Cell Block 1138: A Star Wars Podcast



Two avid Star Wars fans, who also happen to be brothers, explore the beloved saga, at times touching on other sci-fi/fantasy films as well. Taking a passionate and often comical look at the epic space opera, (and taking shots at each other along the way) the brothers discuss its intricacies, chase rabbits, and debate their loves, and not-so-loves, often coming out polar opposites.


  • 010 - Sync Up & Watch Mando With Us (S1 E1 Reel-time Commentary)

    02/10/2020 Duration: 54min

    Always wanted to rewatch Mando S1 E1 with 2 gorillaz providing color commentary but didn't know where you could get that? No? Well, if you ever get desperate enough & change your mind, follow these simple steps while this episode is playing. 1. Open Disney+ 2. Pull up Mando S1 E1 3. 3...2..1... Hit "Play" when we SAY! 4. Rethink your decision several times Mando watch-thru is from 2:27 to about 39:40 We may not be Siskel & Ebert...or Ebert & Roper, but we KNOW how to run our mouths. Why not let us know you're out there?   Leave your name and city.   Find us on:   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cb1138/    Homesite: http://cellblock1138podcast.com    Contact at: info@cellblock1138podcast.com   

  • 009 - Stump The Steve & GOTG

    22/11/2019 Duration: 01h35min

    Originally Recorded - July 17th 2017 This week: The Miller bros discuss(ed) Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol: 2. AND, the first (and only?) installment of the ELECTRIFYING new segment: Stump The Steve! Listen in comfort as Steve attempts to correctly answer at least 3 out of 5 movie-related questions in order to avoid a painful fate of punishment with many volts. Will he succeed? If he does, the volts will go to Jerry. But what are the chances of that? Jerry wrote the questions. The Miller bros discuss a myriad of smaller topics and go on a few rabbit holes.  What? Who would release a podcast of such an old recording, you ask? Us, baby. Us.    

  • 008 - Rogue One Too (The Laughing Gas Episode)

    21/07/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    Originally Recorded - January 31st 2017 This week: The Miller bros probe many life-altering questions such as, Will gems like the telepathy-inducing drug, glitterstim spice make their way into the Han Solo solo movie? The brothers could not possibly hope for this less. Rogue One's ending & Leia's CG appearance, what about the SECOND Death Star's main reactor design flaw?, 1st impressions v/s 2nd impressions of R-1, the Death Star plans & intentionally "antiquated" data storage?, K2SO, Deathtroopers, did Cassian "Lenny" that dude?, Admiral Raddus's Corellian Corvette maneuver, Rogue One's "missing" shots, Jedha's cantina customer cameos, Splinter of the Mind's Eye & the Kaiburr Crystal, the Kyber memory crystal, and the just plain ol' kyber crystals, who is chyrons?, The Ring of Kafrene, Bodhi Rook's death-defying plug-in, the coolness of Chirrut Imwe, and the truth comes out; Steve is a power-hungry villain.  (Also, tell us if you think you witnessed too much laughing today.) Stevisms include: per

  • 007 - Rogue One Postgame Wrap-Up & Unwitting Deathstick Heads

    14/07/2017 Duration: 01h32min

    Originally Recorded - January 31st 2017 A quick note: It's about to get reeeally current up in here! No more of these ancient recordings separated by so many moons. Even this episode has made it into 2017! One more episode after this one and we'll be hitting on Guardians of the Galaxy.   See, our small outpost of a podcast arose amidst much turmoil and tribulation and was just a bit tough to get going but we're rollin' now. By the time of this recording we were better equipped so sound quality takes a big jump forward, though we still press on toward further audial purity.   In this episode the Miller Bros discuss (duh) Rogue One, possible political statements, Steve not being quite sure of the fine-tuning of its grittiness (Man. Is that dude EVER satisfied???), Bor Gullet, your favorite psychometric space octopus, Saw P. Gerrera, Time Travel in Star Wars & Elsewhere, 1977 technological restraints' effect on storytelling (tapes?), villain stuff, other stuff, etc. Of course, this is all once they get pas

  • 006 - The Phrustrating Menace

    07/07/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    Originally Recorded - December 7th 2016 JERRY'S VERSION OF EPISODE ONE, or at least a rough outline. Aight, last week was Good Cop episode regarding TPM but this week frustrations and letdowns abound. It doesn't happen too often but Jerry does occasionally unleash some harsh crits on some Star Wars. Sure, he can find enjoyment in the prequels but that doesn't mean he isn't still carrying a LOT of PAIN! "This alarming chain of events"?, problems with the movie's pacing, ESB'S redacted wampas, cutting on Director’s cuts, Lucas’ Jerry-vexing reinterpretation of his original prequel outline & his pedantic fine-tooth combing over Obi-Wan’s not-so-reckless checklist of events, Steve not being at all down with the fact that the Clone Wars involved…clones?, Jerry's "rough outline" reconstruction of what was "supposed to be" in Episode One as per Obi-Wan's retelling, and that time George Lucas lied to him. Corrections: Jerry refers to Shmi Skywalker as Padme'. The boys end this episode saying that next time would

  • 005 - Talkin' TPM & Star Wars: More Fun 2 Watch Than 2 Live

    30/06/2017 Duration: 01h11min

    Okay, peeps. Trying out a minimalist's approach to descriptions this week as we've been told that those of previous episodes left too little to the imagination.  First off, props to Steve for sitting through an extra long Jerrologue as Jerry struggles to get thru his list of TPM likes without rabbit-trailing - he sends his apologies for dominating the podcast, Regarding The Phantom Menace, Predator: Billy's Last Stand, ROTJ draft stuff, Jerry's Star Wars-dominated childhood and how he apparently thinks it's...real or something?, Has the Star Wars universe overlooked technological applications to keep story options open?, Black Mirror’s tech commentary (plus a little Black Mirror scarring - oink), terrifying Star Wars nightmares, death-defying childhood trespassing, Ostrich Man, the lamest Star Wars alien ever, Steve's superficial attempt at liking TPM, Is Star Wars for kids or not? (depends on the scene?), lightsaber precogoreography, and a little more midichlorian talk! This is pretty much just as long as th

  • 004 - Lando Solo: Single Not Female

    23/06/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    Originally Recorded - November 20th 2016 This episode picks up right where we left off last time, talking about. a great. many. thiiings. Among those being a possible "alternate" ending to The Force Awakens (don't get too excited), Was Luke in The Force Awakens or was that Mark Hamill's contract?, a Cloud City Administrator in Han's clothing, tears after The Empire Struck Back?, Star Trek: First...Fourth Wall Busting Nemesis?, practical CGI, Grey Sloan Memorial: Nexus of the Universe?, Terminator(s), Superman(s) and friends “Oh!...He caught ‘er!”, a change of pacing & kids today with their fiendishly quick eyes, Sherlock's geo-helio-(ec)centric universe, Jerry's gripe-mourning Firefly’s untimely death, Rogue One predictions (Yes, this is an older recording, sire, but it checks out - things will be up to date soon), and a very insightful Mark Hamill “quote”. Note/Apology: The TFA scene the numbskulls referenced but failed to properly identify is the one where 2 stormtroopers scramble to avoid Kylo Ren’s te

  • 003 - Rey's Parents and Midichlorian Supplements

    17/06/2017 Duration: 01h13min

    Originally Recorded - November 20th 2016 REY'S PARENTAGE REVEALED!… Okay, probably not. Here at the Block we don't DO pre-release spoilers. We don't KNOW them and we don't WANT to know them. As Ike Clanton always said, "Spoilers just don't go 'round here!" so check 'em at the door.  But theories do go 'round here, and in this episode Jerry gives his "shower thoughts" on a possible theory for Rey's parentage that you've most likely not heard anywhere else, but also mostly likely won't end up being what happens in the movies either but we give it anyway cause that's just how we roll here at the Block.   Also, more handwringing and whining from Jerry about what damage could be done to his precious Han Solo in the upcoming standalone films about the smuggler-turned-war hero-turned rathtar hauler, as he spews a litany of things "I don't want", the 70's Solo novels are visited, Han's tax free shooting of Greedo: murder or preemptive self-defense?, Dr Strange and how he and the rest of the Marvel Heroverse might tie

  • 002 - A Box of Bossk's and a Pile of Reboots

    14/06/2017 Duration: 01h24min

    Originally Recorded - October 18, 2016 In this episode: There's an awful lot of reboots in here. Who are they really for and are they just the Motion Picture Industry's version of "clickbait"?  Also, Jerry's fears (yeah, that's right, FEARS) concerning the upcoming Han Solo movie, (he has "seen a lotta strange stuff"), Thrawn Trilogy love, "Greedo gave me candy when I was 4", Shadows of the Empire, ysalamiric Force bubbles & plot devices, movies & cartoons embedded into our childhoods, impossibility of predicting tech, reGhostbusters, That 80's Show?, the smartest thing George Lucas ever said, entertainment industry & Phil Connors' manufactured kiss, the bros reminisce about the "secret" Star Wars figure mailer ("Ah, just send 'em another Bossk", the 1st (and likely only) installment of "Dengar Chat", and iCloud City props.  Stevisms include: Grand (pheromone packin') Admiral Xizor? and Count Dookula

  • 001 - BB-88 and The Force Awakens

    04/06/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    Originally Recorded - May 23, 2016 In this maiden voyage episode we discuss The Force Awakens: likes, dislikes, strong parallels with ANH, characters, convenient lightspeed, and many thumbs are up. Also Steve struggles to recall the name of Poe's droid, Jerry fixates over Lor San Tekka's delivery method to Poe, we stop by Star Trek for a bit, many jabs are taken, and a good time is had by all.  Now a shameless plea for you guys to bear with us: We know the sound isn't the best yet but we were/are building our gear. We're a small outpost and not very self-sufficient; we've had supply problems of every kind, we've had labor difficulties, etc, but we promise that with each passing moment we make this more our servant, and trust us, it DOES get better soon. We pre-love hanging out with you. - The Miller Bros