Caps Lock And Crey



We are CAPS LOCK and Crey. A TV, film, and fandom podcast bringing fannish subjectivity to the art of criticism. Discussions, reviews, meta, and a little bit of entertainment news, we're breaking down the media content we consume, and the transformative fan works we create, to discover how and why it makes us all tick. New episodes every Wednesday. Please subscribe to us on iTunes ( where you can and leave a rating and review! Follow us on Twitter to further the conversation. We love to hear from you! All the links are down here so click 'em!


  • Episode 37: The Emmys

    17/09/2016 Duration: 50min

    This week Katie and Vera get pumped for the Emmys! Starting with a rundown of the Creative Arts Emmy winners (GAME OF THRONES IS NOW THE #1 EMMY AWARD WINNING SHOW OMG!) we jump to a brief predicting spree of the main event which leads to mainly a discussion about Lena Headey and how much she needs to win that award! There's some post-DragonCon discussion as well, and our Feels for the week continue to be Xena-shaped because that twenty year old program keeps on slaying us! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Episode 36: Xena: Warrior Princess

    31/08/2016 Duration: 51min

    We're back and all decked out in our leather corsets, swinging swords, practicing our war cry while flippin', flippin' flippin' because this week we're all about XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS! That's right, that 90's gem which Vera watched live while Katie is currently experiencing for the very first time via Netflix. We discuss Season 1, the launch of the series, how delightfully G-A-Y it is and what the forthcoming NBC reboot will entail. Either way prepare to flashback in time and enjoy the hell out of this wonderful program with us! Aayayayayay!

  • Episode 35: The Olympic Games

    10/08/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    The 2016 Summer Olympics are here and we're very excited! This week we're staying hydrated with sport drinks and water while reminiscing over our favorite Olympic games, both summer and winter alike. Remember such epic moments as "WHYYYYYY!?" and "SHAKE IT OFF!"? We sure do! Good times, good times. We also discuss our favorite Olympics-themed movies of the past and have some more movie-themed Feels of the week. Enjoy and GO TEAM [insert your country here]!