Beer Space Nine



Approximately ever week we will discuss, make fun of, blindly adore episodes of Star Trek while drinking weird/interesting craft beers (which we know nothing about). Starting with the Original Series we will work our way through every iteration of the Star Trek universe.


  • Beer Space Nine Episode 118

    03/04/2020 Duration: 47min

    It's a whimsical couple episodes on TNG this week. We get two basically funny episodes in a row. First, Captain Picard, Ro, Keiko, and Guinan all get turned into little kids. (Barron's not happy, he is not a fan of kids.) Then Data fucks up the holodeck while Worf, Alexander, and Deanna are trying to have a good time.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 117

    21/03/2020 Duration: 47min

    Aliens are abducting Commander Riker and doing experiments on him when TNG does its very on alien abduction episode!! How very 90s of them. Then Q is back to investigate a young girl who just might, herself, be Q. Also, Brooke swears this episode aired on Halloween in 1992 and doesn't care what IMDB says!!

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 116

    07/03/2020 Duration: 49min

    This week TNG has a pretty terrible episode followed by a great episode. The return of Scotty!!! Also, Barron tells Brooke it is our 3 year podcast anniversary! Yaayy!!

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 115

    01/02/2020 Duration: 51min

    We're back!! We aren't dead!! And we're still drinking beer and talking about Star Trek! Finally starting TNG season 6. First up we find out just what Data's head was doing in 1800s San Francisco. Then we watch Lt Barclay have a panic attack over possible transporter psychosis. Yay it's good to be back!!

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 114

    25/12/2019 Duration: 56min

    Merry Christmas Eve everybody! We are finally at The Inner Light!! One of the best episodes of TNG ever!! We also have Time's Arrow Part 1, one of Brooke's favorites. At the end of season 5, next week season 6!

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 113

    10/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    We're back!! This week we drink liquor and discuss two great TNG episodes!!! Geordi makes friends with a line Borg, and then he an Ro get caught in a transporter malfunction and are presumed dead!! Also Brooke coughs a lot.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 112

    06/11/2019 Duration: 48min

    This week Professor X and Jean Grey sort of hook up, when Picard falls for a special empath played by Famke Janssen. Also, a random kid gets a murderous imaginary friend.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 111

    16/10/2019 Duration: 44min

    This week TNG is giving us both a Wesley episode AND a Lwaxana episode. It's Barron's worst nightmare.  Actually we both like the Wesley episode and Brooke likes Lwaxana so luckily we're not both miserable!!

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 110

    01/10/2019 Duration: 42min

    This week we have one of the top 10 episodes of TNG to discuss!! Too bad we have to suffer through The Outcast first. Ugh. We don't like it. Let us tell you why!! But we LOVE Cause and Effect. Also we're less drunk this week. Not sure if that makes us better, though.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 109

    18/09/2019 Duration: 59min

    We're back!! Brooke has no more sisters who want to get married so we should be back weekly! This week we both get super drunk while talking about TNG. Troi, Data, and O'Brien all get possessed by ghosts from a weird moon. And Barron is happy because we have a Worf episode!! Poor Worf breaks his back! Will he survive? 

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 108

    26/08/2019 Duration: 46min

    This week on Beer Space Nine the Enterprise encounters an insular society entirely built on genetic engineering. But they're about to be DESTROYED BY AN ASTEROID!!! Dun Dun DUUUNNN!!! Then the entire crew gets their memories wiped, and they must figure out who they are before they figure out what's going on.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 107

    12/08/2019 Duration: 46min

    Data, once again, gets a confused kid as a protege. And then we have a mind....probe....episode. Minds are probed against their wills...

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 106

    22/07/2019 Duration: 40min

    The Enterprise is visited by a time traveler from the future sent back to observe Captain Picard's decision making during a crisis. And Worf is visited by his son who intends to stay. Worf, take care of your kid!!!

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 105

    10/07/2019 Duration: 55min

    In part one Spock (SPOCK!) is accused of betraying the Federation and Picard goes to see Sarek one last time. In part two Picard teams up with Spock (SPOCK!) and hangs with some Romulans.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 104

    02/07/2019 Duration: 53min

    This week in the TNG universe Captain Picard gets trapped in an elevator with a bunch of kids while Counselor Troi has to command the ship. Also, Worf delivers a baby. Pretty much everyone's worst nightmare. Then Wesley returns (Barron's worst nightmare), and hooks up with Ashley Judd while the whole ship becomes addicted to a video game with bad graphics.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 103

    24/06/2019 Duration: 55min

    This week in TNG we get the first appearance of the Bajorans AND Ensign Ro. Also the Cardassians are dicks. And the return of the Crystaline Entity brings a woman bent on revenge. And better special effects than the last time we saw the Crystaline Entity.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 102

    10/06/2019 Duration: 39min

    We kick off season 5 of TNG with two great episodes! Start off fast and furious with more Klingon intrigue and the appearance of  mysterious Romulan. Then we have a great character study when Picard learns to trust and communicate with a new people.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 101

    03/06/2019 Duration: 35min

    Bringing season 4 of TNG to a close, we have Data getting a girlfriend (again), and lots of Klingon intrigue. Barron loves those Worf episodes.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 100

    26/05/2019 Duration: 48min

    We have reached our 100th episode!! Never thought we'd get this far. Also, we both forgot until we were recording...Anyway, this week Doctor Crusher gets a mysterious boyfriend, and poor Geordi gets kidnapped for the first of many times.

  • Beer Space Nine Episode 99

    12/05/2019 Duration: 54min

    We get a couple of great guest stars this week! First in The Drumhead Picard goes up against Jean Simmons, yet another of Star Trek's crazy admirals. (Seriously, you don't want to be an admiral in Starfleet.) Then Lwaxana Troi falls in love with a doomed man played by David Ogden Stiers in Half a Life. Some dramatic moments for us!!

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