Big Flats Wesleyan Church



Big Flats Wesleyan Church Podcasts


  • Cravings (Audio)


    How many times have you ruined a good meal by eating too much junk beforehand? Peter calls us out and tells us to just "put away" our sinful desires. Like getting stomach pains, these desires are often a signal that we haven't been...

  • Time Traveling Holiness (Audio)


    Ever imagine what life would be like if you could just be...perfect? When Jesus returns, we will be changed in an instant to be like Him. We need to think about that person often. It is who we are called to live toward! We are called to be holy...

  • A Timeless Salvation (Audio)


    "Foreknown," "born again," "salvation ready to be revealed in the last time"... Where in time does our salvation occur? God is not confined by time. Our salvation has been planned: past, present, and future! The...

  • Strong and Courageous #6: Set Free (Audio)


    Strike while the iron's hot? It is good to be excited about where God is taking us and how He provides for us. However, we often get so caught up in those things that we don't make the time to listen to every whisper from Him. Before we...

  • Strong and Courageous #5: Remember (Audio)


    Do you remember when...? There are many moments lost to time and stories we do not tell. Our lives are so often defined by which moments we let our minds dwell on. Don't forget how good God is! God wants to use every story, pleasant or...

  • Strong and Courageous #4: In the River (Audio)


    Are you in need of a miracle? Israel needed to cross a flooding river and many of us have overwhelming challenges to face. God always has a plan, but are we willing to stand strong in His timing? He is faithful and worthy of our trust. Hold fast...

  • Strong and Courageous #3: A Faithful Welcome (Audio)


    A prostitute helped God's people enter into His promise. No one is meant to be put in a box. In fact, God loves to shatter our expectations and use the most unlikely people to do His work. Who are we to exclude others from His amazing...

  • Strong and Courageous #2: Help Others (Audio)


    Feeling entitled? When we've been blessed, it's tempting to sit back and enjoy our own interests. However, we have a desperate calling to disciple others. There is a cost: we have to give up comfort, invest ourselves, prepare for conflict...

  • Strong and Courageous #1: Obey God's Word (Audio)


    Wars. Division. Pollution. Abuse. If there's anytime to be fearful, now is one of them. But throughout Scripture we see God giving out a similar command: Be Strong and Courageous. These are the exact words God spoke to Joshua as he was appointed...

  • Excuses, Excuses (Audio)


    Nobody like the guy who is always giving excuses for why a job didn't get done or why a project turned out wrong. But what about us? Have we ever hid behind excuses before? What about regarding the question of who Jesus is? Any excuses come to mind?