Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast



CPA Exam Study Tips & Tactics and Accounting Career Advice. Jeff Elliott is a Licensed CPA (KS) and founder of - the most-visited CPA Exam site on the planet.


  • FAR CPA Exam Frustrations | Another71 Podcast 107


    CPA Exam Podcast 107 covers FAR CPA Exam Frustrations, passing with Only NINJA CPA Review, getting College Credit for CPA Review Classes, Rewriting CPA Exam Notes, getting a 2024 CPA Exam Credit Extension, and using the Excel file in NINJA CPA Sparring classes. Includes: 1. Frustrated After Failing FAR 3 Times 2. Roger + NINJA Study Framework 3. Is NINJA CPA Review Enough to Pass? 4. How to take a CPA Review Course for College Credit 5. How to Rewrite Notes for the CPA Exam 6. 2024 CPA Exam Credit Extensions 7. How to use the NINJA CPA Sparring Excel File

  • States with 2024 CPA Exam Credit Extensions


    "Life got in the way and now I am determined to acquire my CPA. 1. When does the new CPA Exam format come in? 2. What order would you recommend sitting the courses - is it FAR - AUD - REG - BEC? 3. Will there be any changes with the time and when you lose courses that you previously passed with the new CPA Exam format? Is it still within 18 months after the first pass?"

  • How to Study for the CPA Exam at Work with NINJA Audio


    "I’d like to know if I can listen to the NINJA Audio while working without looking at the NINJA Book or the Notes."

  • CPA Exam Score Release Dates (January – July 2023)


    CPA Exam Score Release Dates (January - July 2023): January 11February 7February 22March 17April 11May 9May 24June 16July 11 See Also ➤ CPA Score Release Updates

  • CPA Exam Questions Not Covered in CPA Review Lectures


    "I take BEC in three weeks and need help comprehending the application of the CPA Exam concepts. I recently took BEC and scored 62. I did well in the Economics portion but struggled with Internal Control, COSO principles, Financial management, and IT. Is there a way to better comprehend the material? I am going through the notes, and sometimes it makes sense, then sometimes, I have no idea what the question is asking. Currently, I have Roger CPA Review and Ninja. I did all of the modules for Roger CPA. I review my notes for each section, but I am just memorizing information, not comprehending it. I am getting started with NINJA, and I wish the notes and lectures fit better with the MCQs. Some MCQ topics aren't heavily covered in the lectures and are sometimes very lightly touched on in the notes."

  • When to use the NINJA CPA Cram Course


    "Where are previous NINJA CPA CRAM sessions that I can access? I am using Becker CPA Review + NINJA, and take Regulation in one week."

  • NINJA Only Path: NINJA Book vs Sparring Lectures


    "I have been studying for a few weeks and struggling to figure out the best study method to pass the CPA Exam with NINJA Only. Should I read the NINJA book first, watching a NINJA Sparring session? Could you recommend a study plan for me so that I can take my FAR exam in 4 weeks?"

  • Reading CPA Exam Book vs Watching Roger CPA Review Lectures


    "I am looking for a CPA study plan where I can utilize Roger CPA Review and Ninja together. What is the best way to combine UWorld Roger CPA and Ninja? Some of the sections in Roger CPA Review don't line up with Ninja. I am reading the Ninja book first, then reading the Roger book and taking notes if things need to be clarified and better explained in either book. I am then reading the Ninja notes. The Ninja notes help me understand what I read from Ninja, but the sections are different in Roger. Is there a more efficient method that I should use with both CPA Review programs to maximize my study sessions?"

  • Passing FAR CPA Exam in 2 Weeks with Expiring Credit


    "I've passed Auditing and Regulation and take my FAR CPA Exam in two weeks, and I am still figuring out where to focus. I'm two weeks from my exam, and I've not made any monumental progress since my last sitting for FAR. The issue is my reg exam expires on the 12th. The current methodology is to rep out as many mcqs as possible in a 1-1:30 hr time frame and subsequently take 30 mins to review the questions I've missed. I have been reviewing sims on the weekends when I have more time."

  • How to Study for CPA Exam and Work 50 Hours in Busy Season


    "I am looking for the best way to use both Surgent CPA Review and Ninja to pass the AUD exam on short notice. I took the exam two weeks ago and failed with a 68. I had a Surgent CPA Review ReadyScore of 61. Surgent CPA recommends a Ready Score of 80 or higher. I am doing multiple choice questions, lectures, and audio lectures from Ninja CPA during work hours and currently working 50 hours per week in a CPA firm performing tax and accounting work during busy season. I have three children at home, so time can be challenging to come by. I am new to NINJA CPA, but I am enjoying the platform so far."

  • 2024 CPA Exam Blueprints: 3 Things I Like

    11/01/2023 Duration: 01min

    In this video, I quickly cover three things I like about the 2024 CPA Exam Blueprints.

  • Post-CPA Exam Score Release Tips


    Now that the first CPA score release of 2023 has come and gone, here are some (super-quick) Post-CPA Exam Score Release tips for those who passed their exams and, more importantly, those who came up short.

  • First CPA Exam Score Release of 2023 | Another71 Podcast 106


    In Another71 Podcast 106, I cover the 2023 CPA Exam Score Release Dates, Roger CPA Review + NINJA study plans, How to Cram for FAR in 2 weeks, & More. Includes: 1. First CPA Exam Score Release of 2023 2. Roger + NINJA for FAR 3. Surgent + NINJA for AUD 4. When to use NINJA Cram 5. NINJA Only: Book vs. Sparring 6. How to Cram for FAR in 2 weeks 7. Roger + NINJA for BEC

  • How to Find Motivation to Pass the CPA Exam?


    "What do you do to stay motivated to pass the CPA Exam? I'm having a tough time with focus after leaving work especially during this holiday season."

  • How to Study for FAR CPA Exam & Remember the Material?


    "I used NINJA as a supplement with Becker CPA Review. I am currently studying FAR. I have a question related to how to retain so much data and information? I study one FAR CPA Exam module, but as I am on modules 4-5, I start to forget module 1. There is so much data. I am feeling scared about how it will be covered? I completed it two months back, but started studying again. Now I have an exam in January. Please help me with any study tips you have."

  • Are NINJA CPA Task Based Simulations enough to Pass the CPA Exam?


    "Are the NINJA CPA Sims enough to get prepared for the CPA Exam task-based simulations?"

  • When to Start Studying for CPA Exam 8 years after college?


    "I’m 41. Have 3 kids. I have been out of school for 8 years+. Planning on taking FAR in March. How long does it take the brain to get into study mode and start studying for the CPA Exam?"

  • Why Do So Many People Fail CPA Exam Auditing?


    Ask Jeff Question: "Howdy, Jeff. I see many people failing CPA Exam auditing, including myself, even as I score mid to high 80s on CPA practice tests. What would you estimate is the main tripping point for us? Many thanks for all you do."

  • Superfast CPA Review vs NINJA CPA | What’s the Difference?


    "What's the difference between NINJA CPA & Superfast CPA Review?"

  • How to Stop Second-Guessing Yourself on Practice CPA Exam Questions


    "Alright, Jeff, how do I keep myself from second-guessing every MCQ answer? This is my second go-around (my first try was seven years ago before life got in the way)…. and I had this issue then too. Whenever I do an MCQ, I find the answer and second guess myself on practice CPA Exam questions, and 75% of the time, I was initially correct. I tell myself not to second guess, but I still do. Any study tips??? Please?"

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