Parsha Podcast - By Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe



A weekly Parsha Podcast by Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe. Every podcast will begin with an outline of the parsha and then we will delve into the major themes and draw valuable and interesting insights from it.


  • Bechukosai – Impractical Torah?

    30/05/2024 Duration: 01h01s

    Torah is absolutely vast. It is a veritable ocean. And we are privileged to be able to study it and immerse ourselves in it. Those of us who have had the great privilege of studying in Yeshiva know that there’s nothing as delightful and as wonderful as the intensive study of Torah. But how practical […]

  • Bechukosai – Self-Assembly Kit (5782)

    28/05/2024 Duration: 53min

    Why was our soul sent to this world? What was lacking for it in Heaven? That is not an easy question to answer. There are other hard questions to ponder: why are we so obsessed with Torah? How is Torah beneficial for mankind? In this superb episode of the Parsha Podcast, we discover a higher […]

  • Behar – Intractable Land

    23/05/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    The Land of Israel is special: It is the land of God. All other lands were given by God to humanity. The land of Israel He reserved for himself. The Torah gives us comprehensive laws regarding every element of our life. Many of the laws are only applicable in the land of Israel. The commentaries […]

  • Behar – The Jubilant 50’s (5782)

    21/05/2024 Duration: 01h19s

    Being a farmer in antiquity was a hard job. Without any mechanized tools and plows, farming demanded a great deal of sweat and toil. But what choice did you have? If you want to feed your family, you need to work the land. Then comes the Shemitah. Every 7th year, the farmers in the Land […]

  • Emor – Simulated Martyrdom

    16/05/2024 Duration: 01h14min

    Humans have a very important role to play in God’s world. The Almighty created a world in which He is obfuscated. It is possible to live a whole life without acknowledging the one, singular reality of existence: God. The world was designed with the capacity for that reality being ignored. But we are here to […]

  • Kedoshim – Loving the Unlovable

    09/05/2024 Duration: 51min

    Some people are easy to love. They are good people. They have a good character. They are righteous and noble and pleasant. People like that are very lovable. But there are other people. The second group of people are very hard to love. They may have a very execrable character. They may have very unlikable […]

  • Kedoshim – The Superhuman Imperative (5782)

    07/05/2024 Duration: 46min

    Our Parsha begins with an unusual ceremony: Moshe gathers the entire Jewish Nation, men, women, and children, to convey to them the mitzvos of our Parsha. Unlike the rest of the Torah where the nation is conveyed the Law in shifts, in this week’s Parsha everyone has to be together. When we examine the reasons […]

  • Acharei Mos – Fleshy Onesie

    02/05/2024 Duration: 55min

    The first verse of our Parsha revisits a tragic event from the past. The Torah tells us that after the death of Aaron’s sons Nadav and Avihu, Moshe was instructed to command Aaron about the prohibition against entering the Holy of Holies unauthorized. What is the significance of the tragic demise of Aaron’s two sons […]

  • Acharei Mos – A Consequential Life (5782)

    01/05/2024 Duration: 54min

    The verse in our Parsha makes a big promise: if you adhere to the Mitzvos and statutes and laws of the Torah you will be granted life. Life is what we all so deeply covet. Torah and Mitzvos are the ways to get it. But it doesn’t seem to bear out in the real world. […]

  • Metzora – Barbarians at the Gate

    18/04/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    The Metzora (one stricken with tzaraas) is unwelcome in polite society. Even impolite society doesn’t want anything to do with him. They must leave the camp. They must be alone, in seclusion, in isolation outside of the camp. They may not have close interaction with others. Others don’t even want to have any interaction with […]

  • Metzora – 21st Century Prophecy (5782)

    16/04/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    How involved is God in the day-to-day lives of humanity? What is the nature of divine communication to humanity? The central subject of our Parsha offers a fascinating window into this question. In antiquity – when our people were very close to the Almighty and very elevated spiritually – every sin would register as a […]

  • Tazria – Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires

    11/04/2024 Duration: 41min

    Like much of Leviticus hitherto, tzaraas – the skin malady that is a physical manifestation of a spiritual flaw – is a concept distant from our consciousness. The Torah tells us that when a person commits one of several sins, they can be stricken with a wide range of skin afflictions that qualify as tzaraas. […]

  • Tazria – Torah In A Box (5782)

    09/04/2024 Duration: 53min

    The bulk of our Parsha deals with the inapplicable laws of purity and impurity, but we also told about a Mitzvah that is very much applicable today: circumcision. When a baby boy is 8 days old, they are circumcised and thereby entered into the Covenant of Abraham. What is the meaning behind this Mitzvah? Why, […]

  • Shemini – Spiritual Cholesterol

    04/04/2024 Duration: 52min

    Kosher food is good for you. Non-kosher food is bad. That much we learned in our parsha. But why? Why is kosher food good? In this exquisite podcast, we Go deep and deeper in trying to understand. We discover how non kosher food serves as a form of spiritual cholesterol that creates blockages imperiling our […]

  • Shemini – Aaron’s Credentials (5782)

    02/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    In our Parsha Aaron is promoted to become the high priest. Previously, Moshe served as high priest in an interim role, henceforth Aaron and his descendants will serve as the nation’s emissaries before God. Why was Aaron chosen? What were his qualifications? What were the events in his life that rendered him worthy of such […]

  • Tzav – Runaway Brain

    28/03/2024 Duration: 54min

    The subject matter of Parshas Tzav is – like Parshas Vayikra – sacrifices. Before today you may have thought that sacrifices are a boring snooze fest. In this Parsha Podcast your perception of Parshas Tzav and sacrifices will be permanently transformed. In the podcast we share three deep and powerful insights: How to sheath the […]

  • Tzav – Ready, Steady, Fire! (5782)

    26/03/2024 Duration: 44min

    A lot of things are needed for the Temple and the Tabernacle to function properly. There are all kinds of prerequisites, protocols, procedures, and rituals that must be followed. One of the most surprising ones is the requirement to always have a fire atop the altar. Although the fire is needed for the processing of […]

  • Vayikra – Cainitis and Abelitis

    21/03/2024 Duration: 42min

    TORCH Fundraiser Our organization, TORCH, does only one fundraiser a year, and that is happening right now at This is a matching campaign and every donation will be DOUBLED. Please support the Parsha Podcast right now at The website for the Fundraiser is Click and donate to support the Parsha Podcast in 2024 We need your […]

  • Vayikra – From Each According to His Ability (5782) + TORCH Campaign

    19/03/2024 Duration: 52min

    TORCH Fundraiser Our organization, TORCH, does only one fundraiser a year, and that is happening right now at This is a matching campaign and every donation will be DOUBLED. Please support the Parsha Podcast right now at The website for the Fundraiser is Click and donate to support the Parsha Podcast in 2024 We need your […]

  • Parshas Vayikra (Rebroadcast) + TORCH Annual Fundraising Drive

    17/03/2024 Duration: 53min

    TORCH Fundraiser Our organization, TORCH, does only one fundraiser a year, and that is happening right now at This is a matching campaign and every donation will be DOUBLED. Please support the Parsha Podcast right now at The website for the Fundraiser is Click and donate to support the Parsha Podcast in 2024 We need your […]

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