Barb Witt Pod Casts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 152:53:51
  • More information



Barb Witt Ministries is a Christian, Word of faith teaching ministry based in Surrey, UK.


  • Pt.3 Experiencing Your Highest Expectations

    16/09/2024 Duration: 26min

    Identifying and Removing Limitations to experiencing your highest expectations being fulfilled. In this session you will learn--- * Psalm 78--The children of Israel limited what God could do for them by questioning His ability each time they faced a new challenge. * Where do limitations come from? * Limitations take root in the mind. We need to take inventory of our thought life. * How to change your thinking and bring your thoughts into agreement with God. * What is God thinking about? Psalm 115: 12-15, Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 54: 2-4 * Words can limit God. * God wants you to give Him a challenge--Ephesians 3:20. * Keep thanking and praising God for the answer before it comes to pass. This is one of the highest expressions of faith. God will not disappoint you.

  • Experiencing Your Highest Expectations-Pt.2

    24/07/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    Experiencing Your Highest Expectations Fulfilled--Pt.2 In this session you will learn--- * The only people who never get disappointed are the people who don't expect anything. * It's not time to give up. It's time to look forward and expect your breakthrough. * When you see God perform a breakthrough in your life, it causes your expectation level to increase. * The answer to the question--"what if I do all this expecting and nothing happens?" * There is an appointed time for you for the fulfilment of what you have believed and stood for. * Write down your 3 highest expectations to be fulfilled by this time next year.

  • Experiencing Your Highest Expectations

    24/07/2024 Duration: 44min

    Experiencing Your Highest Expectations Being Fulfilled In this session you will learn--- * What would your highest expectations being fulfilled look like in your life? Some things to consider. * God is going to reward those who have who have refused to give up in the hard times. * God's Word is the source of our expectation, hope, desires,dreams needs and wants. * You get what you expect the most---good or bad. * Since God is the one who birthed your expectations within you, He is the one who will fulfil them. * How to identify if your dream of vision is from God. * Why is it important to write down your vision. * Faith thanks God in advance for the fulfilment before there is any outward evidence.

  • If You Can See It, You Can Have It

    03/06/2024 Duration: 53min

    If You Can See It, You Can Have It In this session you will learn: * If you only believe what you can see with your physical eyes, you are walking by sight. * The things we desire are based on what God has promised us in the Word and what Jesus has already purchased for us in redemption. * Faith will always talk the end result instead of what exists at present. * Faith vs. presumption. * The eye of faith only looks at what God's Word says. * How Abraham and Jacob obtained their blessing. * Take a scripture that applies to your situation-- thinking about it, and visualising it is part of seeing it.

  • Examine Your Faith

    03/06/2024 Duration: 56min

    Examine Your Faith--- In this session you will learn: * Faith has been viewed as a religious organization but it is not a religion at all. * Faith links us to God's divine power. It is the promise God has made to you. * Real Bible faith is not passive. It is always accompanied by action. * Don't ever base your faith on what somebody else did. * Obeying or following an instruction is often involved when people experience the miraculous.

  • Obstacles To Healing and Divine Health

    15/04/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    Obstacles To Healing and Divine Health In this session you all learn-- * There are alternative ways to express your symptoms. * Your health is not solely dependent on your family's genetic makeup. * You have to let go of any advantage you think sickness or infirmity provides. * There is a mind-body connection. * There is a difference between felling unforgiving and refusing to forgive. * Whatever you feed is going to grow and increase. * We must obey the leading of the Holy Spirit and act on His Word. * There is a time to stay in your environment and there is a time to go. * Your actions must equally match your faith. * In the mind and plan of God, we are already healed.

  • Why Confession Works

    15/04/2024 Duration: 51min

    Why Confession Works In this session you will learn: * Everything starts with words. * When we confess God's Word and say what He says, we're sowing seed in our spirit. * It forces you to say what God says and causes faith to come. * If you say what God says long enough, you will eventually believe it. * It keeps the answer before you. * It changes your hear by saying what God says until you are fully persuaded. * What you experience today is the result of what you have spoken in the past. * The angels hearken to the voice of God's Word.

  • Defeating Satan's Attacks.MP3

    12/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    Defeating Satan's Attacks In this session you will learn-- * Satan has been dethroned and disarmed by Jesus, restoring to you the power and authority to give him no place in your life. * The mind is the place where we either let satan in or resist him. Give him no place (Ephesians 4:27). * We resist him with the words of our mouth in Jesus Name. * Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and a right mental attitude. * Satan comes at you with thoughts of failure and defeat that are contrary to God's Word. * Keep your attention on God's Word, not the circumstances.

  • Possessing Your Possessions-Pt.2

    25/02/2024 Duration: 57min

    Possessing Your Possessions--Pt.2 In this session you will learn-- * What God has provided, we must possess. * It was God's will for the Israelites to go into the Promised Land or He would not have told them to go there. * What kept the 1st generation from going in. * What holds back Christians today from possessing their inheritance in Christ. * Once you know God has given it to you, you must be persistent.

  • Possessing Your Possessions -Pt.1

    25/02/2024 Duration: 42min

    Possessing Your Possessions -Pt.1 In this session you will learn-- * Possessing and receiving your inheritance is not automatic. * Knowing what belongs to us and how to possess it. * Your salvation, healing, wisdom, money, protection, is as close to you as the Word of God in your mouth and in your heart (Rom.10:6-10). * How Jesus taught us to believe we receive ( Mark 11:23-24). * What religion does not teach--coming boldly to the throne of grace to obtain (Hebrews 4:16). * What does it mean to fight the good fight of faith (I Timothy 6:12). * Faith is not passive. * Examples of people who actively possessed their inheritance.

  • I Give You Authority-Pt.2 Jan.2024

    05/02/2024 Duration: 49min

    I Give You Authority--Pt.2 In this session you will learn-- * The Holy Spirit, angels and demon spirits exist in the unseen spiritual realm. * The government we represent on the earth is the Kingdom of God. Our authority extends over any territory that affects us. * Satan is a fallen angel who has been stripped of authority by Jesus. He is afraid of believers who know they have authority over him. * Whatever spirit or spirits people yield to, they take on those characteristics. * Just like there are unseen forces that influence people for destruction there are unseen forces that influence people for good. * One of the most important things we need to learn is what to yield to and what to resist. * In order to protect yourself from wrong influences--never, never feel sorry for yourself.

  • I Give You Authority

    22/01/2024 Duration: 01h10min

    I Give You Authority In this session you will learn-- * Jesus has stripped satan of his authority in the earth. * Jesus gave authority over devils and diseases to his disciples. * How Jesus dealt with the devil, evil spirits, fevers and the weather. * God has given control of the earth to mankind. * How you are to stand up against the devil and operate as Jesus did.

  • The Key To Prosperity & the Problem

    28/11/2023 Duration: 58min

    The Key To Prosperity & the Problem by Barb Witt Ministries

  • Attributes of Those Who Are Blessed

    13/11/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    Attributes of People God Can Fully Bless In this session you will learn-- * Is it all up to God who is blessed and who is not? * 3 steps that reduce your chances of living in poverty. * What does the Bible say about who is rich and who is poor? * What does it mean to be blessed? * God has not changed--this Blessing is still in effect.

  • What Kind Of God Do We Serve-- Jacob.MP3

    22/10/2023 Duration: 56min

    What Kind of God Do We Serve?--The God of Jacob In this session you will learn---- * How Jacob's start in life was very different from his father Isaac. * The scheme for Jacob to gain the Blessing and why his brother despised it. * How it was in the plan of God for Jacob to receive the Blessing. * Jacob remained faithful even though he was working for a liar and a cheat. * How Jacob eventually qualified for the Blessing. * How Jacob had to flee from home with nothing but a stick and a backpack and returned a blessed and wealthy man because of the Blessing of God. * You may have gotten off to a rough start in life, but you too can have a good finish.

  • What Kind of God Do We Serve-Isaac

    08/10/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    What Kind of God Do We Serve?--Isaac * Isaac knew a God of the 100-fold return while everybody around him was experiencing famine. * God is going to bless you in the plan and in the place you are supposed to be. * There is more to being blessed and prospering than making faith confessions. * God will bless you if you are where God told you to be, doing what He told you to do, giving where He told you to give.

  • What Kind of God Do We Serve? Pt.2

    04/09/2023 Duration: 58min

    What Kind Of God Do We Serve? Pt.2 What Would Abraham Say? In this session you will learn--- * You can't separate the spiritual realm from the physical/material realm. They are connected. * Identifying a poverty mentality. * The first step to having faith for the God-kind of abundance (and for all other areas of provision). * God revealed Himself to Abraham as El Shaddai and Jehovah Jireh, two Old Covenant redemptive names that reveal His nature and His will. * God's not going to tell us in advance what He's going to do, how He's going to do it, or when He's going to do it because He is a faith God.

  • God Our Protector

    01/08/2023 Duration: 47min

    God Our Protector In this session you will learn--- * God's part and our part in receiving divine protection. * Just because God allows something does not mean He caused it or that it is His will for it to happen. * Can you kick God out of your life and nation and keep His protection? * If individuals and nations are not submitted to God and reject HIm, He doesn't have a legal right to help and protect them. * "Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses but we will remember the name of the Lord our God" (Psalm 20:7).

  • What Kind of God Do We Serve?

    28/06/2023 Duration: 42min

    What Kind Of God Do We Serve? In this session you will learn-- * What is the definition of the God-kind of prosperity. * Is Bible prosperity just spiritual? * Where the God-kind of prosperity begins. * What is the will of God for you.

  • The Spirit Of Faith - -Receives/Is Persuaded.MP3

    12/06/2023 Duration: 49min

    The Spirit of Faith--Faith Receives/ Faith Is Persuaded In this session you will learn-- * In order to receive from God, you must believe He is reliable and can be trusted to keep His Word. * How Sarah received and conceived supernatural strength from the Word God had spoken and it changed her physical body. * How Abraham and Sarah became fully persuaded that what God had promised would come to pass. * You can start out in unbelief and get over into faith and believe God.

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