Green St Green Baptist Church Sermons



Sermons from John Presdee and others who attend Green Street Green Baptist Church


  • The Eunuch, bi-location powered by the Gospel.


    The story of Peter being called away to new and uncharted territories independently of the leaders in Jerusalem or the status quo. This is the beginning of the spread of the Gospel from Jerusalem to the rest of the world. God called Peter to pioneer the Gospel outwards, to cause the fire to spread from Jerusalem. A risky business, but his obedience caused him to intersect with person who would spread the fire to Africa. And where the Gospel goes, it is faithfully backed by power from on high! Even Bi-location!

  • Phases of mission.


    Mission? It is actively breaking barriers building bridges, there are no no go areas for us in mission! There is a truth that the whole world needs to hear, they are ALL precious to the Lord. That is the message in any mission. When people become lepers, divisions are broken down, they are all in the same boat. We must get that into our heads before we think we can begin to reach out to anyone. Kumar shares his heart on mission from the front line.

  • Suffering through bible tinted glasses


    The reality of the gospel includes suffering, so how do we deal with that? Adrian takes a look at the bigger picture of suffering presented throughout the pages of the bible

  • The wake up call - Stephens stoning


    Stephen recounts the history of Israel and what it was all about. Surprisingly, there is grace in the law.

  • On the floor, on the fence or on the front line


    Ananias and Saphira were lying to the Holy Spirit. When the message of the Gospel is bursting fourth here, it is essential that God has all of the heart. But it is Gods grace that he brought these people home to be with him. This chapter displays dramatically the difference of three types of people, those who are flawed by God, those who sit on the fence, and those who are ready to be on the front line for him!

  • Disturbing the peace


    We are disturbing the peace. Thats what heppens when God gets involved! "Fit in" stuff like food bank and other charitable things are good, the beggar was lifted into place daily by very pious people and God wants that, but there is a higher paradigm that makes things uncomfortable. Thats why we need the Spirit of boldness! Where are you living? What is your source? Are you in the church or in the Kingdom? Logical argument or Revelation? the Romans had no problem with religion but the Gospel proclaimed JESUS. A King, not ust a religion. When we come up against the peace dwellers we should pray to God starting with "Soverign Lord" When we pray in difficulty like this, pray with a great pig picture of who God is! The prayer they prayed wasn't to ask God to take it away but to give them strength to go through it! God and man working together is Gods plan. All of God and none of me is nonsense! It is about the grace of God moving through us! And God gives us grace for when we need it! Now! God came and fille

  • The great alternative - Bring your worship to the streets


    The Holy Spirit meets us in our meetings. This was a challenge to take the presence of God onto the streets. With the boldness of Jehosophat who said, "I don't know what to do but I look to God".

  • Im Special


    God loves each one of us individually, how is that possible as we are all so different! It is a personal love we have with God that is special to us as individuals, sometimes we simply need reminding that we are special!

  • The Church goes into orbit


    Power came as they prayed and proclaimed, and multiplication happened. The Holy Spirit coming on the believers caused the church to be launched into orbit! As you proclaim you authenticate the message. There is no theological stuff about church planting and evangelism here, they had no think tanks, mission strategies, all the things that make us secure and confident, so that we could do without God. All they had was God! Up to ten thousand people were saved in a very short time. Becoming a Christian in the early church was a matter of life and death, the very thing that was purifying, and causing people to become disciples was taken away by Constantine when Christianity became popularised. These early believers were simply driven by God. Why don't you take hold of what is yours in the Holy Spirit!

  • Comfort zones


    It is often when God calls us to new things it means coming out of old comfort zones. Corinna is representing BMS world mission and shares some of the gems born from "out of the comfort zone". It is an encouragement to persevere through difficulties, to stay with it through the breaking down of your comfort zones and continue on with the call God has for you.