Linder Road Church Of Christ



Linder Road Church of Christ is an undenominational, biblically-based church in Meridian, Idaho. We believe in Jesus as our Savior and the Bible as our guide. We believe in trusting God just as the first century Christians did: through simplicity and peace, creating a positive impact on our world. Please join us as we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ each Sunday.


  • Courage to keep on - Clint Davison - 5/26/2024

    31/05/2024 Duration: 42min

    This lesson, taken from 1 Corinthians 3:5-11, delves into the courage needed to keep on with the mission to spread the gospel.  Lesson points include: (1) Paul’s example of facing rejection and hostility, (2) his response, (3) his impact, and (4) application for us today.  The lesson concludes with an invitation to respond to the message.********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Hannah - Mother to be Admired - Richard Sutton - 5/12/2024

    13/05/2024 Duration: 31min

    This lesson, based on 1 Samuel 1:1-28, looks at Hannah and her example of a mother to be admired.  The main points covered include: (1) her problems, (2) her prayer, (3) her promise, (4) her preparation, and (5) her presentation.  The lesson concludes with the encouragement for women to be strong mothers to their children. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Train Yourself for Godliness - Darren Williamson - 4/14/2024

    13/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    Train Yourself for Godliness  Guest speaker, Darren Williamson, delves into the encouragement in 1 Timothy 4:6-16 to teach well.  Key concepts covered include: (1) the seriousness of faith and sound doctrine, (2) the important doctrines of the life to come and the one savior, and (3) good conduct requires effort, intensity, and serious training. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to train hard for spiritual health and watch yourself.   Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Same Power - Richard Sutton - 5/5/2024

    13/05/2024 Duration: 35min

    Drawing Power of the Cross Based on John 12:27-34, this lesson looks at the drawing power of the cross - the magnetism that draws people to Jesus and salvation.  Key points developed include: (1) feeling the draw, (2) why some people reject the cross, and (3) the drawing power is Jesus himself.  The lesson concludes with the encouragement to respond to the message. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Resurrection Power- Richard Sutton - 4/28/2024

    13/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    This lesson, based on Ephesians 1:18-23, explores the resurrection power of Jesus that lives in his followers.  Key concepts covered in the lesson include: (1) resurrection power described, (2) resurrection power demonstrated through Christ’s exultation, and (3) how resurrection power is lived out in us. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to respond to the message of his power to transform. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Same Power - Richard Sutton - 4/7/2024

    17/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    The Body of Christ- Equipped to Serve This lesson, from Ephesians 4:11-16, reviews some of the various gifts God gave to the church at its inception and today, and their purpose to equip the saints for service.  Key points include: (1) types and timing of gifts given; (2) purpose of the roles given gifts; and (3) the responsibility of using each gift for the body of Christ.  The lesson concludes with the encouragement to use your own gifts in ministry for the church. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Train Yourself for Godliness - Darren Williamson - 4/14/2024

    17/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    Train Yourself for Godliness  Guest speaker, Darren Williamson, delves into the encouragement in 1 Timothy 4:6-16 to teach well.  Key concepts covered include: (1) the seriousness of faith and sound doctrine, (2) the important doctrines of the life to come and the one savior, and (3) good conduct requires effort, intensity, and serious training. The lesson concludes with the encouragement to train hard for spiritual health and watch yourself.   Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Resurrection Power

    02/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming This lesson is a harmonious retelling of the gospel accounts of Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection.  Key events highlighted include the Lord’s supper being established, Gethsemane and its agony, the betrayals, the trials, the crucifixion, and the victorious resurrection.  The telling concludes with: “It’s Sunday!  Sin defeated, death cheated, salvation completed. Christ arose!”  Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Caring for those in need - Richard Sutton - 3/24/2024

    27/03/2024 Duration: 23min

    This lesson explores how God cares about those in need and how his people are to do the same.  Using scriptures from Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Matthew and Luke, the main points covered include: (1) God’s Old Testament instructions on caring for the needy, (2) New Testament instructions on caring for the needy, (3) blessings and woes to those who do and don’t care, and (4) practical examples of how we can care for the needy in our community.  The lesson concludes with the encouragement to love like Jesus, as we care for those around us who are in need.

  • That They Might Believe - Richard Sutton - 3/10/2024

    20/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    This lesson explores the Christian reality of being a saint sanctified (set apart) for a purpose.  The lesson topics include: (1) what being sanctified means, (2) how we are set apart, (3) what we are set apart for, and (4) why we are set apart.  The lesson ends with the encouragement to accept the challenge to be salt and light so that the world might believe in Jesus. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Redeemed - Richard Sutton - 3/17/2024

    20/03/2024 Duration: 32min

    Beauty and Value of the Redeemed This lesson, taken from Ephesians 1:3-14, explores the depth of God’s thoughts regarding the beauty and immense value people have in his sight.  The main elements covered include being: (1) chosen, adopted and redeemed in Christ; (2) sealed by the Holy Spirit; (3) beneficiaries of an imperishable inheritance; and (4) precious in God’s sight to the praise of his glory.  The lesson concludes with an invitation to respond in faith and obedience. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Faith That Overcomes Obstacles- Richard Sutton - 3/3/2024

    06/03/2024 Duration: 37min

    This lesson, taken from Hebrews 11, explores faith that overcomes obstacles.  A summary review of real life examples, both from scripture and current lives, provides several key elements to this type of faith, including: (1) faith and positive thinking, (2) God’s thinking vs man’s thinking, (3) thinking like God, who is in control.  The lesson concludes with examples of real people who overcame obstacles by doing it God’s way. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Passion for Spiritual Matters - Richard Sutton - 2/25/2024

    28/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    This lesson, based on scriptures from Matthew 22 and related passages, explores three areas of passion that Jesus exhibited and which we, as disciples, should emulate.  They include being: (1) passionate about God, (2) passionate about people, and (3) passionate about God’s Word.  The lesson concludes with the question “Is Jesus your passion?” and with an invitation to respond to the message. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Establishing a Church Growth Climate - Richard Sutton - 2/18/2023

    20/02/2024 Duration: 43min

    A Climate for Church Growth This lesson explores various aspects that create a climate of growth.  The main concepts discussed include four conditions that help create a positive, friendly atmosphere.  They are: (1) a climate of joy, (2) a climate of love, (3) a climate of enthusiasm, and (4) a Bible-centered climate. The lesson ends with the encouragement to continue growing and with an invitation to respond to the message.

  • The Fuel of Life - Richard Sutton - 2/11/2023

    14/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    Service - the Fuel of Life This lesson, based on Mark 10:35-45, looks at the idea of service as the indispensable fuel of life.  Key concepts discussed include: (1) measuring greatness according to God’s view, (2) having the right desire to be a great servant, and (3) the right approach to becoming a good servant. The lesson ends with the encouragement to take the opportunity to do good to all men, and with an invitation to respond to the message. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Fiercely Loyal- Clint Davison - 2/4/2023

    07/02/2024 Duration: 42min

    David - A man after God’s Own Heart This lesson examines three memorable scenes from David’s life to see how his character provides the greatest examples of a fiercely loyal heart toward God. The key points include: (1) understanding God’s power results in totally trusting in him, (2) being patient to wait for God’s timing to act, and (3) a loyal heart feels sin deeply and repents.  The lesson concludes with the encouragement to let others know about God’s restoration plan for people. Linder Road church of Christ - Meridian, Idaho ********************************** For more information about our full schedule of classes and the Linder Road church of Christ in Meridian, ID, please visit .

  • Improbable Apostle Paul - Clint Davison - 1/28/2024

    31/01/2024 Duration: 45min

      This lesson looks at the life, legacy, and lessons we can learn from the great example of the Apostle Paul. Scriptures primarily from the book of Acts and Paul’s letters are used to develop the main ideas, including: (1) Paul’s background, (2) events that shaped Paul’s worldview, (3) Paul’s dramatic change, and (4) three things to take away for our own lives.  The lesson concludes with an invitation to respond to the gospel of Jesus.

  • Soul to Soul - Richard Sutton- 1/21/2024

    24/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    The Grand Mission - Soul Winning This lesson explores the mission of soul winning Jesus gave his disciples.  After defining the soul and looking at the example of Jesus sending out the 70 disciples, the lesson topics include: (1) God is over the harvest, (2) all followers are to go and invite people to the kingdom, (3) the dangers and depending on Jesus for provision, (4) the result of the message.  The lesson concludes with an invitation to respond.

  • A New Year, A New You - Richard Sutton - 1/7/2024

    09/01/2024 Duration: 36min

      This lesson begins the New Year focusing on the resolution to be closer to Jesus and his mission to reach the lost.  The lesson topics include: (1) new beginnings (2 Corinthians 5:17); (2) a new person (Colossians 3:5-10); and (3) a new start (Romans 6:3-5).  The lesson concludes with a reminder from Jeremiah 29:11 that God has good plans for us and with an invitation to respond to the message.

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