Life On Your Terms ~ Powered By Your Inner Compass Hosted By Dr. Gwen Schiada

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 19:16:05
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Powered by Your Inner Compass


  • 025 ~ Deanna Hansen: Finding Purpose Inside Yourself...Literally!

    24/07/2023 Duration: 55min

    In this episode I talk with Deanna Hansen, Founder of Block Therapy and Fluid Isometrics. Deanna’s journey toward living life on her terms began over 20 years ago. Although she was an athletic therapist she herself was struggling. Deanna was doing “all the right things” but was 50 pounds overweight, felt like a failure and suffered from anxiety. She believes it was divine intervention when during a panic attack, where she actually felt like she was going to die, she intuitively dove her hands into her abdomen and connected with pain. She felt a coldness and marbling in her belly that felt like scar tissue. As a body worker she realized this area wasn’t getting proper blood flow. She began to regularly massage this area and quickly the weight began to fall away and the anxiety lifted. This began a journey of self-discovery and beginning to see all of life through the lens of fascia.Today, Deanna knows her life purpose is helping others on their own healing journey through diaphragmatic breathing and working th

  • 024 ~ Sam Conaway: Laundry to Leadership & Finding Your Purpose

    24/05/2023 Duration: 57min

    In this episode of Life on Your Terms, I interview the inspiring Sam Conaway. He is President of US Cardiology Sales for Boston Scientific.Sam grew up in a tough neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland. Many of his friends went down a troubled path mired in gangs, drugs and violence. He shared being a high school baseball star is the only thing that kept him safe and "untouchable" in his neighborhood.However, his dream of going pro was dashed by an injury and Sam ended up working in a hospital laundry room. He could have become bitter and given up. Instead he worked harder and drew inspiration from his uncle who "made it out". He found his true purpose and never looked back!Sam went from folding laundry to assisting with cardiac procedures by 19 years old. The experience fulfilled him in ways he couldn't imagine. He is now focused on leading and inspiring others that they can achieve anything with a positive mindset, strong work ethic, being honest with yourself and allowing yourself to dream big!Connect with Sam

  • 023 ~ Sabine K. Franco: Surrender to What Calls You

    17/06/2019 Duration: 45min

    In this episode of Life on Your Terms, I interview Sabine K. Franco, the CEO and Principal Attorney at FRANCO LAW FIRM, P.C. Established in 2012.She stuns me in this interview by sharing that in the past she has felt a desire to retreat from what called her, experienced bouts of shyness and fear of success.I would have never guessed! Sabine shares how she learned from missed opportunities and has stopped fighting against the things that are scary. Her message to others is to stop resisting what calls you, trust, surrender and the thing that is the scariest is probably what you should do. Ultimately, she discovered that everything she needed to be happy was right there…she just didn’t know it! She got quiet, created space in her life, connected with her inner compass, which led to clarity and is now on a path to living life on her terms. Sabine’s mission in life is to trust in the possibilities, not by what she can see.Connect with Sabine:

  • 022 ~ Jessica Koch: Are You Experiencing a Jonah and the Whale Moment Like She Did?

    05/01/2019 Duration: 47min

    In this episode, Dr. Schiada interviews Jessica Koch, a passionate speaker, sales & marketing trainer and linkedIn consultant who is transforming lives globally using social media.She helps entrepreneurs identify who desperately need their solutions. And helps find them. You would never guess that prior to launching her business, Jessica was literally hiding from social media, determined to never put herself out there in the business world again. She was fearfully denying her passion and her purpose.She calls it her Jonah and the whale period of her life. What caused her to retreat and how did she find her way back to shore, embrace her gifts of helping others succeed and discover true joy in the process?Take a listen as we walk through the 7L framework and Jessica shares lessons and learnings we can all apply to our own lives. To learn more about Jessica, go to

  • 021 ~ Loronda Giddens: Follow the Bread Crumbs

    07/11/2018 Duration: 42min

    Dr. Schiada talks with Loronda Giddens in this compelling interview. Loronda is an Army veteran who has worked in corporate America, state government, the juvenile justice system and more! She has a masters degree in forensic psychology and is a published author. But, Loronda only discovered her true purpose after a breast cancer diagnosis inspired her to slow down and re-evaluate her life. Through this process, she became still, listened to what called her and tapped into her gifts of speaking, writing and inspiring other to change their lives.She encourages us to “think about what we think about”, pay attention to the rhythm of our life, trust ourselves and the answer we seek will reveal themselves. That’s just the tip of the iceberg in this interview!To learn more about Loronda and the work she does, contact her at or visit

  • 020 ~ Nettie Owens: Is Clutter Holding You Back from Living Your Life Purpose?

    20/08/2018 Duration: 58min

    Dr. Schiada interviews Nettie Owens, a nationally recognized organizing and productivity expert who is helping businesses get more DONE.Nettie has written the book on creating an environment that supports who you are, what you do and where you would like to go with your life. It is her mission to help others remove the clutter that is holding them back from living their life purpose.In this insightful interview, Nettie talks about turning up the volume in our lives and letting go of clutter so you can discover the essence of you! When we make space in our lives anything is possible!Learn more about Nettie Owens and her work by visiting her website Also, text ImpactNow to 411321 to receive her Productivity Mastery Series complimentary offering!

  • 019 ~ Get Out of Your Fear, Discover Your Purpose and Manifest Your Dreams

    25/06/2018 Duration: 46min

    Dr. Schiada interviews Tyrone Webb Jr. about purpose, belief, empowerment and manifesting your dreams. Tyrone’s message is that it’s not about competing with others; it’s about going inward and discovering your uniqueness and embracing your own journey. He has an amazing story to tell!

  • 018 ~ Divorce Can Be A Catalyst For Your Best Life!

    07/04/2018 Duration: 45min

    Dr. Gwen Schiada interviews Dona Rutowicz about how to successfully navigate divorce. Hint: It doesn’t have to feel like a drama filled reality TV episode!Dona shares gems and insights that go far beyond divorce and are applicable to life in general, whether or not you’ve ever been married. Her concept of being pinched off and finding that quiet space “beneath the water” are powerful and inspiring reminders about the complexity of our emotions, subconscious and the beautiful revelations and new beginnings that can emerge when we re-connect with ourselves.Dona Rutowicz is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Relationship Coach and is the Founder of A New Day, PLLC. Dona is a relationship expert who works with professional, successful women showing them how they can use their divorce as a catalyst for living their best life now.Dona helps her clients to finally break free of the cycles that keep them stuck, figure out exactly what’s wrong, fall in love with themselves again, get off the dating treadmill and at

  • 017 ~ What Are You Doing to Make Your Soul Grow?

    19/02/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Karen Isailovic was always an artist. Her mother and aunt saw that in her from a very young age. But, Karen didn’t initially embrace this side of herself. She denied her gifts and held back from putting her creative expression out there for others to see and possibly judge. The artist inside her lay dormant for decades. Instead, she started a general contracting company when she was 19 years old while raising two daughters. But, the artist inside her started to stir again. It called her back and she came full circle back to the person she already was – her authentic self spoke and she listened.Karen’s passion for the arts and young people, who may feel lost like she once was, are her purpose and have manifested into what is now Root Studio. She describes Root Studio as a place to find your essence and be in the flow. In this interview Karen helps us understand how art is a way to make your soul grow. She believes people are ready to “Listen” and artistic expression is a vehicle to help you get there. Her mess

  • 016 ~ Maribeth Decker Takes Listening to a Whole Other Level


    Maribeth Decker is a former Naval Officer who is now a professional animal communicator. She takes listening to a whole other level! In this interview, Maribeth shares her journey and lessons learned with Dr. Gwen Schiada. Sneak peak…Maribeth conducts a live communication session during the episode.There was a period in Maribeth’s life when she wasn’t living in alignment. She was teaching military personnel to “drink responsibly” and yet she herself was struggling with alcohol. She faced those places within herself she calls “not so pretty”. She began moving toward the healing arts and became a reiki master. As she strengthened her own internal compass and became more connected with herself she was better able to listen and hear what called her.Maribeth reminds us that the goal in life is to find our gift…and the purpose of life is to give it away. You can only truly hear what calls you when we clear out the stuff that doesn’t serve and keeps you from being the best person you can be. Have the courage to pop

  • 015 ~ Heather Waring on Creating Space…It’s The First Step Toward the Life You Want


    Dr. Gwen Schiada interviews Heather Waring about the essential need to create space in our lives for reflection and clarity. We so often get caught up in “ticking the boxes” throughout our days, but are we really living? Creating space and using walking as a transformational tool allows us to connect our physical and mental and become wholistic, healthy beings. It is in this “space” that we can better listen and hear the path that calls to us. And, give ourselves permission to take the steps toward the life we want to create. Heather shares her personal journey of living for years in the mode of pushing through, ticking the boxes and living in her words with “her head severed from her body” until she could push no more.” It was only when she “Listened” and began to heal the disconnect that the authentic and purposeful path for her life became clear. How many of us aren’t listening? How many of us are severed from ourselves? Her story of walking the Camino is an amazing metaphor for life. Life calls us to the

  • 014~Gary Szenderski on Creating Positive Change

    25/10/2017 Duration: 51min

    Dr. Gwen Schiada interviews Gary Szenderski on creating positive change by tapping into the power of our thoughts. The theme of this episode is belief. As Gary profoundly states, “The only thing that separates the you today from the new and powerful you that’s meant to be is the step your heart is begging you to take.” Take the step and believe in the magic of your own thoughts. Remember, the longer you wait to follow your dream – the harder it’s going to seem to get there. Don’t worry about how you’re going to get there – worry about where you want to go. Gary Szenderski is a writer, teacher, lover of life and proponent for positive change. He is a branding specialist, internationally acclaimed as an expert on the subject. He specializes in helping people and organizations navigate change and frequently speaks and writes on the topic of emerging brands and companies in transition. In addition, Gary is an award-winning copywriter and an instructor at the University of California in Irvine. He resides in Sout

  • 013 ~ Monty Knowles: Beauty and the Power of Positive Thinking

    06/10/2017 Duration: 57min

    Dr. Schiada interviews Monty Knowles. He ran a successful architecture firm in the Bahamas and “had it all”. But, in his heart he know he wasn’t living life truly on his terms. He almost got caught in the trap of guilt, shame and fear, then realized he had a choice to change the way he lived and worked. The risk he took and the shifts he made only broadened his world and resulted in joy, happiness and lots of amazing travels! He shares insightful gems that allowed him to create the life he desired. Monty has diverse passions and interests. Architecture, photography, art are the most tangibly evident, but making great memories with amazing people is most important to him. You can learn more about Monty and his amazing raw beauty photography, body painting and much more at

  • 012~Finding Purpose Through Pain and Discovering the Light in Your Eyes

    01/08/2017 Duration: 52min

    Dr. Schiada interviews Rachael Aberle whose story is about finding your purpose through your pain, slowing down to speed up, discovering the light in your eyes and realizing that gratitude is the road to peace, joy and happiness. Rachael is a yoga instructor, massage therapist, block therapy expert and raw food educator on a small island in the Bahamas called Elbow Cay. You can learn more about Rachael and her work at or on facebook at Bahama Block Therapy.

  • 011 ~ The Power of Clarity…What You Need to Know

    14/07/2017 Duration: 49min

    Dr. Schiada interviews Pete Kohlasch, a high performance coach and life strategist. He shares critical insights about the power of clarity and how it can truly change everything in one’s life. Pete talks about 3 pillars for success, creating a personal infrastructure and the importance of going beyond goal setting to developing a strategy that allows you to achieve anything! If you are committed to a life on your terms don’t miss these powerful gems! You can learn more about Pete and his work at

  • 010~If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You…You’re Not Dreaming Big Enough

    05/06/2017 Duration: 57min

    Dr. Schiada interviews Joe Biba about his search for greater personal fulfillment in his life. He found it in an unexpected place – the island nation of Jamaica. After a trip to build homes for people in need and experiencing profound gratitude and human connection he was inspired to start a non-profit, Creators of Hope and dream big!Joe shares the lessons he learned along the way and the connection to the 7L Framework. His biggest takeaways…1) Life is Short – Enjoy It; 2) Don’t waste your time living somebody else’s purpose – reach for your own; and If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You…You’re Not Dreaming Big Enough!You can learn more about Joe and his non-profit Creators of Hope at

  • 009-Be Still, Get Clear, Make Space and Find Joy!

    22/05/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    Deborah Kevin shares her inspiring journey of re-connecting with her inner voice and finding joy by becoming still, getting clear and making space in her life. Her message is to trust, listen, dream and believe that it’s possible.You will blossom if you just put one foot in front of the other and don’t get stuck on the “how” exactly you’ll get there. You don’t have to have all the answers in order to begin your journey.

  • 008-1000 Bugs and Your Commitment to a Life On Your Terms?

    08/05/2017 Duration: 12min

    Dr. Schiada breaks down the 7Ls and shares where she is in her journey to create a life on her terms. She encourages you to think about your own process and where you are in the 7L framework. She wants to her from you – what are your questions about the 7L process? What have you done to achieve success in creating a life on your terms and where do you struggle?

  • 007-Are Your Toes Pointed in the Right Direction? An Interview with Yogi Satyam

    01/05/2017 Duration: 56min

    Dr. Schiada interviews Satyam, a yogi who studied in India and has been dedicated to daily practice of meditation and yoga for more than two decades. Satyam provides insight around the first “L”in Dr. Schiada’s 7L framework. He talks about creating space, connection to the mind, listening to your inner compass, pointing your toes in the right direction and the power of being pulled by the outgoing tide. When these things are in alignment, we will shine from the inside out and are on our way to creating a life on our terms!

  • 006-Dr. Schiada Shares the 7Ls and Where She is In Her Journey to Create a Life On Her Terms

    24/04/2017 Duration: 27min

    Dr. Schiada breaks down the 7Ls and shares where she is in her journey to create a life on her terms. She encourages you to think about your own process and where you are in the 7L framework. She wants to her from you – what are your questions about the 7L process? What have you done to achieve success in creating a life on your terms and where do you struggle?

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