Vaughn Park Church Of Christ (sermons)

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • More information



Weekly messages from Vaughn Park Church in Montgomery, Alabama.


  • Shout or be Silent


    What are you praying? What are you hearing? What are you speaking? As we dive into the Gospel of Luke, Tim uses Zechariah's reaction to the angel's message as an invitation for us to examine our expectation for answered prayers.  

  • Journey with Jesus Through Luke


    Tim invites you to join Jesus on a journey through Luke. This introduction to the 24-week series is a challenge to dive in and discover what the Holy Spirit will reveal through Luke's purposeful and orderly account of Jesus' life and ministry.

  • Agape Sunday 2024


    On this Agape Sunday, Steve Duer and Baron Goins talk about foster care, adoption and respite care with the Burbage and Scott families. 

  • The Fight For Freedom


    As Vaughn Park begins the process of replanting small groups, John Mark turns to Ephesians 6 for a lesson on spiritual warfare and how our defensive armor is designed to to be used in combination with that of our Christian brothers and sisters. 

  • Avoid Arguments


    What causes quarrels?  If we're honest, we'd probably say "the other guy." In today's lesson, James (and Tim) teach us it's really our pride and selfish desires. 

  • True Wisdom


    Are you wise? James says true wisdom is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. In contrast, he says bitter jealousy and selfish ambition are earthly, unspiritual and demonic. In today's lesson, Tim provides practical ways to apply the wisdom discussed in James Chapter 3. 

  • My Mouth


    Where's your mouth taking you this week? Will it start a fire or heal a hurt? In today's lesson, Tim tackles one of the most challenging passages in scripture: James 3:1-12. 

  • Real Faith


    Does your faith prompt action? In today's lesson, Tim turns to James 2 where we are challenged to assess the authenticity and impact of our faith. 

  • Loving People


    James describes loving your neighbor as the royal law of Scripture. In today's lesson, Tim challenges us to examine how we accept others and how we sometimes make it more challenging for others to love us. 

  • Look. Listen. Respond!


    What do you see when you look in the mirror? In today's lesson, Donovan continues our series in James by looking at Chapter 1, verses 19-27, where we are challenged to be changed by the Gospel and become doers of the word. 

  • Fighting Temptation


    Do you fight temptation? Do you realize you can win? In today's lesson, Tim uses James 1:12-18 to remind us we can resist and refocus when tempted. 

  • God Focused


    Want to complete the mission — or win the race? Keep your focus on God. As we begin Vacation Bible School, Tim turns to Numbers 13 for a lesson about 10 men who had everything necessary to be winners, but they failed to see God's power in their circumstances. 

  • Try Asking


    Do you need help in applying knowledge to practical situations? Try asking! In today's lesson, Tim explores James 1:5-8 and the power of a prayer offered in faith. 

  • Joyful Problems


    We may not rejoice for our problems, but we can rejoice in our problems — because they help us develop patience, faith and character. As we begin a series on the book of James, Tim challenges us to reflect on the pressures in our lives and how we are responding in faith. 

  • Where the Healing Begins


    How are you holding up against the winds of our fallen world? In today's lesson, John Mark takes us to James 5 to rediscover the power of prayer and the role confession plays in helping us heal. 

  • Why Pray?


    Why do we pray? In today's lesson, Tim turns to scripture to remind us prayer changes things — from circumstances, to others and especially the one doing the praying.

  • Never Alone


    On Senior Sunday, Donovan challenges our graduates and the church to Be Connected and Be Connectors.

  • The Universal Church and Our Mission


    As we near the end of the Our Foundation series, Tim discusses the mission of the church and how Vaughn Park's ministries are reaching out to share the gospel. 

  • What Do U C?


    How is our vision? Do we see others with the eyes of Jesus, or is our sight impaired by preconceptions and assumptions? In today's lesson, Baron takes us to Mark 5:21-34 to help us see others and ourselves as God does. 

  • Overcoming Sin


    How do we defeat sin in our lives? In today's lesson, Tim encourages us to balance personal responsibility with dependence on God as we use the tools of the Bible, Holy Spirit and Circumstances to change. 

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