Living Springs Q&a

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 235:34:00
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The staff of Living Springs take questions from all across the board as we seek to understand God, His ways, His word and how He relates to the world we live in.


  • Inverted Orthodoxy #354 - AER, Differences of opinion, pharaoh's magicians and maybe more

    18/09/2024 Duration: 48min

    Today Blake, Doug and Kyle get into more of your questions. Check out the questions below or head to to submit a question. 1. Question about your positions that we won't be tempted to sin in heaven - if that's the case then how did Satan fall from heaven? My understanding of that is that his pride made him want to be bigger than God and that sin is what got him cast out. If Satan, and all the angels who went with him, could sin in heaven, why do you think that we won't be able to or just won't want to? Also, where does the story of Satan's fall from heaven come from in the Bible?2. As an add on to my question about Satan sinning in heaven, when was Satan cast out from heaven?Presumably it was prior to creation otherwise the serpent wouldn't have been around to tempt Eve but if it was before creation then does that mean heaven and hell were around before the beginning of time?When having a conversation with someone who has differing views than you (i.e. transgender, homosexuality, beliefs

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #353- Understanding Heaven, Satan an angel?, Missing communion thoughts

    11/09/2024 Duration: 44min

    In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following:AER (Accusations, Explanation, or Recantation) 2:14 into episode. follow up to the question you talked about with free will in heaven, where do you think the idea came from that we'd all just be sitting around on clouds and playing harps when we get there? I once heard you guys talking about how you think we'll have jobs and responsibilities in heaven and that concept was nothing I'd ever really heard before. To be fair, I'd never really given heaven much thought, prayer or study myself, but all that I'd ever heard or understood to that point was that we'd essentially just be sitting and singing praise to God for eternity and that seems to be a fairly common understanding of heaven amongst people I've talked to. Why do you think that is?16:20 into episode July 10 - Where do we get the understanding that Satan was one of Gods angels? What scripture passages might point to that?28:04 into episode Communion : 1 Cor

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #352 - Are young pastors better? Hats in Church? Free will in heaven and rites of

    04/09/2024 Duration: 52min

    Today Blake, Doug and Kyle get into more of your questions. Check out the questions below or head to to submit a question. 1. 2:21 In your opinion, are churches with a younger pastoral staff/ volunteer team likely to bring in more people?2. 15:54 What do you think about hats in church? I grew up with the idea that it is disrespectful for men to wear a hat in church, but when talking to my son I had no real reason to base this on other than the scripture in 1 Cor 11, but I’m not sure if that was cultural than or if it is still relevant now.3. 31:15 How does the ability to have free will come into play for heaven? With an option to choose we would still have the opportunity to miss the mark or even choose evil, yet if we don’t have the option then what’s the point in having free will as we know it? 4. 39:08 I was reading up on your church believes and it said it follows the Apostles Creed. In the Creed it says it follows the holy Catholic church. The question is, "Does this church follow C

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #351- Earliest God experience, Shaken faith, Genesis and maybe more!

    28/08/2024 Duration: 40min

    1:58 into the episode June 18-What was your earliest experience of God? And who is the first person who created a memory of God for you?In this weeks episode, Pastors Doug, Kyle and Blake discuss the following:14:18 into the episode June 18-What experience(s) in your life most shook your faith in God and his goodness? What characteristic of God do you have the hardest time wrapping your head around?32:19 into the episode June 19-I don’t really understand Genesis 21:16. It makes Ishmael sound like he is still a baby, but he is actually a teen teenager, and an adult in Jewish tradition, right?! And why is there no water around? It just seems that they are both of an age where they could work, or find berries, or something; are they destitute because this is God‘s plan?Do you have a question you've been wanting answered? Head on over to our website to submit a question. You can find us on Wednesdays on Youtube, or wherever you subscribe to podcasts.

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #350- "Just" God continued, Legacy, what's blessing you? and maybe more!

    21/08/2024 Duration: 55min

    We are all back in the studio for episode 350! this week we continue our conversation on a "just" God, and more: June 18 - I am struggling with the concept of a "just" God, I understand that there are other forces at work in this world like sin and the enemy so we all go through hard times. But, it seems that some people, through no real fault of their own, can just never catch a break and it's constantly just one hardship after another with no end in sight. How does a "just" God not intervene in those people's lives in a more obvious way? Also, why do we believe God will meet our needs? The scriptures say we're more valuable than sparrows, etc., but in reality there are people every day whose basic needs aren't met, often through sheer circumstance of where they were born - if God doesn't meet their needs then why should we think we're any better than them and expect that our daily needs will be met?June 18- What legacy or impact do you hope to leave in the churches you serve?June 18-What is an area of bless

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #349- Back from vacation, AER, Orthodox beliefs, and maybe more!

    14/08/2024 Duration: 55min

    The pastors are back from summer vacation and we have new questions for you! Pastors Doug and Kyle discuss the following: 1:23 into the episode July 24 - AER - OnJuly 24, Kyle had said to seek out help from them unless they are the ones that have bullied(which I don’t believe you have), if you have, would you be open to being confronted?6:03 into the episode AER: this is for the conversation on short term missions. Is there a way, to counter the whiteness, or even western intentions of bringing our way of church to a different context, to say to the people going and the people who we may be visiting, that we are wanting to learn how the kingdom of God is moving in their context? While also asking, how can we make this impactful with coming for a short period of time. Ask How can we best serve or support the people in that country, city, church. Just some thoughts.11:06 into the episode Aer - On episode 348 you discuss the great commission and the idea that pretty much everyone has been reached, in terms of th

  • Inverted Orthodoxy THROWBACK EDITION: Revisiting episode 309

    07/08/2024 Duration: 55min

    This weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy brings us a throwback! As the guys take some well deserved summer vacation, we wanted to revisit an older episode with you. This week we are jumping way back to when we were the Q&A Podcast! We hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane, and see how far we've come! Welcome to the throwback episodes:1. I am graduating this year and hoping to attend school to become a pastor. I’m curious if you can talk about what credentials you need to preach? Additionally, if there aren’t necessarily credentials, how do you go about preaching in a church? How does one go about becoming a leadership staff? 2.Is there a scriptural basis for the Catholic view of purgatory? Where does that come from?Have you ever participated in or observed an exorcism? Would you say that there are “too many” exorcisms done in our culture (I.e. people over exaggerating struggles as demon possession)? Or “too few” (I.e. underestimating the influence of evil spirits)?3.If you had to adopt any Catholic practi

  • Inverted Orthodoxy MINIS- Is it sad on earth when someone dies, but happy in heaven?

    02/08/2024 Duration: 03min

    Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His worldThis weeks question:Is it sad on earth when someone dies? but happy in heaven?Please know we have parental permission to share this contentHave a question for our Inverted Orthodoxy podcast? head over to

  • Inverted Orthodoxy THROWBACK EDITION: Revisiting episode #327

    31/07/2024 Duration: 52min

    This weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy brings us a throwback! As the guys take some well deserved summer vacation, we wanted to revisit an older episode with you. Welcome to the throwback episodes:Revisiting episode #327 This episode covers the following questions:1- In Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus talks about the fulfillment of the law and how no Law will disappear until heaven and earth disappear. Yet as Christians we don’t follow the law as it may seem we are supposed to. Why is that? Is this just something Christianity has decided to skip over? What’s the difference between the law being abolished vs fulfilled? 32 - In Matthew 25:31-46 it talks about the people on the right getting eternal life and those on the left getting eternal punishment. How would this group of verses be reconciled into your current view of Hell and the afterlife?3 - If I’m a Christian, is it okay to defend myself, even from physical harm or death? I’m struggling through the idea that as Christians, we are told to follow Christ as our He

  • Inverted Orthodoxy MINIS- When Judgement day comes does everyone see your actions?

    26/07/2024 Duration: 03min

    Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His worldThis weeks question is: When judgement day comes, will everyone in the world see your actions? and will you be also guilty? Please know we have parental permission to share this content

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #348- Inter- Faith tournaments, Short term missions, Noah's sons, and maybe more!

    24/07/2024 Duration: 56min

    In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following:1:45 into episode July 19th - I know the idea of an inter-faith soccer tournament was in good faith. but is it truly inter faith if we can only include other christians? or is this exclusionary in nature.6:00 into episode Jun 8 - What are your thoughts on short-term mission’s trips? Do they have any value? How can we effectively fulfill the great commission? 39:52 into episode June 11- Are Noah’s 3 sons triplets?42:42 into episode June 16 - What steps of action should be taken if a pastor on staff is found to be bullying or belittling congregation and members of the staff or volunteer team?Do you have a question you've been wanting answered? Head on over to our website to submit a question. You can find us on Wednesdays on Youtube, or wherever you subscribe to podcasts.

  • Inverted Orthodoxy MINIS- Is Samson in heaven?

    19/07/2024 Duration: 05min

    Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His worldThis weeks question:Is Samson in heaven? Please know we have parental permission to share this content

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #347- Chariot confusion, 4 spirits, Cherubim and maybe more!

    17/07/2024 Duration: 55min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Doug, Blake, and Kyle discuss the following:1:34 into episode May 25 - Zechariah 6:1-8, talks about 4 chariots coming out from between 2 mountains. It says that these are the 4 spirits of heaven. Please help me understand what these 4 spirits are? And what their significance is?Also, why didn’t any of the chariots go east? Very confusing!!!9:30 into episode May 24 - Zechariah 6, part of his vision talks about 4 spirits out of heaven. Why do we only acknowledge “THE Holy Spirit”?“ 5 The angel answered me, “These are the four spirits[a] of heaven, going out from standing in the presence of the Lord of the whole world. 6 The one with the black horses is going toward the north country, the one with the white horses toward the west,[b] and the one with the dappled horses toward the south.””12:12 into episodeMay 27 - In Exodus 25 God gives Moses the instructions on how to build the Ark of the covenant and he tells him to put cherubim on the cover. How do you speculate that Moses knew

  • Inverted Orthodoxy MINIS- If you don't follow God will you still go to heaven?

    12/07/2024 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His worldIf you don't follow God will you still go to heaven? Please know we have parental permission to share this content

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #347- Filling of the Holy Spirit, Where do the demons come from, and maybe more!

    10/07/2024 Duration: 55min

    In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Doug, and Blake discuss the following:19 - Had a question about asking to filled with the Holy Spirit. Thinking about Acts 2 the disciples were told to wait for the Holy Spirit who was going to come upon them. They waited and he came upon them. Were they sitting in prayer at the time, asking for this gift of God? Looking at the start of Acts they were just called to wait.  Why I also ask this is I wonder if we are to ask for the Holy Spirit as another part of salvation? Growing up Pentecostal it seems like we have to ask for us to be filled to be completely saved, but it seems to add another layer to being saved. It is told repeatedly that being saved is through believing in Jesus Christ. Is that belief alone and spending time getting to know Him how we are filled with the Holy SpiritMay 20 - Jesus casts demons out of people in the gospel stories. Where did these demons come from? As in what are the origins of demons, are there other spiritual beings that have differing or

  • Inverted Orthodoxy MINIS- What was Jesus' life like before people were born?

    05/07/2024 Duration: 02min

    Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His worldWhat was Jesus' life like before people were born? Please know we have parental permission to share this content

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #346- AER on Inerrancy, Sensationalism, Holy Spirit, and maybe more!

    03/07/2024 Duration: 45min

    In this weeks episode, the pastors discuss the following:Aer - Can you please discuss the differences inerrant and infallible when talking about the bible?May 19 - Where do the ideas of sensationalism come from? Kyle talked about the world filled and in the Greek have different definitions, one of them being complete and end. Would this be one of the ways that sensationalist determine their understanding of scripture and whether or no the the Spirit works at this time?May 19 - Had a question about asking to filled with the Holy Spirit. Thinking about Acts 2 the disciples were told to wait for the Holy Spirit who was going to come upon them. They waited and he came upon them. Were they sitting in prayer at the time, asking for this gift of God? Looking at the start of Acts they were just called to wait.  

  • Inverted Orthodoxy MINIS- What is the veil?

    28/06/2024 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to our first mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His world*please note we have parental consent to share this content*

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #345- AER, Inerrancy, and maybe more!

    26/06/2024 Duration: 55min

    In this weeks episode, the Pastors discuss the following:1. 1:43 into episode. Aer Please add 5 non theological books to the must read.2. 15:58 into episode Fellow church podcasters here. Could you guys pass along who designed and renovated your studio space? We’d love to pick their brain.'3.17:09 into episode Doug mentioned the importance and value of mentorship within the church and how the early church functioned through mentorship. How can we as the body cultivate the kind of culture and community that consistent mentorship and humility is normal and prevalent? 33:50 into episode May 3 - Do you believe that the bible is inerrant? I sometimes question whether the bible is perfect. If it isn't then how can we trust its words?

  • Inverted Orthodoxy #344- AER on Bears, Must Reads, and Maybe More!

    19/06/2024 Duration: 57min

    In this weeks episode, the pastors discuss the following:*Please note this episode deals with the topic of sexual assault and abuse. Please take care while listening**1. 1:45 into episode Further to your discussion on the man v. bear question, Kyle at one point said that when these discussions come out often the "good" guys end up shying away from the discussion for fear of being caught up in it. However, I would propose that is part of the issue. The "good" guys need to step into the discussion and prove that they're still out there. As the quote goes, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” The Bible itself says "Rescue the perishing; don’t hesitate to step in and help. If you say, “Hey, that’s none of my business,” will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know— Someone not impressed with weak excuses." (Proverbs 24: 11-12 MSG). I would question why "good" men are afraid of being caught up, though no one is perfect, if you're not part of

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