Footbridge Forum



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  • Without Consent Episode 3: End the Trend


     In this last episode we make suggestions to help prevent sexual assault on campus and in the Missoula community.  What can the university do better to communicate problems effectively  to the community and the press? What can the Missoula community do to reverse the culture of victim blaming? What can individuals do to prevent sexual assaults outright? […]

  • Without Consent Episode 2: The Blame Game


    In this episode of the Footbridge Forum’s Without Consent, we investigate the myths surrounding sexual assault, the communication between the stakeholders of incidents on campus, and examine the roles college athletes play in these incidents. Thank You:  As always we would like to thank our panelists who participated in the show. We would also like […]

  • The Footbridge Forum Podcast Episode 1: Without Consent


    This is the first of three episodes that will be on this podcast as well as broadcast live on KBGA. This episode deals with the cultural reaction to sexual assault. What role does the media play, what are the stereotypes, and how big of a problem is sexual assault. Interact: Please note that you cannot […]