Glendale Christian Ky



Sermon recordings from Glendale Christian Church, located in Glendale, KY.Biblical, relevant messages for every day life.


  • Sending


    In the series finale, we see how the church in the 21st century is an extension of the churches that we read about in the New Testament and how we get to be a part of the redemptive history of God's people.

  • Witnessing


    In a post-Christian context, how do we share the gospel? Scripture gives us some timeless principles that we'll explore in today's message.

  • Gathering


    In part 3 of our series we look at some timeless elements of our corporate gatherings and why it's important for us to be a part of them.

  • Belonging


    One of the greatest needs of every person is to belong to a community. Thankfully, God gives us the solution for that need- The Church! In part 2 of our series, "Love Your Church" we are talking about the importance of belonging to the church!

  • Because He Lives


    It's the greatest day in the history of the world. The day that sin and death were both defeated, the day that Jesus rose from the grave!! Join us as we worship the risen Savior and celebrate a life that's worth living because He lives!

  • The Solid Rock


    What foundation are you building your life upon? Jesus tells a parable that essentially asks that very question. Can the foundation your life is built upon withstand the storms of life?

  • Amazing Grace


    If you knew the story of John Newton, then you'd understand why he thought grace was so amazing. Ephesians 2 describes why grace is just that, amazing!

  • Christ-Centered


    Whether you're single or married, everyone has something at the center of their lives. This message, the first in this series, helps couples do one thing that will help them have a Christ-centered relationship.

  • Cadence in Community


    God has created the world with a cadence or a rhythm to it. Our relationships in community and church also have a rhythm to it. This message looks at the cadence that we strive to have in our church community.

  • Joining The Flock


    Bro. Mike Bell brings a message about being a part of the flock of Jesus.

  • God's Eye View


    he week between Christmas and New Year's always seems to get people out of their rhythm. But the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to get back into sync with God. Join us this morning as we begin a new series called "Cadence" that will focus on living in rhythm with God.

  • Promise Keeper


    The genealogy of Jesus has some peculiar characters listed for sure. But God didn't fail to keep his promises even because of their unfaithfulness. In fact, in spite of their unfaithfulness God kept the promise that he made to the person in the lineage of Jesus, most closely associated with his name. Join with us as we celebrate the promise that God kept!!

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