Love Life With Matthew Hussey

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 224:25:52
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Matthew Hussey is the worlds leading dating expert for women. He is a New York Times bestselling author, a monthly relationship advice columnist for Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the resident love expert on The Today Show. Love Life is a 360-degree approach to guaranteeing success in your love life, with a focus on Dating, Relationships, Career, Confidence and Family.


  • (Matt Monday): Why Does Dating Feel So Hard In 2024??

    16/09/2024 Duration: 20min

    Why does dating feel so difficult today? It can often seem like it’s a competition to see who can be more “aloof,” who can care less, who can try the least. And when you put in actual effort, it can feel like it even turns people off!    Everyone seems to be looking for someone “rare and special,” but there’s a right way and a wrong way to approach this. In today’s episode, I explore the #1 way to approach dating, advice for texting, and small-but-effective ways to move things forward. ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . →

  • (Rewind): If They Pull Away, Text This Response...

    13/09/2024 Duration: 10min

    What can you do when you feel like you're getting excuses and feel they're pulling away in their texts? If you don't want to play games, here's a simple way you can be honest, vulnerable, but still keep your standards when you respond. ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . →

  • 262: "I Want A Serious Relationship, But They Want To 'See How Things Go'"

    11/09/2024 Duration: 28min

    How do you know is someone is ready for a relationship? What if they use phrases in their dating app like "If the right person came along, I'd be open to a relationship", or "I want to see how things go"? In this episode, Matt, Audrey and Stephen discuss how certain you need to be of someone's intentions in the early dating stages and how you should decide who to invest in so you don't waste your time with the wrong person. ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . →

  • 261: How To Deeply Connect To The Hidden Power Of The Five Hearts w/ Kimberly Snyder

    10/09/2024 Duration: 38min

    Today, Matthew and Audrey sit down for an enlightening conversation with Kimberly Snyder, author of “The Hidden Power of The Five Hearts”.   Kimberly is a New York Times Bestseller and Holistic Wellness Coach who offers practical intelligence on how to deeply connect to your hearts power, enabling you to feel more centered, think clearer, and find emotional balance. Kimberly also shares her powerful tools on how to overcome overthinking and to tap into your deepest confidence, flow and ability to attract meaningful relationships.    Topics include how to:    Get Out Of A Rut And Tap Into Your Intuition Stop Settling And Feeling Unworthy Love Become More Emotionally Resilient Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Burnout Feel More Internally Fulfilled And Empowered Step Into A State Of Flow   >> Get your copy of “The Hidden Power Of The Five Hearts”   >>> Follow Kimberly @_kimberlysnyder and @soulunabyks

  • (Matt Monday): How To Respond To "Bare Minimum" Texting

    09/09/2024 Duration: 17min

    Ever found yourself sitting with your friends trying to "decode" what someone's texts mean, especially when they seem to be giving the bare minimum? And should you respond with the same aloof behavior?    Today’s video will give you some simple techniques for clear communication, show you how to model the behavior you want to see, and give you the confidence to set your standards so you're not waiting around for someone to put in more effort.  ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . →  

  • (Rewind): 3 Mistakes People Make When It Comes To Exclusivity in Dating

    06/09/2024 Duration: 11min

    It’s very easy to avoid having certain conversations in life. And one of the more dangerous forms of avoidance is assuming we’re exclusive when it’s unclear in early dating. So when should you have The Conversation? And what are some of the pitfalls that lead to people being “in limbo” and never really getting the commitment they want? In this episode, Matthew, Stephen and Audrey talk about 3 common mistakes in the early dating stage and how to get clearer about where you really stand.  --- ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . →

  • 260: He Seemed Attracted...Then Pulled Away. Why?

    04/09/2024 Duration: 40min

    Ever felt like you had chemistry and were falling for someone, and then they seem to start texting less, stop scheduling dates, and seem to be fading out? What does this mean? And more importantly, should you have "the conversation" to see where you stand? In this episode, Matthew, Stephen and Audrey talk to a caller who felt the guy she was seeing wasn't interested anymore after he went on vacation. They discuss how to respond and what some the reasons might be behind this behavior. ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . →

  • (Matt Monday): Feel Them Pulling Away? DO NOT Chase; Do THIS Instead!

    02/09/2024 Duration: 20min

    Ever been dating someone who suddenly goes cold when they go on a trip out of town? What happened? And how should you respond to this behavior? Today’s episode is all about what happens when we invest too soon, and how someone’s “radio silence” can trigger our insecurity. I even provide two text messages you can send: one for if they reach back out to you when they’re back in town, and one for when they don’t. BTW, don’t miss our HUGE announcement in this one (it’s right after Audrey’s cheeky cameo). ;) You’ll be one of the first people in the world to try this thing out . . . it’s crazy! ►► 17 Years of Love Life Coaching Experience in Your Pocket Whenever You Need It. Get on the Early Bird List for Matthew AI Now at. . . → ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

  • (Rewind): Heal Your Broken Heart. Starting Now.

    30/08/2024 Duration: 19min

    When your heart gets broken, it can be as painful as any physical trauma. You can't eat. The world seems dark. Your every thought is tinged with a feeling of loss and hopelessness. But there are STILL choices.  And the ones you make now will decide whether you stay feeling broken and defeated, or whether you heal and come back feeling stronger, more confident, and ready to love again. Here's how to get on the right path back to YOU . . . --- ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

  • 259: How to Get Over Narcissists, Cheating, and Heartbreak...the RIGHT Way

    28/08/2024 Duration: 38min

    When you've been betrayed or hurt by someone, you can often ask yourself, "How did I miss the red flags?". And in this reaction you may end up blaming yourself. Especially if you feel like there's a recurring pattern in the people you've chosen to date so far. So what is the role of our own responsibility when we date people who hurt us? And how do we practice self-forgiveness and compassion for ourselves so we don't get caught in a trap of endlessly beating ourselves up for someone else's bad behavior? In this episode Matt, Stephen and Audrey discuss the role of self-compassion vs. accountability, dealing with betrayal, and how to move on from heartbreak the right way. ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . →   ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

  • (Matt Monday): Why They Commit to the NEXT Person

    26/08/2024 Duration: 17min

    “I’m always the person they date right before they find the person they marry . . .” Sound familiar? It can be shocking to find out that someone who always held out on commitment suddenly decides they want marriage and children . . . but only after you break up. At that point, you might be thinking: “Oh, so they were able to change . . . they just didn’t want to change with me.” So how can you recover from this feeling of not being chosen? In today’s episode, I share 3 things you MUST know when you find yourself in this situation and can’t move on. ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

  • (Rewind): 3 Text Messages to Make Them Try Harder in Early Dating

    23/08/2024 Duration: 07min

    Are you tired of people not putting in any effort? I get it, this can be extremely frustrating, especially if you consistently come across people like this. If you’re wondering what you could do to make someone try harder in early dating, I have a powerful concept to share with you that relates to maintaining attraction. Plus, you'll learn how to apply this concept with three powerful messages you can send to communicate your standards in a playful yet effective way that will encourage them to actually pursue you. ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

  • 258: “He Was My First Real Love, And Broke My Heart…"

    21/08/2024 Duration: 28min

    The first time you experience heartbreak is a shattering experience. It's a new pain, it feels like your entire world falls apart, and you don't know if you'll ever feel better. In this episode, Matt and Audrey talk about how to shift your perspective on your heartbreak, the mindset that helps your recover, and how to stop seeing this person as your only path to happiness. ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

  • (Matt Monday): Did You Lose "The One"? Here's What To Do Now.

    19/08/2024 Duration: 29min

    Do you have the heartbreaking feeling that you lost “The One”? Maybe you’re haunted by a mistake you made, or something you said, or just a feeling that you could have done something differently to save the relationship. Here’s the good news: There is a path out of this pain. In today’s episode, I’ll show you 5 ways you can recover after (what you feel was) a love life mistake. Whether you’re mentally beating yourself up or just can’t seem to move on, I’ll show you how to feel better instantly, and what you can do when you see that person again. ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

  • (Rewind): 3 Ways to Find Out If They Are Love Bombing You

    16/08/2024 Duration: 12min

    I’ve heard this story so many times before . . . You go on a date with a guy and instantly, you feel a strong connection. What was supposed to just be drinks turns into dinner, which turns into a 12-hour affair. When you do eventually part ways, you look down at your phone and find a message sitting in your inbox saying, “Can I see you tomorrow?” You feel amazing. Over the next few weeks, it’s a whirlwind. He wants to spend every waking minute together, he’s outspoken about his feelings for you, and upon waking, you always have a “Good morning, gorgeous!” text waiting for you. He may even go so far as to introduce you to his friends and family . . . or say those three little words that so many others have struggled to say to you in the past . . . It’s intense and fast, but it feels so good that you just let the romance sweep you off your feet. Overnight, your life has turned into one of those romantic movie montages that show the highlight reel of a perfect relationship, except instead of the montage spanning

  • 257: Don't Let Your Anxiety Sabotage Your Relationships (What To Do Instead!)

    15/08/2024 Duration: 42min

    There are many ways anxiety can show up in our relationships. When we like someone and worry about them losing interest. When we're waiting for a text back. When we overthink in a relationship.  In this episode, Matt and Audrey talk about the fears that activate anxious behavior in relationships, how to become more aware of your triggers, and simple ways to get more emotional control and calm your anxiety.  ►► Transform Your Relationship with Life in 6 Magical Days... Learn More About My Live Retreat at →   ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... →

  • (Matt Monday): My Honest Advice to Someone Scared Of Dating Again

    12/08/2024 Duration: 34min

    Maybe this will sound familiar: After a few bad dating experiences, you say to yourself, “My life is pretty awesome as it is, so why do I even want someone else disturbing my peace?”   The thought of not having to deal with the dating process may feel like a huge relief in that moment . . . but what actually happens when you decide not to put yourself out there anymore (when deep down, you still want to find love)?    In today’s episode, I share 5 ways you can get back into dating that won’t lead to burnout. You’ll see how to maintain your peace while also giving yourself permission to take small (or even big) swings in love.   ►► Transform Your Relationship with Life in 6 Magical Days... Learn More About My Live Retreat at →   ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... →    

  • (Rewind): 3 Ways to Deal With Rejection in Dating

    09/08/2024 Duration: 11min

    When it comes to dating, does the fear of rejection stop you from being yourself? Whether it’s approaching someone at a coffee shop, reaching out first on an app, or allowing yourself to “let go” whilst on a date, this fear is the very thing that will have you looking back wistfully and saying “What if?” years from now rather than saying “Why not?” in the moment. Of course, in a world where people are constantly trying to curate and filter their lives, it’s no wonder most of us find it scary to try something where validation isn’t guaranteed. And while it might not be possible to feel completely immune to the fear of rejection, there are things you can do to move beyond that paralyzing anxiety. In today’s episode, I’m going to give you three secrets to changing your relationship with rejection . . . --- ►► Transform Your Relationship with Life in 6 Magical Days... Learn More About My Live Retreat at →   ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://

  • 256: "I've Fallen For Someone I Work With...But He's Married"

    08/08/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    What do you do if you meet someone who makes you feel accepted, safe, happy, and you truly connect...but they're already in a relationship? And even worse, they may tell you that they are unhappy in their marriage and want to spend time more with you. Should you give them an ultimatum? Or should you walk away? Matthew and Audrey answer a listener facing this exact dilemma right now, explain why this happens, and break down what the best options are in this difficult situation.  ►► Transform Your Relationship with Life in 6 Magical Days... Learn More About My Live Retreat at →   ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://

  • (Matt Monday): How I Got Over Shyness and Social Anxiety (And You Can Too!)

    05/08/2024 Duration: 28min

    Are you someone who dreads big social gatherings? Or you want to hide under the covers at the thought of being seen in a crowd, meeting new people, or going on a first date?  In this episode, Matt talks about his own early experience with being a "shy kid", the psychology behind social anxiety (and what makes it worse), and some powerful mindset shifts that can put us in state of relaxed confidence. ►► Transform Your Relationship with Life in 6 Magical Days... Learn More About My Live Retreat at →   ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → ►► Striking up Conversation Can Be Intimidating. Get 9 Effortless Ways to Create Conversation That Feel Natural and Simple at. . . →

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