Online Bs : Bible Study



A very raw bible study , for those that are tired of the religious activity sometimes passing as modern Christianity.


  • 05-10-2016

    29/10/2016 Duration: 23min

    Isaiah 10:5-12

  • 05-05-2016

    29/10/2016 Duration: 28min

    Isaiah 10:1-7-Destruction to bring us to repentance-God takes the oppressor and calls it his doing- Verse 5: "O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger... in their hand is my indignation"

  • 05-03-2016

    29/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    Isaiah 9:8-10:1God is trying to position us to a place where we recognize our need for Him alone. The world and the Church of the world cannot understand this because they have not yet seen the Light. We were all in darkness until His light shone upon us. It is His joy to do so.

  • 05-03-2016

    29/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    Isaiah 9:8-10:1God is trying to position us to a place where we recognize our need for Him alone. The world and the Church of the world cannot understand this because they ave not sen the Light. We were all in darkness until His light shone upon us.

  • 04-29-2016

    14/10/2016 Duration: 21min

    Still discussing Light and Darkness. the best we can become is "Angels of Light" . Christ is the light. It's part of the Mystery. We walk in the light as He is in the light.Psalm 23. Isaiah 9:2, The preaching of the cross exposes the darkness, that's why nobody likes it. We would rather have a false hope and "positivity" than hear about our death and His resurrection. You are your greatest Con. The world believes and says that there is no-one you can trust except yourself. God says there is no-one you can trust except Him.

  • 04-27-2016

    13/10/2016 Duration: 29min

    Continuing with Isaiah...Contrasting the darkness an the light. Understanding that we are the darkness and He is the light is key to walking in Peace. Pretending to be the light will only end up frustrating you because you still have no Peace..and you know it deep inside. Being a slave to our own "good ideas" is similar to being in bondage in Egypt only we are the Pharaoh.

  • 04-12-2016

    24/05/2016 Duration: 47min

    Passover contdBeing born again- Of water and the spirit.John 3:1Genesis 1:1-10Spirit of God, the breath of God.Until God says "let there be light", there is only darkness

  • 04-04-2016

    06/04/2016 Duration: 26min

    PassoverPassover is about being called out of the world. 2 ways this can happen:1. You reject the world because he shows you that all is vanity(you have gotten every thing you worked toward and still there is discontentment) and then the world rejects you.2. The world rejects you because you are not fitting in, it has no place for you and then you reject the world.-We don't have to use the world's systems anymore. The world's system uses fear to move you. God uses Peace (Christ) to keep you.John 13:1-21- Christ takes the position of the servant. What he does in our lives might seem strange but the revelation of him comes after. This was his demonstration of laying down his life for the disciples.

  • 03-21-2016

    06/04/2016 Duration: 24min

    Isaiah 7:17-8:1-17What God has provided, we say we did it and eventually we see it everything is out of our control and realize he has ultimately provided all things.