Scared To Meth

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1:23:40
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This is the story of my Methamphetamine use. This is as real as it gets and I have held nothing back. Holding back is the reason young adults are still wanting to try Meth. After listening to my experiences, I can not imagine anyone actually wanting to WILLINGLY use dope. I hope that everyone shares this TERRIFYING account in order to reach those that need to hear what I have to say. Someone you know needs to hear this. Don't deny them a life free of Meth. Just don't. Please check out for more information.


  • **NEW 1/1/18** Chapter 5 – E07

    02/01/2018 Duration: 17min

    Chapter 5When I got back into town, I was not met with a lot of enthusiasm. The whole time I was gone, Lucy had to take care of my son. I forced her to be a parent, and for that, I was grateful.We ended up just trying to make life work for a while. The problem was, as soon as I got back, gran was back to the same ole same ole, and so, we couldn’t really stay there anymore.  On top of that, as soon as I got back into town, I parked the car at the house, and after 2 days of being home, the repo men came and got the car. Just like that, we were vehicle less again.Life was getting rough because of living with gran without a vehicle. On a whim, we ended up going to a place that gave us housing assistance. They helped us get a little tiny house.Even though the house was small, we made it our home. It was just Lucy, my son and I, and for that, I was thankful. We had one room, a kitchen and a bathroom.At this time, it was tax time and we got a nice little chunk of change. I think it was like $1,800.We ended up gettin

  • **NEW 12/28/17** Chapter 4 – E06

    29/12/2017 Duration: 19min

    Chapter 4The $40 in my gas tank didn't last too long. My problem, if you call it a problem, is that I don't have a hustle. I'm terrified of pulling crimes because I get caught for the dumb things I don't plan, so I figure that I will definitely get caught for the things that I do plan.I needed gas though, so I turned to an old, but tried and true scam that has worked every time for me, one that I had never been caught doing. I pulled up to Wal-Mart, walked into the store, went and grabbed an expensive (non-technology based) item, kept it out in the open so as not to look suspicious, walked through the check-outs directly to the customer service desk, and promptly returned said item for a gift card. The item in question was a $140 tent.Wal-Mart caught on to this long ago, but doesn't know how to stop it from happening. Instead, they put limits on how often you can return things without receipts (3 in 6 months) and even more recently, started limiting the return amount to about $50 max, depending on the situati

  • **NEW 12/25/17** Chapter 3 – E05

    25/12/2017 Duration: 15min

    Chapter 3Before we left the hospital, a nurse came up to us and asked if we wanted to do a paternity test to split custody. She said it would cost $500. We didn't have that money, so she said if I was sure I was the father, that I could sign a paternity affidavit. This would allow me to be the father on the birth certificate and for my son to have my last name. She told me that I would not have any custody rights though until paternity was legally established. I figured this was not a problem and I signed the paperwork. This was second worst split-decision I had ever made. She had 100% custody and that meant she had all the responsibility, or, if she wanted to, have a very powerful weapon to hurt me. How do you think this plays out?We left the hospital 2 days later, and went back to the trailer. Now that our son was born, gran was not thinking about kicking me out anymore. Everything had changed overnight.That thing Ralph had been working on was a complete remodel of our room into a nice room with blue (boy)

  • Chapter 2 – E04

    20/12/2017 Duration: 14min

    CHAPTER 2We got on the road an hour later. It was late at night, about 11pm, but I didn't care, even if we had to stop and rest, we were finally on the road.The ride was nice. We really got to listen to the fullest, each others music. We had YouTube and an unlimited data cell phone plan, as well as an auxiliary cord to plug into the radio in the rental car. We had fun and enjoyed each other's company and the ride.The first sign of trouble came in the state of Pennsylvania. I was going about 80mph with a group of other drivers in a wide open area of road, me being in the passing lane, when all of a sudden, a state cop pops out of nowhere. He hit his blue lights and pulled me over. I was terrified because I was not supposed to be driving the rental. Luckily for me, he just gave me a speeding ticket and let me go on, but, I had a real problem from the event. I was on license probation from an earlier speeding ticket, and if I got any tickets while on this year long probation, I would get my license suspended. I

  • Chapter 1 – E03

    17/12/2017 Duration: 11min

    Here is the beginning of the "crazy".CHAPTER 1 When we finally met, Lucy and her 2 cousins came to pick me up late one night. It was a nice ride and I was thankful to get away from where I was after the grueling heat and crack/cocaine of the previous 2 months.Lucy had a beautiful face, but she was a bigger girl. I didn't mind that, but she was one of those that wouldn't give you the full scope of her size because online, she didn't want to take pictures that were accurate, Basically, she was a manipulator, just like me. We both lied about something: Her, her size, and me? Well, I didn't lie, I just didn't tell her that I had a drug problem that I was trying to escape. I liked her though. She was a loner, and we got along on the phone, so I decided to ride this out and see where it went.When we got to her town, we pulled up to her trailer in the trailer park they lived in. It was small, but pretty well maintained. She lived with her grandma and her brother Ralph, the second worst person I have ever met.Immedia

  • Prologue – E02

    17/12/2017 Duration: 02min

    This is the backstory, everything leading up to the Chapter 1 - E03. ( function() { if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'units' : [] }; }; var unit = {"calltype":"async[2]","publisher":"ThadReporter","width":550,"height":250,"sid":"Chitika Default"}; var placement_id = window.CHITIKA.units.length; window.CHITIKA.units.push(unit); document.write('');}());I had just turned 34 years old at the time of completing the writing of this book. The period that I am starting this off at is about a week after my 29thbirthday. I’d like to give you a brief summary of what my life was like prior to this writing. I have been through a lot.My parents were divorced at 5, I was abandoned by my father at 7 and sent to my mothers, my mother remarried when I was 11 to a man that was abusive both physically and emotionally towards me, I started smoking cigarettes, and was sent to juvenile detention at 14, I was expelled from 3 schools due to my rebellious behavior, fought often because of being bu

  • Authors Note – E01

    14/12/2017 Duration: 02min

    This is the beginning of a journey that will save many lives and prevent so much heartache.None of the books you may have read about Meth give a truly informative and detailed account of what really happens to your life. So, I’m here to detail the extreme. Believe me, you may think you are safe from it, but I have seen so many people that you would never expect to do Meth, get caught in its grasp and fall, quickly, all the way to the bottom. I myself included.In this podcast, I will talk about literally 1000 reasons NOT to try it. Count them as we go. ( function() { if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'units' : [] }; }; var unit = {"calltype":"async[2]","publisher":"ThadReporter","width":550,"height":250,"sid":"Chitika Default"}; var placement_id = window.CHITIKA.units.length; window.CHITIKA.units.push(unit); document.write('');}());I have made all of the mistakes possible to show you what happens at an extreme level of meth usage. Obviously, if you try it, have tried it, ar