Pastor Martin Richling

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 84:07:00
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This Radio Broadcast will teach TRUTH...aright !



    16/11/2014 Duration: 01h49min

    Pastor Martin Richling leads a LIVE Radio Broadcast that will play hymns and also speak of appropriate holy scriptures. Every SUNDAY, millions of people are deceived by deceived pastors.  The PASTOR is supposed to feed the flock with knowledge and understanding.  He is supposed to be a pastor after God's own heart.  He is supposed to be the principal of the flock.  HE IS SUPPOSED TO MAGNIFY THE LIFE OF CHRIST JESUS IN HIS BODY ! But sadly, and truthfully, most pastors today are not even saved.  And of the few who are saved, MOST OF THEM do not obey by faith, THE COMMANDMENT OF THE EVERLASTING GOD found in the AKJB for the establishing of the believer.  (Romans 16:25-27)  With the results being, a show of their flesh, and being professional church players !  CHRISTIANITY IS A JOKE !  But we will continue to teach and preach THE TRUTH to the few who want it... THINK!  It's your soul...

  • RENOUNCING THE FOOL AND HERETICK paul kidd from "dockidds" on YouTube !

    28/10/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will be RENOUNCING this totally BLIND, DECEIVED, FOOL named "paul kidd" from his YouTube channel called...  "dockidds."  This LYING MINISTER OF SATAN has on his main page to pray a prayer sincerely to get saved.  And the true child of God who is established in the faith KNOWS prayer is a... WORK ! Almost 34,000 BLIND FOOLS have subscribed to this fool on YouTube.  WHY?  Because we live in an age where TRUTH LIES IN THE STREET !  Very few are VALIANT FOR THE TRUTH today: BUT WE ARE VALIANT FOR THE TRUTH here at TSABS. All this fool is, is a STORYTELLER !  A teacher of FABLES !  And he THINKS he is so special, that JESUS came to him in a dream:  I GUESS HE NEVER READ 2nd Corinthians 5:7  "(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)" THINK !  It's your soul...


    25/10/2014 Duration: 39min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will be preaching LIVE on this Radio Broadcast, WHAT YOU MUST DO TO BE SAVED FROM HELL ! This is THE BROADCAST that you want to tell all your LOST family and friends and everyone you know, to listen to. Romans chapters 1 through 4 will be PREACHED (not taught)... PREACHED ! And if you are a believer already, it will give you great edification regarding HOW TO PREACH God's Gospel Tract: Romans chapters one through four. TELL ALL ABOUT IT !  And do not miss this Broadcast !  ETERNAL SOULS ARE AT STAKE HERE !


    24/10/2014 Duration: 08min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will teach in this LIVE Radio Broadcast the truth regarding the gospel of John for salvation today, as it STANDS ALONE. Many deceived FOOLS pass out just copies of the gospel of John to LOST PEOPLE today, thinking that a LOST person can get saved reading it today. NOT TRUE !  And this LIVE Radio Broadcast will prove this. Makes you wonder why, then, these people pass out the gospel of John alone, to LOST PEOPLE... THINK !  It's your soul...


    23/10/2014 Duration: 55min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School, will prove in this LIVE Radio Broadcast, that, AT ONE TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY, there was a MAN (or men) at the Gideons who understood truth regarding JUSTIFICATION in the eyes of God. From 1941 through 1958 the Gideons had it right when it came to directing LOST PEOPLE what to do for salvation in the front of their Bibles.  But that was THEN... Today, not only do the Gideons have NO CLUE on what God is doing today, they have put something in their SATANIC bibles that is so evil, that HELL AWAITS the deceived readers of their lying bibles. THINK !  It's your soul...


    22/10/2014 Duration: 01h38min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School teaches the truth regarding water baptism today in the dispensation of the grace of God. Because MOST pastors and Bible teachers do not rightly divide the word of truth, they have taught their deceived flocks wrongly, regarding the doctrine of water baptism in the age of grace.  With the results being, that the few believers out there, do not stand in being COMPLETE IN CHRIST as the holy scriptures teach. Do join us for this LIVE Radio Broadcast to learn about the folly of water baptism today; for ANY REASON. You will be thankful you did...!


    18/10/2014 Duration: 01h25min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will be doing a LIVE Radio Broadcast today as he cannot wait until Monday ! Do join us for Hymns and other spiritual talk centered upon the Lord Jesus Christ. The GOOD FOLKS at BTR tell me that most of the 'bugs' have been worked out in the NEW PRO STUDIO and we shall see ! I might even be calling out to some of the saints in the be ready.  But maybe not...hehehe TUNE IN SOON !


    28/09/2014 Duration: 49min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will be broadcasting a LIVE Sunday Morning SHOW to test out the NEW BTR PRO STUDIO SOUND. And even though all the 'bugs' have not been worked out just yet, the SOUND IS ABSOLUTELY GREAT in this new PRO STUDIO ! Much KUDOS to Brian and the others at BTR for developing this new Studio for the hosts at BTR. So, enjoy the Broadcast and any comments on the SOUND of the NEW PRO STUDIO are welcomed ! Farewell !


    27/09/2014 Duration: 02h07min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will have a MOST EXCELLENT TIME in this LIVE Broadcast indeed!  We will be taking a look at how MUSICK (yes, I spelled it aright: check your Bibles) reflects the norms and standards of the CURRENT society of which it plays.   There have always been Military Bands since our country was founded.  But there has ONLY been one "President's Own" UNITED STATES MARINE BAND.  And in that Band's most unique history, there has only been ONE Frederic Erdman and ONE Lucas Spiros.  AND NOT JUST BY NAME: but by accomplishment. Both of these men I have known since I was a young teenager and they will be our honored guests in this LIVE Broadcast.  DO PLAN ON LISTENING to this most wonderful broadcast as we travel back into yesteryear, when righteousness truly did EXALT this nation and I will PROVE that it was reflected in its music as well. Go to "Freddie's" website and get his BOOK: GUARANTEED NOTES from Amazon ~

  • THE BIBLE TAUGHT ARIGHT (Romans Chapter 10) Part Four Final Lesson

    26/09/2014 Duration: 32min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School concludes his 4 Part series of lessons on Romans chapter 10.   It has been clearly PROVEN by Pastor Richling in these lessons, that the Preachers who use Romans chapter 10 to justify telling LOST PEOPLE to pray, or ask, or call upon God to forgive them, are TOTALLY DECEIVED.  And their being deceived is a direct result of them being UNLEARNED AND UNSTABLE when it comes to the faith. They are NOT established in the faith and they are deceiving the ignorant people they teach their lies unto. The TRUTH has been taught in these lessons.  And if rejected, you will be destroyed. THINK!  It's your soul...

  • THE BIBLE TAUGHT ARIGHT (Romans Chapter 10) Part Three

    25/09/2014 Duration: 33min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School continues in this LIVE Broadcast the most excellent expounding and teaching of Romans chapter 10 to the listening Audience. HOW SHOCKING to see that so many PREACHERS are so deceived!  Nothing is more important than TRUTH!  And all need to know truth BEFORE they die. By now, you should be understanding how these UNLEARNED AND UNSTABLE preachers WREST the scriptures.  If you are NOT getting it yet, you need to GET SAVED, as most likely you are LOST.  Read John 8:47 THINK!  It's your soul...

  • THE BIBLE TAUGHT ARIGHT (Romans Chapter 10) Part Two

    24/09/2014 Duration: 26min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School continues in the teaching of Romans chapter 10 aright to the listeners of this Radio Broadcast.   As you are starting to now see, the FOOLS who use Romans chapter 10 to speak to LOST PEOPLE, are simply wresting the scriptures.  They are UNLEARNED and UNSTABLE FOOLS who know nothing. This is very important to understand for your own soul's sake.  For if you do not know TRUTH, you can never discern the lies being told to you. THINK!  It's your soul...

  • THE BIBLE TAUGHT ARIGHT (Romans Chapter 10) Part One

    23/09/2014 Duration: 56min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will begin teaching Romans chapter 10 aright in this LIVE BROADCAST. Most Pastors, Preachers, and Teachers, (because of their being UNSTABLE) have no idea what Romans chapter 10 is talking about.  They wrest the scriptures and try to make it FIT for today: which it does not. Starting in this LIVE Broadcast, we will begin a series of 4 Broadcasts that will PROVE the truth regarding Romans chapter 10 and that way, once you KNOW TRUTH, you will easily be able to see the LIES that are being told to you. THINK!  It's your soul...  


    20/09/2014 Duration: 02h39min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will speak about various and sundry things in this LIVE Radio Broadcast.  You will enjoy this Broadcast very much and you are free to call in if you so desire and have something of value in things eternal to say. There are SO MANY LYING MINISTERS OF SATAN on this earth who are wresting the holy scriptures and quite frankly, it is DISGUSTING !  So, we are going to talk about the various doctrines that are being TWISTED, PERVERTED, and WRESTED by these fools ! DO JOIN US for this LIVE BROADCAST ! IT WILL HELP YOUR SOUL !

  • HERETICK Pastor Kent Black Heart Mountain Baptist Church Powell, WYOMING

    19/09/2014 Duration: 01h36min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will renounce this "CHRIST-LIKE" counterfeit FOOL who thinks he is a "Christian" and is to be LIKE JESUS. Most Pastors are just like this DOLT.  They are FAKE, PHONY, CHURCH PLAYING FOOLS, who know nothing about truth and are deceived and are deceiving the souls of MILLIONS on this earth. TRUTH IS THE ISSUE.  Nothing less and nothing more...  And if you do not GET TRUTH INTO YOUR SOULS BEFORE YOU DIE, you will wind up like this FOOL ! THINK!  It's your souls..  

  • HERETICK Patrick THE FREEWILL BAPTIST of Sharing the Truth in LOVE

    18/09/2014 Duration: 01h56min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will RENOUNCE THIS FOOL Patrick, THE FREEWILL BAPTIST, of Sharing the Truth in Love in this LIVE Radio Broadcast. Pastor Richling has in time past, contacted this FOOL to help him.  Yet, he THINKS he is sharing the TRUTH to people: but it will be proved that he does not even KNOW TRUTH and thereby, cannot share anything with anybody except his own thinking. He, like all the others, was invited to speak with me before the LIVE Broadcast, and he was welcomed to be a guest on the Broadcast.  But he has to spend time with his family he said... Poor family...  For if they listen TO HIM, they will be WITH HIM, in the flames of HELL ! THINK!  It's your souls..

  • HERETICK Pastor David E. Burkholder Trinity Baptist Church Austin Texas.

    17/09/2014 Duration: 01h51min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will renounce this FOOL, David Burkholder, who just like SO MANY... tell... LOST PEOPLE TO WORK TO GET SAVED. In a world that is filled with FAKE, PHONY, LIARS who speak ANOTHER GOSPEL and ANOTHER JESUS to lost people, this minister of Satan is right there with them telling the LOST to pray the Sinner's Prayer to get saved. As things get worse and worse in this world, you all need to learn TRUTH while you can. THINK!  It's your soul...

  • HERETICK Pastor Don Green of Parker Memorial Baptist Church Lansing Michigan

    16/09/2014 Duration: 01h27min

    Pastor Martin Richling of The Scriptures Alone Bible School will show you all that this HERETICK, is just like all the rest of the HERETICKS out there, who know NOTHING when it comes to real Bible truth. The Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7:22 that "MANY" who think they are saved, are LOST and on their way to HELL. This is because of the UNSTABLE PASTORS OUT THERE like this FOOL, Don Green who think they know what they are talking about when they hold a Bible in their hands and PREACH AND TEACH IT !   THINK!  It's your soul...  


    11/09/2014 Duration: 01h03min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School, a former Roman Catholic, will teach aright in this LIVE Radio Broadcast, exactly what the Bible says regarding Mary, the mother of JESUS. Roman Catholic tradition has LIED about Mary and has turned her into a modern day IDOL.  And it is a shame indeed, because that is NOT what the scriptures teach regarding Mary. Do join us for this LIVE Broadcast and you will learn the truth about Mary.  And as in all TRUTH, once made known and believed, it will MAKE YOU FREE. THINK!  It's your soul...


    10/09/2014 Duration: 01h57min

    Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will teach the truth regarding KNOW NOTHING PREACHERS that make their living carrying a Bible, and yet KNOW NOTHING. God says this in His BOOK ! After listening to this LIVE BROADCAST, you will have the doctrine in you to determine if your preacher falls into the category of KNOWING NOTHING, according to the scriptures alone. DO NOT MISS THIS BROADCAST!  Most people are sitting under KNOW NOTHING preachers, and to be taking in their teachings into your souls, will mean, that YOU KNOW NOTHING AS WELL. God says they know nothing: not me. THINK!  It's your soul...

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