bummer about this!  Join us next week for the first episode of June, 2024! Episode #284 will be a Writers' Room all about two villains who are nemeses with each other! Get your questions in now!

  • Editor's Note #79

    21/05/2024 Duration: 01h42min

    Howdy, folks! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:42:31 You know the drill! Goofs galore! But first, a schedule! Tuesday, June 4th: Episode #284 - Writers' Room: Two villains who are nemeses Tuesday, June 11th: Episode #285 - Writers' Room: A Wipeout story Tuesday, June 18th: Editor’s Note #80 Tuesday, June 25th: Episode #286 - Writers' Room: Disparation: Kismet as High Queen of Planet Earth After that, we get to letters, as well as live questions from the live viewers! Wish you could be a live viewer? You can! Just join the Letters Page Patreon! Join us next week for Episode #283 - Writers' Room: Bunker in SPAAAAAAAAAACE!

  • Episode #282 - Writers' Room: A Day In The Life: Fanatic

    14/05/2024 Duration: 01h57min

    She's winging in for some stories! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:57:33 We delve into just who in Fanatic's supporting cast is around in the mid-80s, and find some small hopes, at least! Then, we tell some tales. Fanatic's a complicated character, especially in the 80s.  Then, we answer questions from the recent Greazer and Fashion episode! Yes, we talk about Cardshark and Kaargra Warfang. Join us next week for an Editor's Note... or better yet, if you're on the Letters Page Patreon, join us THIS FRIDAY for the live recording!

  • Episode #281 - Writer's Room: Tome of the Bizarre Vol. 3 #170

    07/05/2024 Duration: 01h37min

    We gotta save the planet! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:37:35 We tell a story... but first, we tell you all the Professor Pollution backstory connecting bits that we'd never bothered to go into before! So, you're welcome! And/or apologies! Depending on how you feel about all that. Anyway, right, then on to the story! You know what ultimately happens in it, but the beat-by-beat is still pretty dang good! At least, in our opinion.  Join us next week for yet another "A Day In The Life" episode, this one all about Fanatic!

  • Episode #280 - Writer's Room: Disparation Vol. 2 #122

    30/04/2024 Duration: 01h17min

    The end of the Oracle! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:17:50 Look how short this episode is! It's not because anything was ommitted — no, we just knew this whole tale, and told it post-haste! Is it a good tale? That's for YOU to decide! We answer some questions from recent and NOT AT ALL RECENT history. Do the questions ripen with age? Or do they rot? Or neither? So many questions in today's show notes. Too many? Who can say?! Join us next week for a Writers' Room about that one time when Akash’Bhuta became Akash’Thriya! Woo!  

  • Editor’s Note #78

    23/04/2024 Duration: 01h47min

    It's another LIVE SHOW! Or, rather, it was. This is the recording of that live show. Show Notes: Run Time: 1:47:48 We do some goofs, tell some tales, answer letters and questions from chat — everything you've come to expect from an Editor's Note episode! But first! A schedule! Tuesday, May 7th: Episode #281 - Writers' Room: Akash’Bhuta becomes Akash’Thriya Tuesday, May 14th: Episode #282 - Writers' Room: A Day in the Life: Fanatic Tuesday, May 21st: Editor’s Note #79 Tuesday, May 28th: Episode #283 - Writers' Room: Bunker in space Join us next week on Tuesday, April 30th for Episode #280 - Disparation Vol. 2 #122 AKA “Farewell to the Oracle of Discord!”  

  • Episode #279 - Writers' Room: Cosmic Tales Vol. 2 #533

    16/04/2024 Duration: 02h09min

    Looks like it's time for Space Stuff! Show Notes: Run Time: 2:09:45 What's with all these long episodes (for the most part) lately?! We must be catching up for lost time in the first few months of the year. Yeah, that's it — gotta make sure our average episode length smooths itself out.  This episode is just a straight-up continuation of a previous episode: Episode #225, in fact! Haven't listened to it before? We recommend going back and checking it out before diving into this one. We clarify some things from the issue we Writers' Roomed in that one, cover the issue after that, and then dive deep into today's title/cover issue! Woo! Then, in the letters section, we talk about love. What's not to love? See you next week (or this Friday, if you're on the Letters Page Patreon) for an Editor's Note!

  • Episode #278 - Writers' Room: A Day In The Life: The Argent Adept

    09/04/2024 Duration: 01h40min

    Another Day in another Life! The musical episode? (No.) Show Notes: Run Time: 1:39:59 It's been awhile since we've done one of these, and we're excited to return to the format. Did we make it work? You decide! Also, check out this kick-ass cover that Adam slaved over! Mighty impressive! We also field a bunch of letters on a few topics, and we attempt to answer them all! I realize that's pretty much every episode, but it's also this one! Join us next week for an episode about space anti-hero big dummy, earth-to-space-to-earth fashion model turned vigilante vs cosmic Jaws (TM, don't sue us).

  • Episode #277 - Writers' Room: Mind Over Matter #53

    02/04/2024 Duration: 01h37min

    We're going to a darker time! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:37:29 We're right at it, and telling a story that gets pretty Dark... Dark Visionary, that is! I'd say "spoilers", but you could have already seen the cover by this point, so there you go. And it happened at the same time as the Vengeance limited series, as promised! Want to know more? You'll just have to listen to the episode! Next week, we get to do another Day in the Life episode, this one about The Argent Adept! Join us!

  • Episode #276 - Writers' Room: Freedom Five #431

    26/03/2024 Duration: 02h07min

    Christopher and Adam are back, and they're not even a little sorry for this episode! Show Notes: Run Time: 2:07:07 We genuinely didn't know where we were headed at the start of this recording, but we sure got there! Did you enjoy it? We sure did! Join us next week for Episode #277 - Writers' Room: A Vengeance tie-in story!  

  • Surgery-Sode!!!

    19/03/2024 Duration: 03min

    It's finally here! The long-awaited surgery-sode! That's right, not much of an episode today, because Christopher just had spine surgery and is recovering. How's recovery going? I'm sure we'll find out soon! Bear with us until then! (AAAAH!! The bear is back!!!)

  • Editor's Note #77

    12/03/2024 Duration: 02h04min

    An early Editor's Note! Show Notes: Run Time: 2:04:03 The Letters Boys have some complaints, but all solvable problems, one way or another! We look forward to having fewer complaints and make more content! Stories! Art! More! There's an upcoming schedule! There's also a current schedule! Here they are! Upcoming schedule:  Tuesday, March 12th: definitely Editor’s Note #77  Tuesday, March 19th: for sure Surgery-Sode Tuesday, March 26th: hopefully Episode #276 - Writers' Room: A Villain romantically involved with a support character If all that works, then: Tuesday, April 2nd: Episode #277 - Writers' Room: A Vengeance tie-in story Tuesday, April 9th: Episode #278 - A Day in the Life: Argent Adept Tuesday, April 16th: Episode #279 - Greazer & Fashion vs Card Shark Tuesday, April 23rd: Editor’s Note #78 Tuesday, April 30th: Episode #280 - Disparation Vol. 2 #122 “Farewell to the Oracle” Here's hoping! Next week, it's the likely-not-very-interesting-surgery-sode, but then! After that! A retu

  • Episode #275 - Writers' Room: Freedom Five #391

    05/03/2024 Duration: 02h04min

    Telling a story about a minor villain who never really catches on... until she is reborn! (But that's in the future. Not in this episode.) Show Notes: Run Time: 2:04:47 Over two hours! Huh, I don't remember feeling that long when we recorded it. Welp! We must have been in the zone, or something. ANYWAY!  We tell a Choke story. The first one, actually! But we talk about a bunch of other stuff as well, including Night Snake and Stuntman stuff in the letters section. There's a lot! It's all pretty fun! At least, we sure think so. Thanks for being a part of it! We're recording a LIVE Editor's Note, this Friday, March 8th, at 11 AM, Central! If you're on The Letters Page Patreon, you can watch it, and even join in if you're a Contributor! Otherwise, it'll come out next week in audio format! After that: surgery. Weee!

  • Episode #274 - Writers' Room: Cosmic Tales Vol. 2 #107-#108

    27/02/2024 Duration: 01h43min

    NOW we're REALLY back! For a few weeks, at least. But still! TWO COVERS! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:43:48 Right off the bat, a new upcoming schedule!  Wednesday, February 28th: Record Episode #275: Choke in Megalopolis Tuesday, March 5th: Release Episode #275: Choke in Megalopolis Friday, March 8th: Record Editor's Note #77 Tuesday, March 12th: Release Editor's Note #77 Tuesday, March 19th: Release Surgery-sode! After that, things depend on how recovery goes, and whether or not I go to PAX East. We'll keep you updated as we know more! Sorry for things still being so up in the air, but it's for very good reasons, at least! And then, to the episode! Do we tell a tale? YES! Emphatically yes. We cover a lot, and we do the whole thing live! Remember: we're recording the next episode TOMORROW! So, if you have any questions, now is the time to submit them! SUBMIT!

  • Editor's Note #76

    20/02/2024 Duration: 01h48min

    The most normal episode in weeks! And we did it live! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:48:25 Medical updates, schedule updates, plans, hopes, dreams, and whiteboard drawings. What more could you ask for? What's that you say? Questions, answered live? Yeah, we've got those, too! First off, here are a couple of hopefully illustrative whiteboard drawings, as discussed near the start of this episode. The problem: The solution: Makes sense? Certainly something Christopher is looking forward to! Next, the proposed schedule, though with the knowledge that it could change at any time, due to surgery! Upcoming schedule: ??? Tuesday, March 5th: probably Episode #275 - Writers' Room: Choke in Megalopolis Tuesday, March 12th: maybe Episode #276 - Writers' Room: A Villain romantically involved with a support character Tuesday, March 19th: possibly Editor’s Note #77 Tuesday, March 26th: hopefully Episode #277 - Writers' Room: A Vengeance tie-in story And then, we read some letters, give some answers, and also answer que

  • Answer-Sode!

    13/02/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    We're back with a bigger episode than we've had in weeks! (Which isn't saying that much, but still!) Show Notes: Run Time: 1:05:11 First, we go in-depth on Christopher's health and answer as many questions of that sort as possible. (More to come on that when we do a live show this coming Friday!) Then, now that we've answered the latest questions (such as, "Is Christopher OK?") we figured we'd take a swing at some of the oldest questions in the hopper! It's almost like a normal Letters section! Huzzah! There's some question at the end (and before that, too) as to whether the schedule will allow for a live show this coming Friday. If you've been following the parentheticals, you know that it's true! There will be a live Editor's Note this coming Friday, February 16th! 11 AM, Central Time! If you're on the Letters Page Patreon, join us! If not, join us! (But, you know, a different kind of join us. First, the second. Second, the first.) See you then!

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