Potent, Playful And Provocative ~ Faith Northam & Liddy Freeman



Inspired Choices Network What if everything you always thought were possible for your life actually is? So often those of us with a sense of possibilities beyond the norm, or beyond what our families and friends choose, shut ourselves off, turn down our energy or give up our dreams because those around us dont have this same sense of what they can be, have and create. Faith Northam and Liddy Freeman Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com


  • What’s Your Money Reality? ~ Faith & Liddy


    What if everything you always thought were possible for your life actually is? So often those of us with a sense of possibilities beyond the “norm”, or beyond what our families and friends choose, shut ourselves off, turn down our energy or give up our dreams because those around us don’t have this same sense of what they can be, have and create. Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Talk to the Trees (& Other Inanimate Creatures)~ Faith & Liddy


    Have you ever sensed that a tree could give you information when you hug it? Or that your favorite stuffed animal had a life of its own? As a kid I literally said goodbye to any object my parents got rid of, from our old washer and drier to each car that had driven one too many miles. My brother and his friends teased me mercilessly for the sentimentality I had for seemingly lifeless objects….but what if I knew something he refused to? What if everything in the universe truly has consciousness and can gift and contribute to you if you’re willing to communicate with it? How much possibility have you shut off by pretending trees, plants, animals computers, houses and cars had nothing to say? Join us as we open up a conversation about inter-species communication and give you tools to having everything contribute to you. What if everything you always thought were possible for your life actually is? So often those of us with a sense of possibilities beyond the “norm”, or beyond what our families and friends choose

  • Using it all, the good bad and ugly ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show What if you could use everything that comes at you to your advantage? Instead of fighting, resisting and reacting to everything that seems good bad or ugly, what if you could be in allowance of it and have it contribute to your life and living?  What if everything you always thought were possible for your life actually is? So often those of us with a sense of possibilities beyond the “norm”, or beyond what our families and friends choose, shut ourselves off, turn down our energy or give up our dreams because those around us don’t have this same sense of what they can be, have and create. Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Following the Fun! ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show What's fun for you? Have you ever looked at what sparks that glow in you and chose it? And then continued to choose it? What if it was less about “getting it right” and more about doing what felt fun for you in each moment? What if following the fun got you where you’d always wanted to go? Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Energy Flows: How to use them in life and performance! with Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show Did you know 93% of communication is non­verbal? What if the rest had not only to do with body language and tone of voice, but that invisible thing called energy? Have you noticed how certain sales people make you want to run in the opposite direction? Chances are they were PUSHING energy. What if PULLING energy were the key to success? Some of the greatest performers PULL energy like it’s no one’s business, and what if THAT’s why you can’t look away? Would you be willing to learn how YOU can use energy flows to your advantage? What if everything you always thought were possible for your life actually is? So often those of us with a sense of possibilities beyond the “norm”, or beyond what our families and friends choose, shut ourselves off, turn down our energy or give up our dreams because those around us don’t have this same sense of what they can be, have and create. Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Being Your Own Best Friend, Choosing For You! ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show In this reality relationships are pinnacle. People perceive the having of friends and romantic relationships as equal to being sane and normal. But what if the greatest relationship you had was with you? What if you choosing what worked for you meant doing and being things that didn't match up with what others chose? What if you could still have you in the presence of all the expectations other place on you? Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Speed of Space ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show What if the speed of space is what you've been looking for your whole life? I know it is for me! Just when I think I should slow it all down ... is when I know it's time to turn it up even more and keep it moving! Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Your Happiness Heals The Earth ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show Your Happiness Heals The Earth! Did you know 1 in 10 Americans are struggling with depression?  Your anger and your judgements kill the planet. Your choices for living your life as a celebration-they generate the planet. Be you-laugh more-eliminate judgement and repeat. Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • The intelligence of bodies with Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show What does your body know about what it likes that you’re refusing? Do you listen to it and what it wants? Bodies, those sweet things that get us around, have loads of intelligence and can help us heal, tell us what would benefit them to eat and what types of movement they would like to do.  What if your body could change with ease? What if it has something to tell you? Are you willing to have communion with it? Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Everything Access: Tools to a New You ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show Have you heard of access consciousness but don't know what it's about? What if several simple tools could begin to change everything in your life? What if you made choices based on what felt light to you or if something as simple as replacing a conclusion with a question could invite new possibilities into your life? Are you willing to have it that easy? Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • The Value of Being Different


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show Being different takes a lot of courage when everyone in this society strives to be the same, and even when you strive to be the same you still stick out like a sore thumb because you're different. So instead of trying to be the same so we invite you to just be you, be different, be happy, crazy wild and weird with us today. What if everything you always thought were possible for your life actually is? So often those of us with a sense of possibilities beyond the “norm”, or beyond what our families and friends choose, shut ourselves off, turn down our energy or give up our dreams because those around us don’t have this same sense of what they can be, have and create. Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Unleashing your Inner Demon Bitch from Hell


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show Have you ever been really angry? What if that wasn’t actually anger but it was the potency needed to change something. Do you make yourself wrong for the times when you lash out and say things? What if you didn’t? What if there’s something right about being a bitch? What if nothing is wrong? What if you didn’t care what people thought, how much more would you have the permission to be and say what really worked for you? What’s the difference between potency and anger? Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Are You an X-MEN? ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show Are you an x-men?  Have you been labelled ADD, ADHD, OCD, Autistic or Down Syndrome? Have you ever had a hard time fitting in? What if those are abilities and not disabilities? Would you be willing to acknowledge just how special you are and be willing to see the world through your eyes? Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Being Seen ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show It’s only been recently that I have been willing to come out of hiding and be seen. To show up, to walk into a room and be willing to have heads turn, to be different in a way that people notice. Not from a place of falseness or showmanship but from a place of being. How many of you are hiding? How many methods do you use to hide? What if showing up as you, in all your glory, is worth all the judgment, all the points of view that may be directed at you? What if that’s why you’re here? Has being normal ever changed anything? Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • You’re Not Nearly As F**ked-Up As You Think You Are


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show Did you know that 99.99% of your thoughts feelings and emotions aren’t even yours? You are just extremely aware of everyone else and how they are feeling.  What if you didn’t have to buy it all as yours? Join us Wednesday on the air to learn the simple and easy tools that work and will create more ease for you in your life. Email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • Your Future ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show You know when something BIG is finally going to actualize, but you can’t bring yourself to do the finishing touches? What future are you resisting? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get there? What do you know about the future, that you haven’t yet acknowledged? Join us on Wednesday and let’s explore! You can email Faith or Liddy at pppfaithandliddy@gmail.com

  • All About Sex ~ Faith & Liddy


    What is “sexy?” The slap of an asscheek? The word “wet” whispered into someone’s ear? ….Or is it something entirely different and often overlooked? What if there are multiple sexual energies and what most of us see in the world—in porn, magazines, movies, etc—is a contraction of the true potency of sexual energy? True sexual energy is nurturing, healing, joyful, expansive and creative. How often do we see that in the world? Would you like to know what else is possible for the sexual energy of your life?  What if the energy of sex is the energy of truly living?  

  • Selling as a Whisper


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show Sales is supposed to be hard. It’s supposed to take effort. You have to push to get what you want, right? But has that ever truly worked for you? Does that feel light or does it make you feel exhausted? What if everything this reality tells you about sales is counter to what would actually work for you? What if, being the whisper of a question, would generate much more for you than a shout? Liddy Freeman worked as a record-breaking canvassing fundraiser, top sales Rep at Trulia and then at Yelp and was put to the test every day. She found that her greatest sales successes came when she used questions and followed what felt light. What if you could have a level of ease with sales that seems….surreal? What if sales were not at all about fighting or dominating and all about asking and receiving?

  • Dancing For You! ~ Faith & Liddy


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show Have you always wanted to dance like no one's watching but don't know how to let go and let it flow? What if you're just aware of everyone else's point of view about dancing? What if there's a level of ease, sexual energy and joy you can have when you're moving, even in a room full of people? What if your willingness to show up as weird, wacky and BIG as you truly be is an invitation to others to also show up as them? To play more and have more fun being alive? Can you imagine the waves of energy the earth itself would have access to if we unlocked all the energy we have available to us through dance? Join faith and Liddy if you would like to be the sexy dance beast you truly are! www.facebook.com/PPPFaithandLiddy

  • The Universe Has Your Back Even When You Don’t


    Potent, Playful and Provocative with Faith & Liddy Radio Show You know when you're having an absolutely terrible day and you've asked how does it get any better than this and what's right about all of this I'm not getting? But yet your day seems to be getting worse and worse you're just about ready to give-up on life? And BAM something miraculous shows up, what you've been asking for shows up! The universe truly has your back if you’re willing it let it show-up in a way you’d never imagined before!

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