Good Dogs!



Empowering breeders and owners to raise stable, healthy, well-mannered puppies that enrich peoples lives.Do you wish your dog was better behaved? This show will help you give the right beginning to a young dog and improve an older dog's behavior, too featuring the wisdom of three veteran trainers, Gayle Watkins, Lise Pratt and Marcy Burke who will take turns co-hosting. They have also spent decades breeding and competing healthy performance Golden Retrievers and created Avidog, a system to help breeders and new puppy owners raise well-behaved companions.


  • The "BFO" Moment Understanding Your Dog — the "Blinding Flash of the Obvious"

    27/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    #6019-REV: Lise explains her term about training and the “light bulb moment” people have when understanding their dog — which she calls a BFO — Blinding Flash of the Obvious. She also explains how puppies learn bite control and what to do if yours never learned it — the way Tracie's pooch Maisie had never done when she first adopted her at 9 months.

  • What "Alpha Dog" Really Means

    20/05/2024 Duration: 20min

    #6073-REV: Trainer Marcy Burke says people don’t really understand what an “alpha dog” really means since an ”alpha dog” is never aggressive — because they don’t need to be! Marcie discusses what makes an “alpha dog” tick.

  • Car Manners for Dogs

    13/05/2024 Duration: 22min

    #6070-REV: Gayle Watkins talks about car manners. How to teach a dog to be calm in a vehicle and how you want him to behave begins with someone else driving while you have a collar, leash and treats. She emphasizes the importance of a crash-tested harness.

  • Let Your Dog's Personality Flourish

    06/05/2024 Duration: 19min

    #6068-REV: Trainer and Golden breeder Lise Pratt speaks about letting your dog’s individual personality quirks flourish. What less-than-perfect behavior can you allow? How to manage behavior that could make other people uncomfortable? Dogs only understand black and white --- not gray --- so you have to be consistent in what, when and where you allow behaviors.

  • The Challenge of Training Small Dogs

    29/04/2024 Duration: 22min

    #6060-REV: Trainer and Golden Retriever breeder Marcy Burke says to make training the “wee ones” a game! It needs to be fun for both of you --- and should include a mountain of very small delicious treats to reinforce commands --- especially the basic “Come!” command.

  • Importance of a Good First Meeting Between Dogs

    22/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    #6072-REV: Dogs will not forget a bad first meeting with another dog — so we have to make sure it never happens! Gayle Watkins talks about the importance of introductions between dogs — and how we can cause dog aggression between dogs because we are nervous and communicating tension down the leash with how we set up the meeting. Best advice for a successful first meeting is to have both dogs on leash and go for a walk. Keep moving, keep the dogs on the outside and the people next to each other. The dogs should not touch, but walk side by side at a distance from each other and very quickly they will have their noses down and will ignore each other.

  • Dog parks: Wonderful or Terrible?

    15/04/2024 Duration: 31min

    #6026-REV: What’s the truth about dog parks? Are they fun or dangerous? Maybe a little of both! Gayle Watkins warns about the serious dangers in a dog park, offers potentially life-saving advice and cautions to never take a puppy before 9 months of age because puppies are not socially wise until then.

  • Understanding Dog Friendships

    08/04/2024 Duration: 21min

    #6077-REV: Dog friendships are misunderstood by people. Gayle Watkins discusses whether dogs have individuals they really like — or can't stand? Can a dog have a favorite friend, a “bestie?” What makes dogs good friends? How to judge compatibility. Play styles. Does breed matter in choosing a playmate?

  • What To Do About Extreme Separation Anxiety

    01/04/2024 Duration: 40min

    #6044-REV: Does your dog have separation anxiety issues?! What if you had three dogs going berserk when you left the house — even if only to take out the garbage?! Jessica has three rescued dogs with this issue: Felix (German Short-Haired Pointer), Bailey (American Eskimo dog) and little Charlie (Yorkshire Terrier). Marcy suggests that to turn down the emotional volume Jessica first should visit a board certified veterinary behaviorist to discuss what medications she might use short-term, so that she can begin to change the scenario about her departures.

  • Preventing Aggression Between Dogs

    26/03/2024 Duration: 24min

    #6065 REV:  Golden Retriever breeder and trainer Dr. Gayle Watkins explains a dog’s “prey drive” — especially when re-directed at other dogs. The dog’s brain focuses only on the prey. They cannot see or hear you trying to stop them when their brain is filled with "feel good" neuro-chemicals. Preventing aggression towards other dogs means “interrupting the hunt” right before it starts, right at the trigger point, to get the dog’s attention back on you.

  • The Professional Puppy Evaluator

    17/04/2023 Duration: 17min

    Mallory Galatzer-Levy (The Right Paw in Auburn, MA) discusses evaluating puppy personalities in Shikari Vizsla litters to determine best fit for potential owners

  • Be Careful When You Call a Dog “Aggressive”

    27/02/2023 Duration: 17min

    Housecall veterinary behaviorist Dr. Sarah Cutler on handling "aggression issues" with dogs, avoid demonizing dogs, who are usually reacting from fear

  • How to Stop a Barking Dog

    13/02/2023 Duration: 13min

    Carol Borden offers tips on how to stop a dog's frequent barking by changing dog's focus, offering treats, practicing frequently in low key situations

  • The Perfect Dog Harness — Made in Italy!

    30/01/2023 Duration: 16min

    Stephanie Rousseau on shortcomings of flat collars with a leash, slip collars, prong collars and "anti-pull" harnesses, and why she prefers ergonomically perfect Haqihana harness

  • Notice the “Question Mark” Above Your Dog’s Head

    16/01/2023 Duration: 09min

    Carol Borden on what can lead to a service dog "washing out" of her training program, and treating reactive issues to feared objects with "bridging" technique

  • Get That Puppy INTO Bed With You!

    02/01/2023 Duration: 14min

    Stephanie Rousseau ("How to Raise a Puppy: Dog-Centric Approach") on inviting new puppy into your bed, how co-sleeping is normal and healthy for all mammals, how dogs are "social sleepers"

  • Don’t Judge a Dog by the Cover

    14/12/2022 Duration: 17min

    Ethologist Kim Brophey confirms certain dog breeds are genetically inclined toward certain behaviors

  • Don’t Give Puppies as a Christmas Gift!

    28/11/2022 Duration: 13min

    Carol Borden explains why the winter holidays are the worst time to bring a puppy into a household, too much social activity when a puppy needs predictable routine, close attention

  • Children Are Little Aliens!

    14/11/2022 Duration: 18min

    Carol Borden and Tracie discuss how children can be threatening or distressing for a dog, and how to eliminate risk of dog bites

  • Practice Counting Your Dog’s Toes

    31/10/2022 Duration: 17min

    Carol Borden on acclimating your dog to the vet clinic by getting dog used to being handled, give treats, have positive attitude, and advocate for your dog with staff

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