Answers With Ken Ham



Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 950 radio stations.


  • Why Am I Here?


    The biblical worldview says all things were created for Christ. So, I’m here to bring glory and honor to Christ!

  • So, Who Am I?


    I don’t think there’s a bigger question being asked today, especially by the younger generations, than: “who am I?”

  • Answering Life’s Questions


    This week we’ll look at four “ultimate questions” and see the contrast between how the secular and the biblical worldview answer these questions.

  • A Little Water and a Lot of Time?


    Some say the rock layers in Grand Canyon were laid down over millions of years, and the Colorado River slowly eroded through those layers, producing a canyon.

  • Ape-Men or Ape Varieties?


    Evolutionists usually appeal to the fossil record which contains a wide variety of primates. But we know God created apes and humans and nothing in between!

  • Same Time, Different Places


    Dinosaurs are divided into three main groups. Now this is because certain dinosaurs appear only in certain rock layers. How should we interpret this fact?

  • The Same Plants and the Same Animals


    We understand God put massive amounts of diversity into each kind so they can adapt to a changing world.

  • Same Universe, Different Views


    Creationists and evolutionists both study the same universe and come to very different interpretations! Why?

  • Why Do They Keep Looking?


    So why do they keep looking? Well, because evolutionary scientists, in their own foolish wisdom, think they can use the present to explain the past.

  • Another One Bites the Dust


    Tiktaalik is a fish fossil that supposedly had the beginnings of “legs.” Is this creature the missing link?

  • Our Great-Grandma Lucy?


    Tiktaalik is a fish fossil that supposedly had the beginnings of “legs.” Is this creature the missing link?

  • A Very Fishy Fossil


    Tiktaalik is a fish fossil that supposedly had the beginnings of “legs.” Is this creature the missing link?

  • A Dino-Bird?


    Evolutionists have long upheld Archaeopteryx as a missing link between birds and dinosaurs. But what’s the evidence for that?

  • Who Controls the Future?


    Climate change is one of today’s hot topics, influencing everything from policy to couples’ decisions about children.

  • Answers for Life


    Our culture claims to value everyone but then celebrates the murder of unborn children, promote racist ideas, and support euthanasia. It’s all so inconsistent!

  • Male and Female, He Created Them


    What is a woman? Well, that question’s sparked a lot of debate. One Justice even said she couldn’t answer because she’s not a biologist!

  • The God of Self?


    What’s the god of this age? Well, for the younger generations, it’s identity. They worship self and their subjective feelings about self.

  • God Created Marriage!


    Our culture is very confused when it comes to sexuality. But there are answers for this confusion, and they start in Genesis.

  • The Bible Is Enough


    Don’t get trapped thinking if God would just speak to you or answer all your questions then you’d have real faith or feel close to God. Go to his Word!

  • Are We Missing Hidden Knowledge?


    Christians today aren’t the first to wonder about the parts of Jesus’ life the Bible doesn’t comment on.

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