Gut Talk



Struggling with digestive issues, IBS, fatigue, anxiety? Join Jen for short, convenient, 10 minute audio blogs, book reviews, and advice for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.


  • Are GMO’s Making You Sick?

    12/02/2015 Duration: 11min

    GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) are plant whose DNA has been altered. Certain genes from bacteria and viruses are taken and forced into the plants which creates unnatural proteins. The main reason for genetic engineering is so crops will be resistant to weed killer. You’ve probably heard of Roundup. This weed killer is produced by Monsanto who is the primary corporation behind GMO crops.All conventional soy, corn, cotton, sugar beets, and alfalfa seeds are genetically modified as Roundup ready seeds.This means that these crops are being sprayed with Roundup and surviving, which means that we are consuming them. The Roundup gets absorbed into these crops which makes them toxic. When we consume these products, we are consuming highly toxic food. Scientists have actually claimed that Roundup is the most chronically toxic chemical on the planet due to its widespread use.Sign up to receive my digestion guide: "3 Ways to Improve Your Digestion in 30 Days or Less" at 

  • 8 Fantastic Foods to Heal Your Gut

    11/02/2015 Duration: 09min

    If you’re struggling with chronic digestive problems, autoimmune disease, or chronic inflammation, then it is very likely your gut is damaged. All disease begins in the gut and spreads to other areas of the body. So, whether you’re suffering from chronic headaches, skin conditions, depression, joint pain, or digestive issues, you must first put out the fire in your gut.The good news is that you can start doing this immediately with the foods you eat. You might be thinking that I’m going to talk about bone broth, but I’m going to provide some other options for you.It’s critical that you remove the inflammatory foods such as grains, sugar, dairy, and processed foods and add in healing, anti-inflammatory foods. If you’re following a Paleo diet, I imagine you’ve taken many of these inflammatory foods out. However, there are some specific Paleo-friendly foods that you can focus on consuming on a regular basis to promote healing.If you’d like a protocol to help heal your gut, check out my Heal Your Digestion Online

  • How to Treat IBS

    29/01/2015 Duration: 12min

    Are you part of the 1 billion people in the world who have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? How did you feel when you received your diagnosis? Were you hopeful that you would be given a treatment that would cure you of your symptoms? I know I was. However, no such thing exists.Why? Because IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Your doctor has ruled out all other diseases and you’re left with a bunch of symptoms without a known cause. All of the medications available for IBS are designed to help with the symptoms; they are not designed to cure you of the underlying cause. And in my case, the medicines didn’t help.Fortunately, that is all changing. Research is confirming that we may actually know the cause of IBS. To make the long story short, it appears that IBS may actually be SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).

  • 4 Paleo Foods to Avoid if You Struggle with Digestive Issues

    08/01/2015 Duration: 10min

    As one who has struggled with chronic digestive issues for over a decade, I have learned a thing or two about the relationship between food and the gut. I have spent the last 2 years experimenting with several types of diets, and I have found the Paleo lifestyle to work really well for me. My body seems to thrive on clean animal protein, fresh vegetables and a lot of healthy fats.However, as I was healing my gut, I found that there were some healthy Paleo foods that needed to be avoided until my digestive system was functioning better.If you’re struggling with digestive issues and you’re following a Paleo diet, try avoiding the types of foods below for 30 days. While all of these foods are Paleo-approved and very healthy, they tend to cause problems for those with digestive issues. 

  • Constipated? Try These Natural Remedies

    29/12/2014 Duration: 13min

    42 million people in the US alone complain of constipation. It’s no wonder we’re a constipated nation with our chronic stress and inflammatory diet. There are also people out there who are constipated and don’t even realize it.If you have healthy bowels, then you should be eliminating waste 1-3 times per day, and your stool should be a 4 or 5 on the Bristol Stool Chart. If you are eliminating less than once per day, then you are constipated. If you have to strain and spend 30 minutes on the toilet, then you are constipated.While many people just try to fix it themselves and resort to over-the-counter laxatives and enemas, these remedies are not safe long-term.In this episode I'll discuss a few natural remedies that can help improve your elimination and help you start feeling better.