Corey R. Henderson's Podcast



DR. COREY R. HENDERSON is blessed to have received from God a wonderful assignment full of ministry and grace to speak revelation truth, wisdom and prophetic insights, provided by The Spirit of The Living God. He is on a mission to demonstrate the impact of Gods glory and unlimited grace to every dimension of life. Dr. Corey has a strong heritage of salvation and ministry that were the guiding principles of his life. Dr. Corey R. Henderson is a prophetic guard and true shepherd of God in heart, gifted supernaturally to build up God's people, church, and dispense divine treasures of the kingdom of our LORD and Christ


  • Heal The Land

    18/11/2019 Duration: 29min

    Heal The Land: God often sent Revival throughout the land or a region when there's been moral decline. God would send Healing that manifested upon a people demonstrated mercy, restoration or redemption. But also an supernatural outpouring when there was a crying out for more of His presence, a greater hunger and thirst for more of his spirit. Signs, wonders and miracles will follow when there's a deeper desire and passion for the word of God. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God said he'll "Heal The Land" when we do 4 things: 1. Humble ourself 2. Pray 3. Seek his face 4. Turn from our wicked ways

  • In This Season

    03/08/2017 Duration: 26min

    In This Season: Regardless of what you have seen going on around you, God is not taken by surprise by your circumstance. It's a surprise to us but not one to God. This is a season and era where God's doing a supernatural work through man, and sovereignly by His spirit. We are in a season of shifts and transitions because everything in the world today is changing. Things are being shook up by the shaking of God's hand. It's an exciting time in the midst of uncertain times. The entire earth is moving forward on God's prophetic time clock. Don't let what's happening in the world stop you from experiencing the move of God that's meant to fulfill your destiny and possess the kingdoms of this world for Christ and His glory.

  • Prophetic Prayers & Promises: For The Family

    20/07/2017 Duration: 44s

    Prophetic Prayers & Promises: For The Family One of God’s highest priorities is preserving family. God designed the family to accomplish His purpose and to enrich lives of each other. While technology has enhanced the quality and ability of communication, it has also curtailed communication among one another. Ultimately, in this era of cutting-edge communication, the family unit “mis-communicates” with God. It is important to remember that our Heavenly Father loves to hear and talk with his beloved children and cares deeply about their needs and problems. Knowing that He protects and rescues us from our fears, trials and trouble providing invaluable peace and unity to a family. Praying on the behalf or together allows one or all to voice their concerns to both an earthly parent and their “Heavenly One”

  • New Dimension of Living

    25/11/2016 Duration: 29min

    God wants us to live in a new dimension' we are currently at the convergence of a new dispensation which speaks to a shift in everything we have known before; just like in the biblical era dispensation of law to grace. God is moving again in this generation bringing in a new dispensation of grace, mercy and truth to help us live perpetually in new dimensions.