Answers With Ken Ham



Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 950 radio stations.


  • An Explosion of Civilization?


    In the evolutionary worldview, humans lived for tens of thousands of years without doing much at all. That makes no sense.

  • Years and Years of Nothing?


    The Bible’s history does. Mankind was created just thousands of years ago!

  • Genesis Is the Key


    Have you ever heard a sermon on Genesis chapter 11? Most Christians haven’t, and yet this event is important for properly understanding the world around us.

  • Is There Any Hope?


    Our world’s a mess. So, what do we do about it? The secular worldview says fix man’s environment, fix man’s problems—though that never seems to work, does it?

  • What’s Wrong With Everything?


    This world’s broken: people treat one another horribly, there’s always war happening somewhere, and sickness and death bring unbearable suffering.

  • Why Am I Here?


    The biblical worldview says all things were created for Christ. So, I’m here to bring glory and honor to Christ!

  • So, Who Am I?


    I don’t think there’s a bigger question being asked today, especially by the younger generations, than: “who am I?”

  • Answering Life’s Questions


    This week we’ll look at four “ultimate questions” and see the contrast between how the secular and the biblical worldview answer these questions.

  • A Little Water and a Lot of Time?


    Some say the rock layers in Grand Canyon were laid down over millions of years, and the Colorado River slowly eroded through those layers, producing a canyon.

  • Ape-Men or Ape Varieties?


    Evolutionists usually appeal to the fossil record which contains a wide variety of primates. But we know God created apes and humans and nothing in between!

  • Same Time, Different Places


    Dinosaurs are divided into three main groups. Now this is because certain dinosaurs appear only in certain rock layers. How should we interpret this fact?

  • The Same Plants and the Same Animals


    We understand God put massive amounts of diversity into each kind so they can adapt to a changing world.

  • Same Universe, Different Views


    Creationists and evolutionists both study the same universe and come to very different interpretations! Why?

  • Why Do They Keep Looking?


    So why do they keep looking? Well, because evolutionary scientists, in their own foolish wisdom, think they can use the present to explain the past.

  • Another One Bites the Dust


    Tiktaalik is a fish fossil that supposedly had the beginnings of “legs.” Is this creature the missing link?

  • Our Great-Grandma Lucy?


    Tiktaalik is a fish fossil that supposedly had the beginnings of “legs.” Is this creature the missing link?

  • A Very Fishy Fossil


    Tiktaalik is a fish fossil that supposedly had the beginnings of “legs.” Is this creature the missing link?

  • A Dino-Bird?


    Evolutionists have long upheld Archaeopteryx as a missing link between birds and dinosaurs. But what’s the evidence for that?

  • Who Controls the Future?


    Climate change is one of today’s hot topics, influencing everything from policy to couples’ decisions about children.

  • Answers for Life


    Our culture claims to value everyone but then celebrates the murder of unborn children, promote racist ideas, and support euthanasia. It’s all so inconsistent!

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