Autism Hope



Kristin Selby Gonzalez joined Enzymedica in 2008, serving as Director of Autism Education. As the companys primary link to the autism community, she has advised Enzymedica with respect to company policy and product formulation for children on the spectrum, and counseled directly with parents on the use of Enzymedicas products. She has given lectures worldwide, educating thousands throughout the years on different strategies to help children on the autism spectrum. In addition to her trainings and certifications, Kristin brings her own experience as a mother of a child on the spectrum. As of September 2012, Kristin leads Enzymedica's philanthropic work at Autism Hope Alliance where she is now serving as President/Chairman.


  • Signs of Digestive Issues in Those with Autism


    Learn what to watch for in autistic individuals when digestive problems are present.Gastrointestinal problems seem prevalent in those with autism, but it can be tough to get those issues treated. Autistic individuals present differently from the general population. Limited vocabulary can prevent clear communication of physical complaints. Trying to physically communicate the symptoms can be mistaken as behavior problems. And, the diversity in autism can complicate a doctor’s ability to diagnose the digestive issues.Listen in as Kristin Gonzalez, President of the Autism Hope Alliance, shares what to watch for in autistic individuals when digestive problems are present.

  • 5 Warning Signs a Caregiver Is Stressed


    What are five tips on what caregivers can do to ease stress?With one in 68 children in the country being diagnosed with autism, many parents take on the role of a caregiver, in addition to being a parent.With specialized diets and multiple therapies a day, the caregiver can become isolated and depressed.What are the five warning signs that a caregiver is stressed? Feeling overwhelmed Feeling tired Sleeping too much Feeling sad Weight gain Listen in as Kristin Gonzalez, President of the Autism Hope Alliance, shares the five warning signs that a caregiver is stressed, as well as five tips on how to ease the stress.

  • Autism: 3 Tips for Eating Gluten & Dairy Free


    Why is avoiding gluten and dairy helpful for children with autism?Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neuro-developmental disorder that is characterized by repetitive behavior, difficulty in social situations, trouble communicating verbally and non-verbally, and compromised motor coordination.Even though there is no cure, autism symptoms can be eased through diet; specifically a diet staying away from gluten and dairy.What are three tips for eating gluten- and dairy-free? Stay in the produce and meat section, especially in the beginning. Fruits, veggies and meats are typically all gluten-free and dairy-free. Prepare ahead, whether it's for family functions, school events, or eating out. Have the whole family follow the plan so it doesn't exclude the child from the family. There are many good recipes and selections these days. Kristin Selby Gonzalez, President of the Autism Hope Alliance, shares the three tips for eating foods free of gluten and dairy.

  • Autism: Top 3 Tips for Diet & Nutrition


    What are some of the symptoms of autism?If you've been noticing a lack of social, behavioral, and/or communication skills in your child, you might be wondering if it's Autism.Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neuro-developmental disorder that is characterized by repetitive behavior, difficulty in social situations, trouble communicating verbally and non-verbally, and motor coordination.According to Autism Speaks, autism affects over three million individuals in the U.S. and is more prevalent in males than females.Unfortunately, there is no known cure for autism, but there are ways to help ease symptoms, including diet and therapy.What are three tips in regards to diet and nutrition?President and Chairman of the Autism Hope Alliance, Kristin Selby Gonzalez, shares the three tips on diet and nutrition if you have a child with autism.